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unprofitable well

  • 1 unprofitable well

    1. скважина, не приносящая дохода

    Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > unprofitable well

  • 2 unprofitable well

    скважина, не приносящая дохода

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > unprofitable well

  • 3 unprofitable well

    скважина, не приносящая дохода
    * * *
    скважина, не выгодная для эксплуатации
    скважина, не приносящая дохода

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > unprofitable well

  • 4 unprofitable well

    2) Нефтегазовая техника непромышленная скважина, скважина, не выгодная для эксплуатации

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > unprofitable well

  • 5 unprofitable

    1) нерентабельный, невыгодный, неприбыльный; бездоходный

    It involved the country in an inglorious, unprofitable, and interminable war. — Страна оказалась втянутой в бесчестную и невыгодную нескончаемую войну.

    2) непромышленный; невыгодный для эксплуатации ( о месторождении)

    unprofitable well — скважина, не приносящая дохода

    Англо-русский современный словарь > unprofitable

  • 6 Well

    [Wellington] веллингтон (свита отдела леонард пермской системы, Среднеконтинентальный район)

    * * *

    to abandon a well — ликвидировать скважину;

    to bean a well back — снижать дебит фонтанирующей скважины;

    to bean a well up — повышать дебит фонтанирующей скважины;

    to blow a well — открывать фонтанирующую скважину на короткое время (для удаления воды, песка);

    to bring a well in — вызывать приток пластового флюида в скважину;

    to bump off a well — отсоединять насосную скважину от группового привода;

    to case a well — обсаживать ствол скважины;

    to complete a well — заканчивать скважину;

    to dry up a well — откачивать жидкость из скважины;

    to flow a well hard — эксплуатировать фонтанирующую скважину с максимально возможным дебитом;

    to flush a well out — промывать скважину;

    to hand off a well — отсоединять насосную скважину от группового привода;

    to junk a well — ликвидировать скважину;

    to kill a well — глушить скважину (уравновешивать пластовое давление);

    to knife a well — чистить скважину (от парафина) скребками;

    to line a well — обсаживать ствол скважины;

    to mud a well up — подавать буровой раствор в скважину (после бурения с продувкой);

    to place a well on choke — начинать дросселировать поток из скважины с помощью штуцера;

    to plug up a well — устанавливать в скважину цементную пробку (с целью её ликвидации);

    to pull a well — ликвидировать скважину с извлечением лифтовых труб и насосного оборудования;

    to put a well on production — вводить скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to put a well on the pump1. начинать насосную эксплуатацию скважины; 2. устанавливать насосный подъёмник в скважине

    to rework a well — восстановить дебит скважины;

    to rock a well — возбуждать приток в скважине попеременным открытием и закрытием устья;

    to shoot a well — торпедировать скважину;

    to shut down a well — консервировать скважину (в процессе строительства);

    to shut in a well — закрывать скважину, останавливать скважину (устьевой задвижкой);

    to strip a well — попеременно двигать колонны насосных штанг и лифтовых труб в скважине (для предотвращения скопления парафина);

    to suspend a well — законсервировать строящуюся скважину;

    to test a well — измерять дебит скважины;

    to wake up a well — вызывать приток пластового флюида в скважину;

    well on the pump — насосная скважина;

    * * *
    скважина; колодец

    * * *

    * * *
    2) резервуар; компенсационный колодец, отстойник, зумпф

    well has stopped flowing naturally — скважина прекратила естественное фонтанирование;

    well imperfect due of method of completion — скважина, несовершенная по способу заканчивания;

    well in operation — действующая скважина;

    well kicked off natural — скважина, начавшая фонтанировать без возбуждения, без тартания и без кислотной обработки;

    well off — простаивающая скважина;

    well on the beam — скважина с насосным подъёмником;

    well on the pump — насосная скважина;

    well out of control — открыто фонтанирующая скважина; скважина, фонтанирование которой не удается остановить ();

    well out of operation — бездействующая скважина;

    well put into production — скважина, введённая в эксплуатацию;

    well set on packer — скважина, оборудования пакером;

    to bean a well back — снижать дебит фонтанирующей скважины;

    to bean a well up — повышать дебит фонтанирующей скважины;

    to blow a well clean — продувать скважину;

    to bring a well in — вызывать приток пластового флюида в скважину;

    to bring in a well — ввести скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to bump off a well — отсоединять насосную скважину от группового привода;

    to cap a well — ликвидировать скважину;

    to case a well — крепить скважину обсадными трубами, обсаживать ствол скважины;

    to complete a well — 1) подготавливать скважину к эксплуатации 2) заканчивать скважину;

    to drill a well — бурить скважину;

    to drive a well — бурить скважину;

    to dry up a well — откачивать жидкость из скважины;

    to dual a well — 1) эксплуатировать одновременно два горизонта в скважине 2) использовать силовую установку одной скважины для эксплуатации другой;

    to flow a well hard — эксплуатировать фонтанирующую скважину с максимально возможным дебитом;

    to flush a well out — промывать скважину;

    to get a well back on production — возвращать скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to hand a well off — прекращать насосную эксплуатацию скважины;

    to hand off a well — отсоединять насосную скважину от группового привода;

    to junk a well — ликвидировать скважину;

    to line a well — крепить скважину обсадными трубами, обсаживать ствол скважины;

    to place a well on choke — начинать дросселировать поток из скважины с помощью штуцера;

    to prepare a well for production — подготавливать скважину к эксплуатации;

    to pull a well — ликвидировать скважину с извлечением насосно-компрессорных труб и насосного оборудования;

    to put a well back on production — возвращать скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to put a well into production — вводить скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to put a well on production — вводить скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to put a well on stream — вводить скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to put a well on the pump — 1) начинать насосную эксплуатацию скважины 2) устанавливать насосный подъёмник в скважине;

    to return a well on production — возвращать скважину в эксплуатацию; повторно вводить скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to rework a well — восстановить дебит скважины;

    to rock a well — возбуждать приток в скважине попеременным открытием и закрытием устья;

    to shoot a well — торпедировать скважину;

    to shut in a well — закрывать скважину; останавливать фонтанирование; останавливать скважину ( устьевой задвижкой);

    to start a well — приступать к бурению скважины;

    to strip a well — попеременно двигать колонны насосных штанг и насосно-компрессорных труб в скважине ( для предотвращения скопления парафина);

    to suspend a well — консервировать строящуюся скважину;

    to test a well — измерять дебит скважины;

    to test a well for production — испытывать скважину на приток;

    to wake up a well — вызывать приток пластового флюида в скважину;

    to wash a well into production — вводить скважину в эксплуатацию понижением уровня воды;

    to wash a well out — промывать скважину;

    - abandoned condensate well
    - abandoned gas well
    - abandoned oil well
    - abandoned oil-and-gas well
    - abnormal-pressure well
    - absorption well
    - Abyssinian well
    - adjacent well
    - adjoining well
    - appraisal well
    - artesian well
    - barefooted well
    - barren well
    - base well
    - beam well
    - beam-pumped well
    - belching well
    - benchmark well
    - blow well
    - blowing well
    - blowout well
    - blue sky exploratory well
    - borderline well
    - bore well
    - Braden head gas well
    - breakthrough well
    - breathing well
    - brought-in well
    - cable-tool well
    - cased well
    - cased-through well
    - cemented-up well
    - center well
    - closed-in well
    - close-spaced wells
    - cluster well
    - commercial well
    - completed well
    - condensate well
    - confirmation well
    - connected well
    - controlled directional well
    - converted gas-input well
    - cored well
    - corner well
    - corrosive well
    - cratering well
    - crooked well
    - curved well
    - dead well
    - declined well
    - deep well
    - deflected well
    - development well
    - development gas well
    - development test well
    - deviated well
    - deviating well
    - dewatering well
    - directional well
    - directionally drilled well
    - discovery well
    - disposal well
    - diving well
    - down-dip well
    - drain-hole well
    - drawn well
    - drawned-out well
    - drill well
    - drill ship well
    - drill ship center well
    - drilled well
    - drilled gas-input well
    - drilled water-input well
    - drilling well
    - driven well
    - drowned well
    - dry well
    - dual well
    - dual-completion well
    - dual-completion gas well
    - dual-completion oil well
    - dually-completed well
    - dual-pumping well
    - dual-zone well
    - edge well
    - exception well
    - exhausted well
    - exploratory well
    - extension well
    - field well
    - field development well
    - fill-in well
    - flank well
    - flooded well
    - flowing well
    - flowing producing oil well
    - fresh-water well
    - fully penetrating well
    - gas well
    - gas-injection well
    - gaslift well
    - geophysical well
    - geothermal well
    - gurgling well
    - gusher well
    - hand dog well
    - head well
    - high-flow-rate well
    - high-pressure well
    - horizontal well
    - hydrodynamically imperfect well
    - hydrodynamically perfect well
    - hypothetical well
    - image well
    - imperfect well
    - inactive well
    - inclined well
    - individual well
    - infill well
    - injection well
    - injured well
    - input well
    - inspection well
    - intake well
    - intracontour well
    - isolated-branched well
    - jack well
    - junked well
    - key well
    - kicking well
    - killed well
    - killer well
    - leaking well
    - line well
    - low pressure well
    - marginal well
    - medium-depth well
    - monitor well
    - most probably well
    - mudded well
    - mudded-up well
    - multipay well
    - multiple-completion well
    - multiple-string small diameter well
    - multiple-zone well
    - multistring well
    - natural well
    - neighboring well
    - noncommercial well
    - nonproducing well
    - nonproductive well
    - observation well
    - off-pattern injection well
    - off-structure well
    - offset well
    - offshore well
    - oil well
    - old well drilled deeper
    - old well plugged back
    - old well worked-over
    - old abandoned well
    - on-structure well
    - on-the-beam well
    - on-the-pump well
    - open hole well
    - orifice well
    - out-of-control well
    - outpost extension well
    - output well
    - overhauled well
    - partially penetrating well
    - paying well
    - perfect well
    - perforated well
    - perimeter well
    - piestic well
    - pinch-out well
    - pioneer well
    - pipe well
    - planned well
    - platform well
    - plugged-and-abandoned well
    - pressure well
    - pressure-observation well
    - pressure-relief well
    - producing well
    - producing oil well
    - producing oil-and-gas well
    - production well
    - prolific well
    - prospect well
    - pumped well
    - pumper well
    - pumping well
    - pumping producing oil well
    - purposely deviated well
    - purposely slanted well
    - quadruple completion well
    - recipient wells
    - recovery well
    - relief well
    - returned well to production
    - rod-line well
    - running well
    - salt-dome well
    - salt-up well
    - salt-water well
    - salt-water disposal well
    - salt-water injection well
    - sand well
    - sand-clogged well
    - sanded well
    - sanded-up well
    - sanding-up well
    - sand-plugged well
    - sand-producing well
    - sand-up well
    - sandy well
    - satellite well
    - seabed well
    - selective water-injection well
    - service well
    - shallow well
    - shut-in well
    - shut-in gas well
    - shut-in oil well
    - side well
    - single well
    - single-completion well
    - single-jacker well
    - single-string well
    - slanted well
    - slim hole well
    - special well
    - staggered wells
    - steam well
    - steam-injection well
    - step-out well
    - straight well
    - stratigraphic well
    - stratigraphic test well
    - stripped well
    - stripper well
    - strong well
    - structure test well
    - subsalt well
    - sunken well
    - superdeep well
    - supply well
    - surging well
    - suspended well
    - temporarily abandoned well
    - temporarily shut-in well
    - test well
    - triple-completion well
    - tubed well
    - turnkey well
    - twin well
    - two-casing well
    - two-string well
    - ultradeep well
    - underwater well
    - unloading well
    - unprofitable well
    - untubed well
    - upstream well
    - vertical well
    - waste disposal well
    - water well
    - water-dependent well
    - water-disposal well
    - water-free well
    - water-injection well
    - water-producing well
    - water-supply well
    - wet well
    - wide-spaced wells
    - wild well
    - wild gas well
    - wildcat well
    - worked-over well
    - workover well
    * * *

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > Well

  • 7 well

    4. отстойник, зумпф

    dual completion gas well — газовая скважина, законченная в двух горизонтах

    dual completion oil well — нефтяная скважина, законченная в двух горизонтах

    multiple string small diameter well — скважина, пробуренная для одновременной и раздельной эксплуатации нескольких продуктивных горизонтов, в которую спущено две и более эксплуатационных колонн малого диаметра

    well out of control — скважина, фонтанирование которой не удаётся закрыть; открыто фонтанирующая скважина

    well producing from … — эксплуатационная скважина, проведенная на (такой-то) пласт

    * * *

    to abandon a well — ликвидировать скважину;

    to bean a well back — снижать дебит фонтанирующей скважины;

    to bean a well up — повышать дебит фонтанирующей скважины;

    to blow a well — открывать фонтанирующую скважину на короткое время (для удаления воды, песка);

    to bring a well in — вызывать приток пластового флюида в скважину;

    to bump off a well — отсоединять насосную скважину от группового привода;

    to case a well — обсаживать ствол скважины;

    to complete a well — заканчивать скважину;

    to dry up a well — откачивать жидкость из скважины;

    to flow a well hard — эксплуатировать фонтанирующую скважину с максимально возможным дебитом;

    to flush a well out — промывать скважину;

    to hand off a well — отсоединять насосную скважину от группового привода;

    to junk a well — ликвидировать скважину;

    to kill a well — глушить скважину (уравновешивать пластовое давление);

    to knife a well — чистить скважину (от парафина) скребками;

    to line a well — обсаживать ствол скважины;

    to mud a well up — подавать буровой раствор в скважину (после бурения с продувкой);

    to place a well on choke — начинать дросселировать поток из скважины с помощью штуцера;

    to plug up a well — устанавливать в скважину цементную пробку (с целью её ликвидации);

    to pull a well — ликвидировать скважину с извлечением лифтовых труб и насосного оборудования;

    to put a well on production — вводить скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to put a well on the pump1. начинать насосную эксплуатацию скважины; 2. устанавливать насосный подъёмник в скважине

    to rework a well — восстановить дебит скважины;

    to rock a well — возбуждать приток в скважине попеременным открытием и закрытием устья;

    to shoot a well — торпедировать скважину;

    to shut down a well — консервировать скважину (в процессе строительства);

    to shut in a well — закрывать скважину, останавливать скважину (устьевой задвижкой);

    to strip a well — попеременно двигать колонны насосных штанг и лифтовых труб в скважине (для предотвращения скопления парафина);

    to suspend a well — законсервировать строящуюся скважину;

    to test a well — измерять дебит скважины;

    to wake up a well — вызывать приток пластового флюида в скважину;

    well on the pump — насосная скважина;

    * * *
    скважина; колодец

    * * *

    * * *
    2) резервуар; компенсационный колодец, отстойник, зумпф

    well has stopped flowing naturally — скважина прекратила естественное фонтанирование;

    well imperfect due of method of completion — скважина, несовершенная по способу заканчивания;

    well in operation — действующая скважина;

    well kicked off natural — скважина, начавшая фонтанировать без возбуждения, без тартания и без кислотной обработки;

    well off — простаивающая скважина;

    well on the beam — скважина с насосным подъёмником;

    well on the pump — насосная скважина;

    well out of control — открыто фонтанирующая скважина; скважина, фонтанирование которой не удается остановить ();

    well out of operation — бездействующая скважина;

    well put into production — скважина, введённая в эксплуатацию;

    well set on packer — скважина, оборудования пакером;

    to bean a well back — снижать дебит фонтанирующей скважины;

    to bean a well up — повышать дебит фонтанирующей скважины;

    to blow a well clean — продувать скважину;

    to bring a well in — вызывать приток пластового флюида в скважину;

    to bring in a well — ввести скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to bump off a well — отсоединять насосную скважину от группового привода;

    to cap a well — ликвидировать скважину;

    to case a well — крепить скважину обсадными трубами, обсаживать ствол скважины;

    to complete a well — 1) подготавливать скважину к эксплуатации 2) заканчивать скважину;

    to drill a well — бурить скважину;

    to drive a well — бурить скважину;

    to dry up a well — откачивать жидкость из скважины;

    to dual a well — 1) эксплуатировать одновременно два горизонта в скважине 2) использовать силовую установку одной скважины для эксплуатации другой;

    to flow a well hard — эксплуатировать фонтанирующую скважину с максимально возможным дебитом;

    to flush a well out — промывать скважину;

    to get a well back on production — возвращать скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to hand a well off — прекращать насосную эксплуатацию скважины;

    to hand off a well — отсоединять насосную скважину от группового привода;

    to junk a well — ликвидировать скважину;

    to line a well — крепить скважину обсадными трубами, обсаживать ствол скважины;

    to place a well on choke — начинать дросселировать поток из скважины с помощью штуцера;

    to prepare a well for production — подготавливать скважину к эксплуатации;

    to pull a well — ликвидировать скважину с извлечением насосно-компрессорных труб и насосного оборудования;

    to put a well back on production — возвращать скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to put a well into production — вводить скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to put a well on production — вводить скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to put a well on stream — вводить скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to put a well on the pump — 1) начинать насосную эксплуатацию скважины 2) устанавливать насосный подъёмник в скважине;

    to return a well on production — возвращать скважину в эксплуатацию; повторно вводить скважину в эксплуатацию;

    to rework a well — восстановить дебит скважины;

    to rock a well — возбуждать приток в скважине попеременным открытием и закрытием устья;

    to shoot a well — торпедировать скважину;

    to shut in a well — закрывать скважину; останавливать фонтанирование; останавливать скважину ( устьевой задвижкой);

    to start a well — приступать к бурению скважины;

    to strip a well — попеременно двигать колонны насосных штанг и насосно-компрессорных труб в скважине ( для предотвращения скопления парафина);

    to suspend a well — консервировать строящуюся скважину;

    to test a well — измерять дебит скважины;

    to test a well for production — испытывать скважину на приток;

    to wake up a well — вызывать приток пластового флюида в скважину;

    to wash a well into production — вводить скважину в эксплуатацию понижением уровня воды;

    to wash a well out — промывать скважину;

    - abandoned condensate well
    - abandoned gas well
    - abandoned oil well
    - abandoned oil-and-gas well
    - abnormal-pressure well
    - absorption well
    - Abyssinian well
    - adjacent well
    - adjoining well
    - appraisal well
    - artesian well
    - barefooted well
    - barren well
    - base well
    - beam well
    - beam-pumped well
    - belching well
    - benchmark well
    - blow well
    - blowing well
    - blowout well
    - blue sky exploratory well
    - borderline well
    - bore well
    - Braden head gas well
    - breakthrough well
    - breathing well
    - brought-in well
    - cable-tool well
    - cased well
    - cased-through well
    - cemented-up well
    - center well
    - closed-in well
    - close-spaced wells
    - cluster well
    - commercial well
    - completed well
    - condensate well
    - confirmation well
    - connected well
    - controlled directional well
    - converted gas-input well
    - cored well
    - corner well
    - corrosive well
    - cratering well
    - crooked well
    - curved well
    - dead well
    - declined well
    - deep well
    - deflected well
    - development well
    - development gas well
    - development test well
    - deviated well
    - deviating well
    - dewatering well
    - directional well
    - directionally drilled well
    - discovery well
    - disposal well
    - diving well
    - down-dip well
    - drain-hole well
    - drawn well
    - drawned-out well
    - drill well
    - drill ship well
    - drill ship center well
    - drilled well
    - drilled gas-input well
    - drilled water-input well
    - drilling well
    - driven well
    - drowned well
    - dry well
    - dual well
    - dual-completion well
    - dual-completion gas well
    - dual-completion oil well
    - dually-completed well
    - dual-pumping well
    - dual-zone well
    - edge well
    - exception well
    - exhausted well
    - exploratory well
    - extension well
    - field well
    - field development well
    - fill-in well
    - flank well
    - flooded well
    - flowing well
    - flowing producing oil well
    - fresh-water well
    - fully penetrating well
    - gas well
    - gas-injection well
    - gaslift well
    - geophysical well
    - geothermal well
    - gurgling well
    - gusher well
    - hand dog well
    - head well
    - high-flow-rate well
    - high-pressure well
    - horizontal well
    - hydrodynamically imperfect well
    - hydrodynamically perfect well
    - hypothetical well
    - image well
    - imperfect well
    - inactive well
    - inclined well
    - individual well
    - infill well
    - injection well
    - injured well
    - input well
    - inspection well
    - intake well
    - intracontour well
    - isolated-branched well
    - jack well
    - junked well
    - key well
    - kicking well
    - killed well
    - killer well
    - leaking well
    - line well
    - low pressure well
    - marginal well
    - medium-depth well
    - monitor well
    - most probably well
    - mudded well
    - mudded-up well
    - multipay well
    - multiple-completion well
    - multiple-string small diameter well
    - multiple-zone well
    - multistring well
    - natural well
    - neighboring well
    - noncommercial well
    - nonproducing well
    - nonproductive well
    - observation well
    - off-pattern injection well
    - off-structure well
    - offset well
    - offshore well
    - oil well
    - old well drilled deeper
    - old well plugged back
    - old well worked-over
    - old abandoned well
    - on-structure well
    - on-the-beam well
    - on-the-pump well
    - open hole well
    - orifice well
    - out-of-control well
    - outpost extension well
    - output well
    - overhauled well
    - partially penetrating well
    - paying well
    - perfect well
    - perforated well
    - perimeter well
    - piestic well
    - pinch-out well
    - pioneer well
    - pipe well
    - planned well
    - platform well
    - plugged-and-abandoned well
    - pressure well
    - pressure-observation well
    - pressure-relief well
    - producing well
    - producing oil well
    - producing oil-and-gas well
    - production well
    - prolific well
    - prospect well
    - pumped well
    - pumper well
    - pumping well
    - pumping producing oil well
    - purposely deviated well
    - purposely slanted well
    - quadruple completion well
    - recipient wells
    - recovery well
    - relief well
    - returned well to production
    - rod-line well
    - running well
    - salt-dome well
    - salt-up well
    - salt-water well
    - salt-water disposal well
    - salt-water injection well
    - sand well
    - sand-clogged well
    - sanded well
    - sanded-up well
    - sanding-up well
    - sand-plugged well
    - sand-producing well
    - sand-up well
    - sandy well
    - satellite well
    - seabed well
    - selective water-injection well
    - service well
    - shallow well
    - shut-in well
    - shut-in gas well
    - shut-in oil well
    - side well
    - single well
    - single-completion well
    - single-jacker well
    - single-string well
    - slanted well
    - slim hole well
    - special well
    - staggered wells
    - steam well
    - steam-injection well
    - step-out well
    - straight well
    - stratigraphic well
    - stratigraphic test well
    - stripped well
    - stripper well
    - strong well
    - structure test well
    - subsalt well
    - sunken well
    - superdeep well
    - supply well
    - surging well
    - suspended well
    - temporarily abandoned well
    - temporarily shut-in well
    - test well
    - triple-completion well
    - tubed well
    - turnkey well
    - twin well
    - two-casing well
    - two-string well
    - ultradeep well
    - underwater well
    - unloading well
    - unprofitable well
    - untubed well
    - upstream well
    - vertical well
    - waste disposal well
    - water well
    - water-dependent well
    - water-disposal well
    - water-free well
    - water-injection well
    - water-producing well
    - water-supply well
    - wet well
    - wide-spaced wells
    - wild well
    - wild gas well
    - wildcat well
    - worked-over well
    - workover well
    * * *

    Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > well

  • 8 скважина, не приносящая дохода

    Русско-английский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > скважина, не приносящая дохода

  • 9 непромышленная скважина

    1) Engineering: noncommercial well
    3) Oil&Gas technology unprofitable well

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > непромышленная скважина

  • 10 непромышленная скважина

    * * *
    noncommercial producer, noncommercial well

    Русско-английский словарь по нефти и газу > непромышленная скважина

  • 11 скважина, не выгодная для эксплуатации

    Oil&Gas technology unprofitable well

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > скважина, не выгодная для эксплуатации

  • 12 скважина, не приносящая дохода

    Универсальный русско-английский словарь > скважина, не приносящая дохода

  • 13 no

    1 not.
    no sé I don't know
    no es fácil it's not easy, it isn't easy
    no tiene dinero he has no money, he hasn't got any money
    no veo nada I can't see anything
    todavía no not yet
    ¿has oído las noticias? — no have you heard the news? — no o no, I haven't
    ¿aprobó? — no did she pass? — no o no, she didn't
    ¿comen juntos? -- no siempre do they go for lunch together? -- not always
    no fumadores non-smokers
    2 no, not.
    no, nah, no way, nay.
    * * *
    1 ( nordoeste) northwest; (símbolo) NW
    * * *
    1) no, not
    2) non
    * * *
    = noroeste NW
    * * *
    (= noroeste) NW
    * * *
    = by no means, NOT, nay, no, not.
    Nota: Negación usada con verbos; para los nombres, véase no.
    Ex. However, UDC is by no means always applied to this degree of detail in libraries.
    Ex. The Boolean logic operator NOT excludes records containing a particular word.
    Ex. Said another timidly, nay, sheepishly: 'You can see we need help, can't you Mr. Bibeau?'.
    Ex. In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.
    Ex. The Boolean logic operator not excludes records containing a particular word.
    * alfabeto no romano = non-Roman alphabet.
    * aún no nacido = unborn.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * catalogación no automatizada = non-computerised cataloguing.
    * con datos no pertinentes = dirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.].
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * documento recuperado no pertinente = false drop.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * evaluación no intrusiva = unobtrusive evaluation.
    * información no codificada = non-coded information.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * material no devuelto = non-return.
    * material no impreso = non-print [nonprint], non-print media.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * ¿no? = do you?, do you?.
    * no {predisponer} en contra = stay on + the right side of.
    * no abandonar = stick with, stand by.
    * no abrasivo = non-abrasive.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no académico = non-academic.
    * no acentuado = unaccented.
    * no aceptar = disavow.
    * no aceptarse = go by + the board.
    * no aceptar un no por respuesta = not take + no for an answer.
    * no acercarse a = steer + clear of, stay away from, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * no acercarse a Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no ácido = acid-free.
    * no acostumbrado a = unfamiliar with.
    * no actual = non-current.
    * no actuando en capacidad de autor = non-authorial.
    * no actuar como se debe = be remiss.
    * no actuar correctamente = be remiss.
    * no actuar debidamente = be remiss.
    * no acudir = stay away.
    * no acuoso = non-aqueous.
    * no admitir discusión = be out of the question.
    * no adosado = detached.
    * no afectado = unaffected.
    * no afectar = be immune against, leave + unaffected.
    * no afiliado = unaffiliated.
    * no afín = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no agobiarse = take + Posesivo + time.
    * no agravante = non-exacerbating.
    * no agrupado = unclustered.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no aguantar ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no alcanzar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no alergénico = non-allergenic.
    * no alfabetizado = non-literate.
    * no amante de la literatura = non-literary.
    * no americano = non-US, un-American.
    * no amortizable = irredeemable.
    * no analizado = unexamined.
    * no anclado = unanchored.
    * no andar con reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar con tapujos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * no andarse con rodeos = call + a spade a spade.
    * no antes de = no sooner than.
    * no añorar el pasado = never + look back.
    * no aparecer = be not included.
    * no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.
    * no aprovechar Algo lo suficiente = under-exploit [underexploit].
    * no aprovechar el potencial = fall (far) short of + potential, fall (far) behind + potential.
    * no apto para menores = X-rated.
    * no arrepentirse = not look back, never + look back.
    * no arriesgarse = play it + safe.
    * no asignado = unallocated, unassigned.
    * no asistencia = non-attendance.
    * no asistente = non-attender [nonattender].
    * no asistir = stay away.
    * no atendido = unsatisfied.
    * no atreverse a = flinch at/from, have + no stomach for.
    * no atreverse a tratar = fear to + tread.
    * no auténtico = unauthentic.
    * no autorizado = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unapproved.
    * no avanzar = tread + water.
    * no avanzar más = go + no further.
    * no bajarse del burro = stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * no bastar = not be good enough.
    * no bibliográfico = non-book [nonbook], non-bibliographic, non-bibliographical.
    * no bibliotecario = non-librarian.
    * no británico = non-UK.
    * no buscarle las pulgas al perro = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no cabe ni un alfiler = no room to swing a cat.
    * no caber en sí de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * no cambiar = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work, stand + pat.
    * no canjeable = irredeemable.
    * no cantante = nonsinger.
    * no cantes victoria antes de tiempo = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
    * no captar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no ceder = stand + Posesivo + ground, put + Posesivo + foot down.
    * no ceder a las presiones = withstand + pressure.
    * no ceder terreno = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * no centrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no científico = unscientific.
    * no cobrado = uncollected.
    * no codificado = non-coded.
    * no coercitivo = non-coercive.
    * no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.
    * no coincidente = ill matched.
    * no colar = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no comentado = unannotated.
    * no comercial = non-profit making, non-commercial [noncommercial].
    * no compatible = non-compatible.
    * no compensatorio = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * no comprender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no comprobado = untested.
    * no comprometido = uncommitted.
    * no concebirse desde ningún punto de vista = be impossible under any hypothesis.
    * no concentrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no concentrar el esfuerzo = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * no concordar con = be at odds with.
    * no conducir a nada = be exercises in + futility.
    * no conductual = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no confirmado = unsubstantiated.
    * no conformarse con un no = not take + no for an answer.
    * no conmovedor = unmoving.
    * no conocer a Alguien de nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conocer a Alguien para nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.
    * no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.
    * no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.
    * no consumible = nonconsumptive.
    * no consumidor = nonconsumptive.
    * no contagioso = non-contagious.
    * no contaminado = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * no contar = be out of the picture.
    * no contar con = leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no contar con la aprobación = frown on/upon.
    * no contencioso = non-contentious.
    * no convencional = non-conventional.
    * no convexo = nonconvex [non-convex].
    * no corregido = uncorrected.
    * no correlativo = non-consecutive.
    * no correr prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no corroborado = unsubstantiated.
    * no creerse Algo al pie de la letra = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no crítico = non-critical.
    * no cualificado = unskilled.
    * no cuestionarse la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspend + disbelief.
    * no cumplido = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no cumplir = fall + short of, welsh on.
    * no cumplir con el plazo de publicación = miss + publication deadline.
    * no cumplir con + Posesivo + deber = be remiss.
    * no cumplir las expectativas = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo prometido = fall + short of + Posesivo + promise.
    * no cumplir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * no cumplir un objetivo = fall + short of goal.
    * no cumplir unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.
    * no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.
    * no cursar una asignatura = skip + grades.
    * no dar crédito a = disbelief.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + oídos = not believe + Posesivo + ears.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + ojos = not believe + Posesivo + eyes.
    * no dar fruto = come to + nothing.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a Algo = think + little of.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no darle importancia a = think + very little about/of.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no dar ningún resultado = give + zero results, be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.
    * no darse por vencido fácilmente = not take + no for an answer.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no debemos + Infinitivo = let us not + Infinitivo.
    * no deber nada = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * no + deber + sorprender que = it + be + not surprising that.
    * no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastas = don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge a book by its cover.
    * no debidamente reconocido = unsung.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir nada nuevo = much ado about nothing.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * no de comportamiento = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no de conducta = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no decreciente = non-decreasing.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * no definido = unstated.
    * no definirse = sit on + the fence.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no deliberado = unintentional.
    * no del todo maduro = underripe.
    * no democrático = undemocratic.
    * no desanimarse = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no descansar en + Posesivo + tumba = spin + in + Posesivo + grave.
    * no descriptor = non-descriptor.
    * no deseado = unwanted, undesired, uninvited.
    * no desfallecer = keep up.
    * no desgastarse fácilmente = wear + well.
    * no desglosable = unbreakable.
    * no desmerecer = compare + favourably.
    * no destructivo = non-destructive.
    * no desvelar + Posesivo + identidad = protect + Posesivo + identity.
    * no determinista = nondeterministic [non-deterministic].
    * no devolverse = be non-refundable.
    * no diferenciador = nondistinctive.
    * no diferenciarse de = be nothing short of.
    * no digno de confianza = untrustworthy.
    * no discapacitado = able-bodied.
    * no disciplinario = impunitive.
    * no discriminatorio con respecto al sexo = gender neutral.
    * no disponible = not applicable [N/A].
    * no disponible para el préstamo = not-loanable.
    * no dispuesto = unprepared.
    * no distinguir entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * no distintivo = nondistinctive.
    * no distribuido = undelivered, undelivered.
    * no docente = non-teaching.
    * no económico = non-economic [noneconomic].
    * no educativo = non-teaching, non-educational.
    * no efímero = non-volatile [nonvolatile].
    * no eléctrico = nonelectrical [non-electrical].
    * no encontrar nada + Adjetivo = find far from + Adjetivo.
    * no encontrar ni el pie ni la cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no en inglés = non-English.
    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.
    * no entender ni una papa de = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no entendido por la materia = outsider.
    * no entregado = undelivered.
    * no envío = non-shipment.
    * no epiléptico = non-epileptic.
    * no es asombroso que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no escatimar = unstinting.
    * no escatimar dinero = lavish + money.
    * no escatimar gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no escrito = unwritten.
    * no es de extrañar que = no wonder that, small wonder that.
    * no es de sorprender que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no esencial = non-essential [nonessential].
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * no especialista = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no especializado = broader-based.
    * no especificar = leave + undefined.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * no esta disponible = be down.
    * no estándar = non-standard [nonstandard].
    * no estar + Adjetivo + en absoluto = be far from + Adjetivo.
    * no estar a la altura de las expectativas = fall below + expectations.
    * no estar a la altura de lo que se espera = fall below + expectations, be below par, be under par.
    * no estar al tanto de = be out of touch with.
    * no estar bien equilibrado = skew.
    * no estar contento = be unhappy.
    * no estar convencido = be dubious.
    * no estar coordinado con = be out of step with.
    * no estar de acuerdo = be at variance, disagree, beg to differ.
    * no estar de acuerdo (con) = disapprove (of).
    * no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.
    * no estar de suerte = be out of luck.
    * no estar deteriorado = unimpaired.
    * no estar disponible = be unavailable.
    * no estar dispuesto a = be unwilling to, be negatively disposed to.
    * no estar documentado = be undocumented.
    * no estar en condiciones de = be unfit for.
    * no estar en el mejor momento de Uno = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en funcionamiento = be down.
    * no estar en plenitud de facultades = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en + Posesivo + cabales = insane.
    * no estar en sintonía con = be out of step with.
    * no estar expuesto al público = be out of the public eye.
    * no estar familiarizado con = be unfamiliar with.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no estar incluido = be not included.
    * no estar muy católico = feel + bad.
    * no estar muy lejos de = be just one step away from.
    * no estar nada + Adjetivo = be anything but + Adjetivo.
    * no estar nunca satisfecho = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * no estar presente en = be absent (from).
    * no estar relacionado con = be unrelated to.
    * no estar seguro = be uncertain.
    * no estar seguro de = be unsure about/of.
    * no estar utilizable = be down.
    * no es una ciencia exacta = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no es un misterio = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no exacerbado = non-exacerbating.
    * no examinado = unexamined.
    * no exclusivo = non-exclusive.
    * no excluyente = inclusive, socially-inclusive.
    * no existe = not applicable [N/A].
    * no existir = be out of the picture.
    * no existir como tal = there + be + no such thing as, there + be + no such thing as.
    * no existir límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no existir ningún indicio de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no experto = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no explorado = unexplored.
    * no explosivo = non-explosive.
    * no expresado = unspoken, unstated.
    * no expuesto a la luz = unexposed.
    * no falla = reliable.
    * no faltar el respeto = be civil towards.
    * no familiarizado con = unfamiliar with.
    * no ferroso = non-ferrous [nonferrous].
    * no fibroso = non-fibrous.
    * no figurar = be not included.
    * no fijado = non-net.
    * no fructificar = come to + nothing.
    * no fumador = non-smoker, non-smoking.
    * no funcionar = be out of order.
    * no funcionario = untenured, non-tenured.
    * no + Futuro = won't [will not].
    * no ganado = unearned.
    * no guardar relación con = be incommensurate with.
    * no gubernamental = non-government, non-governmental [nongovernmental].
    * no gustar = have + a dislike for, dislike, be uncomfortable + Gerundio, be uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable + Gerundio.
    * no haber = be unavailable.
    * no haber consecuencias = nothing + come of.
    * no + haber + dos + Nombre que = no two + Nombre.
    * no haber duda de que = there + be + no doubt that.
    * no haber duda (que) = there + be + no question (that).
    * no haber forma de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber indicios de que = there + be + no indication that.
    * no haber límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no haber llegado todavía = be yet to come.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no + haber + nada como = there + be + nothing like.
    * no haber nada de verdad en = there + be + any/no truth to.
    * no + haber + nada malo en = there + be + nothing wrong in/with.
    * no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.
    * no haber pero que valer = not take + no for an answer.
    * no haber prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no haber señal de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no habiendo = in the absence of.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * no hacer Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no hacer Algo por cobardía = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer Algo por miedo = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer caso = brush aside.
    * no hacer caso a = turn + Posesivo + back on.
    * no hacer caso de = slight.
    * no hacer los deberes = be asleep at the wheel.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no hacer nada = vegetate, veg out.
    * no hacer nada al respecto = leave + unchecked.
    * no hacer nada de particular = do + nothing in particular.
    * no hacer ninguna gracia = not take + kindly to.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no hacer otra cosa que = do + nothing but.
    * no hacer sino = do + no more than.
    * no hay = there ain't [there aren't/isn't].
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no hay duda de que = undoubtedly.
    * no hay escapatoria = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay forma de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay límite(s) = the sky is the limit.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = every cloud has a silver lining, be a blessing in disguise, to every cloud, there is a silver lining.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay más remedio = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay nada como = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada imposible = all bets are off.
    * no hay nada mejor que = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada oculto = what you see is what you get.
    * no hay + Nombre + que sean = no + Nombre + be.
    * no higroscópico = non-hygroscopic.
    * no hindú = non-Hindu.
    * no homosexual = straight man.
    * no humano = non-human [nonhuman].
    * no hurgar en la herida = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no idéntico = non-identical.
    * no identificado = unnamed.
    * no idoneidad = unsuitability.
    * no impacientarse con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * no importa = never mind, regardless of, whatever.
    * no importa + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que seaAdjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * no importa cómo = no matter how.
    * no importa lo + Adjetivo + que + Subjuntivo = no matter how + Adjetivo.
    * no importa lo bien = no matter how well.
    * No importa lo que se conoce, sino a quién se conoce = It's not what you know, but who you know.
    * no importa qué = whatever.
    * no importar = be all right with + Persona, make + no difference, cope with.
    * no importar Algo a Alguien = think + little of.
    * no importar en absoluto = have + no qualms about.
    * no importar + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no importar lo que + pensar de = whatever + Pronombre + make of.
    * no importar nada = not give a damn, not give a shit, not give a fuck.
    * no importa si... o = no matter whether... or.
    * no impreso = unprinted.
    * no incluido = unlisted.
    * no incluye = exclusive of.
    * no indicado = unstated.
    * no + Indicativo = fail to + Infinitivo.
    * no + Infinitivo = failure to + Infinitivo.
    * no infringir las leyes = stay on + the right side of the law, keep on + the right side of the law.
    * no ingresado = unearned.
    * no inmiscuirse en = remain + uninvolved in, stay away from.
    * no inmutarse = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash, keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * no inscripción = non-registration.
    * no intencional = non-intentional.
    * no interactivo = non-interactive.
    * no interesar = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no intervencionista = hands-off, isolationist.
    * no intrusivo = nonobtrusive.
    * no invasivo = noninvasive [non-invasive].
    * no invitado = uninvited.
    * no invitados, los = uninvited, the.
    * no involucrado = uninvolved.
    * no jerárquico = non-hierarchical.
    * no lector = non-reader [nonreader].
    * no letal = non-lethal.
    * no levantarse hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.
    * no librario = non-book [nonbook].
    * no lineal = nonlinear [non-linear].
    * no linealidad = nonlinearity [no-linearity].
    * no listo = unready.
    * no literario = unliterary, non-literary.
    * no llegar a = stop + short of, fall + short of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * no llegar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no llegar a un ideal = fall + short of ideal.
    * no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.
    * no llevar a ningún fin = beat + a dead horse, flog + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.
    * no llevar a ningún sitio = go + nowhere.
    * no lo bastante lejos = not far enough.
    * no lo dudes = take it from me.
    * no lucrativo = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * no manifiesto = undeclared.
    * no MARC = non-MARC.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * no materializarse = fall through.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no médico = non-clinical.
    * no merecer la pena = be no good.
    * no merecerse Algo = be unworthy of.
    * no meterse en líos = keep out of + trouble.
    * no meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no miembro = non-member [nonmember].
    * no militar = nonmilitary.
    * no monográfico = non-monographic.
    * no morderse la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no moverse = stay + put.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no musical = non-musical.
    * no muy acertado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy apropiado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.
    * no muy despierto = slow.
    * no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.
    * no muy listos, los = none-too-bright, the.
    * no nacido = unborn.
    * no necesitar mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * no nombrado = unnamed.
    * no nórdico = non-Nordic.
    * no obstaculizar = be out of the way of.
    * no obstante = albeit (that), however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, yet, notwithstanding, none the less, though, that being said, all this said, when all is said and done.
    * no occidental = non-Western.
    * no ocultar las preferencias de Uno sobre Algo = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no oficial = non-government.
    * no olvidar = bear in + mind, be aware of.
    * no ordenado = unsorted.
    * no orgánico = non-organic.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no parecer que = there + be + no sign of, there + be + little sign of.
    * no parecerse en nada a = be nothing like.
    * no parecerse ni por asomo = different as night and day.
    * no parecer Uno Mismo = be out of character.
    * no participar = be out of the picture.
    * no participar en = be uninvolved in, remain + uninvolved in.
    * no partidista = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no patentado = non-proprietary.
    * no pegar ni con cola = stick out like + a sore thumb.
    * no pensar en otra cosa que = be wrapped up in.
    * no pensar más en Algo = dismiss from + Posesivo + mind.
    * no pensar más que en = be wrapped up in.
    * no percatarse de = be blind to.
    * no percatarse de la importancia de Algo = have + no feeling for.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho, no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perfumado = non-scented.
    * no periódico = non-periodical.
    * no permitir = disallow.
    * no pertenecer a = have + no place in.
    * no perteneciente a la Comunidad Europea = non-EC.
    * no perteneciente al juzgado = out-of-court.
    * no pestañear = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.
    * no pillar Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no pillar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no planificado = unplanned.
    * no poder = be unable to, cannot, can't [cannot].
    * no poder aguantar a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder conciliar el sueño = have + trouble sleeping, have + trouble sleeping.
    * no poder darse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = cannot + give + too much emphasis + to the importance of, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no poder dormir = sleeplessness.
    * no poder estarse quieto = have + the fidgets, fidget.
    * no poder evitar + Infinitivo = cannot help + Gerundio, cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder evitar mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no poder permitirse = ill afford.
    * no poder permitirse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder quitarse Algo de la cabeza = can't get it out of my mind.
    * no poderse buscar = be unsearchable.
    * no poderse negar que = there + be + no denying that.
    * no poder sino + Infinitivo = cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder ver a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no polémico = non-controversial [noncontroversial], non-contentious.
    * no poner en duda = be unquestioned.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * no precipitarse = keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * no predisponer a Alguien en contra = keep on + the right side of.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no preocuparse que = rest + assured that.
    * no preparado = uninformed, unready, unprepared.
    * no presentado a examen = absent from exam.
    * no prestar atención = disregard, overlook, close + the door on, go + unheeded, fly in + the face of.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * no prestar la suficiente atención = give + short shrift.
    * no pretender ser = make + no claim to.
    * no probado = untested.
    * no procesado = unprocessed.
    * no profesional = non-professional [nonprofessional].
    * no programador = non-programmer.
    * no prolongado = unsustained.
    * no pronunciado = undelivered.
    * no prosperar = fall by + the wayside.
    * no provocado = unprovoked.
    * no publicado = unpublished.
    * no público = non-public.
    * no pude evitar notar que = couldn't help but notice (that).
    * no puedo aguantarlo = can't take it.
    * no puedo comprender = I can't get over.
    * no puedo entender cómo = can't get over how.
    * no quebrar = stay in + business.
    * no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.
    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot potato, drop + Nombre + like a hot brick.
    * no querer saber nada de = want + nothing to do with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con Algo = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no racial = colour-blind.
    * no racista = race-neutral.
    * no realizado = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no recargado = uncluttered.
    * no reciclable = non-recyclable.
    * no recogido = uncollected.
    * no recompensado = unrewarded.
    * no reconocido = unacknowledged, unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * no recopilado = uncollected.
    * no redimido = unredeemed.
    * no reembolsable = non-repayable, non-refundable.
    * no registrado = unlisted, unaffiliated.
    * no reglamentado = unregulated.
    * no regulado = unregulated.
    * no relacionado = unrelated, nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relacionados entre sí = unrelated.
    * no relativo = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * no remunerado = unpaid, unsalaried, non-paying, unremunerated, non-remunerated.
    * no renovable = non-renewable.
    * no renovado = unrenewed.
    * no rentable = uneconomic, unprofitable.
    * no reparar en gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no repartido = undelivered.
    * no representativo = unrepresentative.
    * no restrictivo = non-restrictive.
    * no restringido = non-restrictive, unconfined.
    * no resuelto = unresolved.
    * no resultar fácil = not be easy.
    * no retirado = uncollected.
    * * *
    (= noroeste) NW
    * * *
    no {predisponer} en contra
    (v.) = stay on + the right side of

    Ex: Many of the stories told about fairies seem to be cautionary tales, showing that they can be very helpful, as long as you stay on the right side of them.

    = by no means, NOT, nay, no, not.
    Nota: Negación usada con verbos; para los nombres, véase no.

    Ex: However, UDC is by no means always applied to this degree of detail in libraries.

    Ex: The Boolean logic operator NOT excludes records containing a particular word.
    Ex: Said another timidly, nay, sheepishly: 'You can see we need help, can't you Mr. Bibeau?'.
    Ex: In either case, the patient keys in the responses, which may be as simple as 'yes' or 'no'.
    Ex: The Boolean logic operator not excludes records containing a particular word.
    * alfabeto no romano = non-Roman alphabet.
    * aún no nacido = unborn.
    * aunque no lo creas = believe it or not.
    * base de datos no bibliográfica = non-bibliographic database.
    * catalogación no automatizada = non-computerised cataloguing.
    * con datos no pertinentes = dirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.].
    * ¿de dónde si no...? = where else...?.
    * ¡Dios no lo quiera! = God forbid.
    * documento recuperado no pertinente = false drop.
    * el no va más = the be all and end all, the bee's knees.
    * el último pero no el menos importante = the last but by no means least.
    * encabezamiento no admitido = non-approved heading.
    * encabezamiento no específico = non-specific heading.
    * esto no quiere decir que = this is not to say that.
    * evaluación no intrusiva = unobtrusive evaluation.
    * información no codificada = non-coded information.
    * lo creas o no = believe it or not.
    * material no devuelto = non-return.
    * material no impreso = non-print [nonprint], non-print media.
    * modo no interactivo = non-interactive mode.
    * ¿no? = do you?, do you?.
    * no {predisponer} en contra = stay on + the right side of.
    * no abandonar = stick with, stand by.
    * no abrasivo = non-abrasive.
    * no aburrir a Alguien con todos los detalles = spare + Nombe + all the details.
    * no académico = non-academic.
    * no acentuado = unaccented.
    * no aceptar = disavow.
    * no aceptarse = go by + the board.
    * no aceptar un no por respuesta = not take + no for an answer.
    * no acercarse a = steer + clear of, stay away from, give + Nombre + a wide berth, steer away from.
    * no acercarse a Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no ácido = acid-free.
    * no acostumbrado a = unfamiliar with.
    * no actual = non-current.
    * no actuando en capacidad de autor = non-authorial.
    * no actuar como se debe = be remiss.
    * no actuar correctamente = be remiss.
    * no actuar debidamente = be remiss.
    * no acudir = stay away.
    * no acuoso = non-aqueous.
    * no admitir discusión = be out of the question.
    * no adosado = detached.
    * no afectado = unaffected.
    * no afectar = be immune against, leave + unaffected.
    * no afiliado = unaffiliated.
    * no afín = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no agobiarse = take + Posesivo + time.
    * no agravante = non-exacerbating.
    * no agrupado = unclustered.
    * no aguantar más = have had enough.
    * no aguantar ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no alcanzar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no alergénico = non-allergenic.
    * no alfabetizado = non-literate.
    * no amante de la literatura = non-literary.
    * no americano = non-US, un-American.
    * no amortizable = irredeemable.
    * no analizado = unexamined.
    * no anclado = unanchored.
    * no andar con reparos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar con tapujos = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no andar en nada bueno = be up to no good, get up to + no good.
    * no andar muy equivocado = be in the right realm.
    * no andarse con rodeos = call + a spade a spade.
    * no antes de = no sooner than.
    * no añorar el pasado = never + look back.
    * no aparecer = be not included.
    * no apartarse del buen camino = keep on + the right track.
    * no aprovechar Algo lo suficiente = under-exploit [underexploit].
    * no aprovechar el potencial = fall (far) short of + potential, fall (far) behind + potential.
    * no apto para menores = X-rated.
    * no arrepentirse = not look back, never + look back.
    * no arriesgarse = play it + safe.
    * no asignado = unallocated, unassigned.
    * no asistencia = non-attendance.
    * no asistente = non-attender [nonattender].
    * no asistir = stay away.
    * no atendido = unsatisfied.
    * no atreverse a = flinch at/from, have + no stomach for.
    * no atreverse a tratar = fear to + tread.
    * no auténtico = unauthentic.
    * no autorizado = unauthorised [unauthorized, -USA], unapproved.
    * no avanzar = tread + water.
    * no avanzar más = go + no further.
    * no bajarse del burro = stick to + Posesivo + guns.
    * no bastar = not be good enough.
    * no bibliográfico = non-book [nonbook], non-bibliographic, non-bibliographical.
    * no bibliotecario = non-librarian.
    * no británico = non-UK.
    * no buscarle las pulgas al perro = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no cabe ni un alfiler = no room to swing a cat.
    * no caber en sí de alegría = thrill + Nombre + to bits, be chuffed to bits, be tickled pink.
    * no cambiar = keep + it up, keep up + the good work, keep up + the great work, stand + pat.
    * no canjeable = irredeemable.
    * no cantante = nonsinger.
    * no cantes victoria antes de tiempo = don't count your chickens before they are hatched.
    * no captar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no ceder = stand + Posesivo + ground, put + Posesivo + foot down.
    * no ceder a las presiones = withstand + pressure.
    * no ceder terreno = stand + Posesivo + ground.
    * no centrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no científico = unscientific.
    * no cobrado = uncollected.
    * no codificado = non-coded.
    * no coercitivo = non-coercive.
    * no coger Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no coger por sorpresa = come as + no surprise.
    * no coincidente = ill matched.
    * no colar = Negativo + hold + water.
    * no comentado = unannotated.
    * no comercial = non-profit making, non-commercial [noncommercial].
    * no compatible = non-compatible.
    * no compensatorio = non-compensatory [noncompensatory].
    * no comprender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no comprobado = untested.
    * no comprometido = uncommitted.
    * no concebirse desde ningún punto de vista = be impossible under any hypothesis.
    * no concentrado = unfocused [unfocussed].
    * no concentrar el esfuerzo = spread + Nombre + thinly.
    * no concordar con = be at odds with.
    * no conducir a nada = be exercises in + futility.
    * no conductual = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no confirmado = unsubstantiated.
    * no conformarse con un no = not take + no for an answer.
    * no conmovedor = unmoving.
    * no conocer a Alguien de nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conocer a Alguien para nada = not know + Pronombre + from Adam.
    * no conseguir nada = achieve + nothing.
    * no conseguir ni una cosa ni otra = fall (between/through) + the cracks.
    * no considerarse parte de = hold + Reflexivo + apart from.
    * no consumible = nonconsumptive.
    * no consumidor = nonconsumptive.
    * no contagioso = non-contagious.
    * no contaminado = untainted, uncontaminated.
    * no contar = be out of the picture.
    * no contar con = leave + Nombre + out of the picture, drop + Nombre + out of the picture.
    * no contar con la aprobación = frown on/upon.
    * no contencioso = non-contentious.
    * no convencional = non-conventional.
    * no convexo = nonconvex [non-convex].
    * no corregido = uncorrected.
    * no correlativo = non-consecutive.
    * no correr prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no corroborado = unsubstantiated.
    * no creerse Algo al pie de la letra = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no creerse Algo del todo = take + Nombre + with a pinch of salt.
    * no crítico = non-critical.
    * no cualificado = unskilled.
    * no cuestionarse la veracidad de Algo temporalmente = suspend + disbelief.
    * no cumplido = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no cumplir = fall + short of, welsh on.
    * no cumplir con el plazo de publicación = miss + publication deadline.
    * no cumplir con + Posesivo + deber = be remiss.
    * no cumplir las expectativas = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo esperado = fall + short of expectations.
    * no cumplir lo prometido = fall + short of + Posesivo + promise.
    * no cumplir una norma = fall (far) short of + norm.
    * no cumplir un objetivo = fall + short of goal.
    * no cumplir unos criterios = fall (far) short of + criteria.
    * no cumplir unos requisitos = fall + short of requirements.
    * no cursar una asignatura = skip + grades.
    * no dar crédito a = disbelief.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + oídos = not believe + Posesivo + ears.
    * no dar crédito a + Posesivo + ojos = not believe + Posesivo + eyes.
    * no dar fruto = come to + nothing.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a Algo = think + little of.
    * no darle demasiada importancia a + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no darle importancia a = think + very little about/of.
    * no dar más de sí = stretch + Nombre + to the limit, overstretch.
    * no dar ningún resultado = give + zero results, be of no avail, be to no avail.
    * no darse cuenta de = sneak under + the radar, go + unnoticed.
    * no darse de cuenta de = be blind to.
    * no darse por vencido fácilmente = not take + no for an answer.
    * no dar una impresión clara = send + mixed signals.
    * no debemos + Infinitivo = let us not + Infinitivo.
    * no deber nada = pay + Posesivo + dues.
    * no + deber + sorprender que = it + be + not surprising that.
    * no debes juzgar un libro por el color de sus pastas = don't judge a book by its cover, don't judge a book by its cover.
    * no debidamente reconocido = unsung.
    * no decir a Alguien lo que está ocurriendo = leave + Nombre + in the dark.
    * no decir nada = keep + quiet.
    * no decir nada a nadie = lips + seal.
    * no decir nada nuevo = much ado about nothing.
    * no decir palabrotas = watch + Posesivo + mouth.
    * no de comportamiento = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no de conducta = nonbehavioural [nonbehavioral, -USA].
    * no decreciente = non-decreasing.
    * no dedicado a la investigación = non-research.
    * no definido = unstated.
    * no definirse = sit on + the fence.
    * no dejar a nadie fuera = inclusivity.
    * no dejar de enviar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar de mandar + Nombre = keep + Nombre + coming.
    * no dejar duda = leave + little doubt.
    * no dejar entrar = turn + Nombre + away, keep out.
    * no dejar ninguna duda = leave + no doubt.
    * no dejar ni un cabo suelto = tie up + all the loose ends.
    * no dejar pasar = keep out.
    * no dejar pasar la oportunidad = ride + the wave.
    * no dejar títere con cabeza = turn + everything upside down.
    * no deliberado = unintentional.
    * no del todo maduro = underripe.
    * no democrático = undemocratic.
    * no desanimarse = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no descansar en + Posesivo + tumba = spin + in + Posesivo + grave.
    * no descriptor = non-descriptor.
    * no deseado = unwanted, undesired, uninvited.
    * no desfallecer = keep up.
    * no desgastarse fácilmente = wear + well.
    * no desglosable = unbreakable.
    * no desmerecer = compare + favourably.
    * no destructivo = non-destructive.
    * no desvelar + Posesivo + identidad = protect + Posesivo + identity.
    * no determinista = nondeterministic [non-deterministic].
    * no devolverse = be non-refundable.
    * no diferenciador = nondistinctive.
    * no diferenciarse de = be nothing short of.
    * no digno de confianza = untrustworthy.
    * no discapacitado = able-bodied.
    * no disciplinario = impunitive.
    * no discriminatorio con respecto al sexo = gender neutral.
    * no disponible = not applicable [N/A].
    * no disponible para el préstamo = not-loanable.
    * no dispuesto = unprepared.
    * no distinguir entre... y... = make + little distinction between... and....
    * no distintivo = nondistinctive.
    * no distribuido = undelivered, undelivered.
    * no docente = non-teaching.
    * no económico = non-economic [noneconomic].
    * no educativo = non-teaching, non-educational.
    * no efímero = non-volatile [nonvolatile].
    * no eléctrico = nonelectrical [non-electrical].
    * no encontrar nada + Adjetivo = find far from + Adjetivo.
    * no encontrar ni el pie ni la cabeza = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no encontrar palabras = be at a loss for words, be lost for words.
    * no en inglés = non-English.
    * no entender = be beyond + Pronombre.
    * no entender Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no entender lo esencial = miss + the point.
    * no entender ni una papa de = can't make head(s) or tail(s) of.
    * no entendido por la materia = outsider.
    * no entregado = undelivered.
    * no envío = non-shipment.
    * no epiléptico = non-epileptic.
    * no es asombroso que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no escatimar = unstinting.
    * no escatimar dinero = lavish + money.
    * no escatimar gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no escrito = unwritten.
    * no es de extrañar que = no wonder that, small wonder that.
    * no es de sorprender que = not surprisingly, unsurprisingly.
    * no esencial = non-essential [nonessential].
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * no especialista = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no especializado = broader-based.
    * no especificar = leave + undefined.
    * no está claro todavía = the jury is still out (on).
    * no esta disponible = be down.
    * no estándar = non-standard [nonstandard].
    * no estar + Adjetivo + en absoluto = be far from + Adjetivo.
    * no estar a la altura de las expectativas = fall below + expectations.
    * no estar a la altura de lo que se espera = fall below + expectations, be below par, be under par.
    * no estar al tanto de = be out of touch with.
    * no estar bien equilibrado = skew.
    * no estar contento = be unhappy.
    * no estar convencido = be dubious.
    * no estar coordinado con = be out of step with.
    * no estar de acuerdo = be at variance, disagree, beg to differ.
    * no estar de acuerdo (con) = disapprove (of).
    * no estar de acuerdo con la idea de = disapprove of + the idea of.
    * no estar de suerte = be out of luck.
    * no estar deteriorado = unimpaired.
    * no estar disponible = be unavailable.
    * no estar dispuesto a = be unwilling to, be negatively disposed to.
    * no estar documentado = be undocumented.
    * no estar en condiciones de = be unfit for.
    * no estar en el mejor momento de Uno = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en funcionamiento = be down.
    * no estar en plenitud de facultades = be past + Posesivo + best.
    * no estar en + Posesivo + cabales = insane.
    * no estar en sintonía con = be out of step with.
    * no estar expuesto al público = be out of the public eye.
    * no estar familiarizado con = be unfamiliar with.
    * no estar finalizado (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + completeness.
    * no estar incluido = be not included.
    * no estar muy católico = feel + bad.
    * no estar muy lejos de = be just one step away from.
    * no estar nada + Adjetivo = be anything but + Adjetivo.
    * no estar nunca satisfecho = enough + be + not/never + enough.
    * no estar presente en = be absent (from).
    * no estar relacionado con = be unrelated to.
    * no estar seguro = be uncertain.
    * no estar seguro de = be unsure about/of.
    * no estar utilizable = be down.
    * no es una ciencia exacta = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no es un misterio = not (exactly) rocket science.
    * no exacerbado = non-exacerbating.
    * no examinado = unexamined.
    * no exclusivo = non-exclusive.
    * no excluyente = inclusive, socially-inclusive.
    * no existe = not applicable [N/A].
    * no existir = be out of the picture.
    * no existir como tal = there + be + no such thing as, there + be + no such thing as.
    * no existir límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no existir muchos indicios de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no existir ningún indicio de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no experto = non-expert [nonexpert].
    * no explorado = unexplored.
    * no explosivo = non-explosive.
    * no expresado = unspoken, unstated.
    * no expuesto a la luz = unexposed.
    * no falla = reliable.
    * no faltar el respeto = be civil towards.
    * no familiarizado con = unfamiliar with.
    * no ferroso = non-ferrous [nonferrous].
    * no fibroso = non-fibrous.
    * no figurar = be not included.
    * no fijado = non-net.
    * no fructificar = come to + nothing.
    * no fumador = non-smoker, non-smoking.
    * no funcionar = be out of order.
    * no funcionario = untenured, non-tenured.
    * no + Futuro = won't [will not].
    * no ganado = unearned.
    * no guardar relación con = be incommensurate with.
    * no gubernamental = non-government, non-governmental [nongovernmental].
    * no gustar = have + a dislike for, dislike, be uncomfortable + Gerundio, be uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable with, feel + uncomfortable + Gerundio.
    * no haber = be unavailable.
    * no haber consecuencias = nothing + come of.
    * no + haber + dos + Nombre que = no two + Nombre.
    * no haber duda de que = there + be + no doubt that.
    * no haber duda (que) = there + be + no question (that).
    * no haber forma de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber indicios de que = there + be + no indication that.
    * no haber límites = there + be + no limit.
    * no haber llegado todavía = be yet to come.
    * no haber manera de = there + be + no way.
    * no haber modo de = there + be + no means of.
    * no haber muchas señales de que = there + be + little sign of.
    * no + haber + nada como = there + be + nothing like.
    * no haber nada de verdad en = there + be + any/no truth to.
    * no + haber + nada malo en = there + be + nothing wrong in/with.
    * no haber palabras para describirlo = beggar + description.
    * no haber pero que valer = not take + no for an answer.
    * no haber prisa = there + be + no hurry.
    * no haber problemas = be fine.
    * no haber señal de que = there + be + no sign of.
    * no habiendo = in the absence of.
    * no hace falta decir que = it goes without saying that, needless to say.
    * no hace mucho = in the recent past.
    * no hace mucho tiempo = not so long ago.
    * no hacer Algo ni muerto = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no hacer Algo por cobardía = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer Algo por miedo = wimp out (on), wimp, chicken out (on/of).
    * no hacer caso = brush aside.
    * no hacer caso a = turn + Posesivo + back on.
    * no hacer caso de = slight.
    * no hacer los deberes = be asleep at the wheel.
    * no hacer más que = do + no more than.
    * no hacer nada = vegetate, veg out.
    * no hacer nada al respecto = leave + unchecked.
    * no hacer nada de particular = do + nothing in particular.
    * no hacer ninguna gracia = not take + kindly to.
    * no hacer ningún cambio = stand + pat.
    * no hacer otra cosa que = do + nothing but.
    * no hacer sino = do + no more than.
    * no hay = there ain't [there aren't/isn't].
    * no hay dos sin tres = things + come in threes.
    * no hay duda de que = undoubtedly.
    * no hay escapatoria = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay forma de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay límite(s) = the sky is the limit.
    * no hay mal que por bien no venga = every cloud has a silver lining, be a blessing in disguise, to every cloud, there is a silver lining.
    * no hay manera de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay más remedio = needs must when the devil drives.
    * no hay modo de que = for the life of me.
    * no hay nada como = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada imposible = all bets are off.
    * no hay nada mejor que = nothing beats....
    * no hay nada oculto = what you see is what you get.
    * no hay + Nombre + que sean = no + Nombre + be.
    * no higroscópico = non-hygroscopic.
    * no hindú = non-Hindu.
    * no homosexual = straight man.
    * no humano = non-human [nonhuman].
    * no hurgar en la herida = let + sleeping dogs lie.
    * no idéntico = non-identical.
    * no identificado = unnamed.
    * no idoneidad = unsuitability.
    * no impacientarse con = bear with + Pronombre.
    * no importa = never mind, regardless of, whatever.
    * no importa + Adjetivo/Adverbio + que seaAdjetivo/Adverbio + que sea = however + Adjetivo/Adverbio.
    * no importa cómo = no matter how.
    * no importa lo + Adjetivo + que + Subjuntivo = no matter how + Adjetivo.
    * no importa lo bien = no matter how well.
    * No importa lo que se conoce, sino a quién se conoce = It's not what you know, but who you know.
    * no importa qué = whatever.
    * no importar = be all right with + Persona, make + no difference, cope with.
    * no importar Algo a Alguien = think + little of.
    * no importar en absoluto = have + no qualms about.
    * no importar + Infinitivo = think + nothing of + Gerundio.
    * no importar lo más mínimo = could not care less.
    * no importar lo que + pensar de = whatever + Pronombre + make of.
    * no importar nada = not give a damn, not give a shit, not give a fuck.
    * no importa si... o = no matter whether... or.
    * no impreso = unprinted.
    * no incluido = unlisted.
    * no incluye = exclusive of.
    * no indicado = unstated.
    * no + Indicativo = fail to + Infinitivo.
    * no + Infinitivo = failure to + Infinitivo.
    * no infringir las leyes = stay on + the right side of the law, keep on + the right side of the law.
    * no ingresado = unearned.
    * no inmiscuirse en = remain + uninvolved in, stay away from.
    * no inmutarse = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash, keep + a stiff upper lip.
    * no inscripción = non-registration.
    * no intencional = non-intentional.
    * no interactivo = non-interactive.
    * no interesar = can't/couldn't be bothered.
    * no intervencionista = hands-off, isolationist.
    * no intrusivo = nonobtrusive.
    * no invasivo = noninvasive [non-invasive].
    * no invitado = uninvited.
    * no invitados, los = uninvited, the.
    * no involucrado = uninvolved.
    * no jerárquico = non-hierarchical.
    * no lector = non-reader [nonreader].
    * no letal = non-lethal.
    * no levantarse hasta tarde = have + a lie-in.
    * no librario = non-book [nonbook].
    * no lineal = nonlinear [non-linear].
    * no linealidad = nonlinearity [no-linearity].
    * no listo = unready.
    * no literario = unliterary, non-literary.
    * no llegar a = stop + short of, fall + short of.
    * no llegar a entender = miss + the mark, miss + the point.
    * no llegar a + Infinitivo (con mucho) = fall (far) short of + Gerundio.
    * no llegar a un ideal = fall + short of ideal.
    * no llevar a ninguna parte = achieve + nothing, go + nowhere.
    * no llevar a ningún fin = beat + a dead horse, flog + a dead horse, fart + in the wind.
    * no llevar a ningún sitio = go + nowhere.
    * no lo bastante lejos = not far enough.
    * no lo dudes = take it from me.
    * no lucrativo = non-profit [nonprofit], non-profit making.
    * no manifiesto = undeclared.
    * no MARC = non-MARC.
    * no más que = in any more than.
    * no materializarse = fall through.
    * Nombre + no tardará mucho en = it won't be long before + Nombre.
    * Nombre + no tardó mucho en = it wasn't long before + Nombre.
    * no médico = non-clinical.
    * no merecer la pena = be no good.
    * no merecerse Algo = be unworthy of.
    * no meterse en líos = keep out of + trouble.
    * no meterse en problemas = keep out of + trouble.
    * no miel sin hiel = no pain, no gain.
    * no miembro = non-member [nonmember].
    * no militar = nonmilitary.
    * no monográfico = non-monographic.
    * no morderse la lengua = call + a spade a spade.
    * no moverse = stay + put.
    * no mucho después = not long after.
    * no musical = non-musical.
    * no muy acertado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy apropiado = wide of the mark.
    * no muy bien informado = not-too-well-informed.
    * no muy despierto = slow.
    * no muy lejos = within easy travelling distance, not far behind, not far off, not far away, not far, not too far.
    * no muy listos, los = none-too-bright, the.
    * no nacido = unborn.
    * no necesitar mantenimiento = maintenance-free.
    * no nombrado = unnamed.
    * no nórdico = non-Nordic.
    * no obstaculizar = be out of the way of.
    * no obstante = albeit (that), however, nevertheless, nonetheless, still, yet, notwithstanding, none the less, though, that being said, all this said, when all is said and done.
    * no occidental = non-Western.
    * no ocultar las preferencias de Uno sobre Algo = make + no bones about + Algo.
    * no oficial = non-government.
    * no olvidar = bear in + mind, be aware of.
    * no ordenado = unsorted.
    * no orgánico = non-organic.
    * no parar mucho en un sitio = live out of + a suitcase.
    * no parecer que = there + be + no sign of, there + be + little sign of.
    * no parecerse en nada a = be nothing like.
    * no parecerse ni por asomo = different as night and day.
    * no parecer Uno Mismo = be out of character.
    * no participar = be out of the picture.
    * no participar en = be uninvolved in, remain + uninvolved in.
    * no partidista = non-partisan [nonpartisan].
    * no pasar mucho tiempo antes de que + Subjuntivo = be not long before + Indicativo.
    * no patentado = non-proprietary.
    * no pegar ni con cola = stick out like + a sore thumb.
    * no pensar en otra cosa que = be wrapped up in.
    * no pensar más en Algo = dismiss from + Posesivo + mind.
    * no pensar más que en = be wrapped up in.
    * no percatarse de = be blind to.
    * no percatarse de la importancia de Algo = have + no feeling for.
    * no perder de vista = keep + an eye on, keep + a beady eye on, keep in + sight.
    * no perder el ánimo = keep + Posesivo + chin up.
    * no perder el control = stay on top of, stay on + top of things, be on top of things.
    * no perder el trabajo = stay in + work.
    * no perder la cabeza = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perder la calma = keep + a cool head, remain + cool-headed, play it + cool.
    * no perderse = keep on + the right track.
    * no perderse en/por = find + Posesivo + way round/through.
    * no perderse mucho, no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perderse nada = be no great loss.
    * no perfumado = non-scented.
    * no periódico = non-periodical.
    * no permitir = disallow.
    * no pertenecer a = have + no place in.
    * no perteneciente a la Comunidad Europea = non-EC.
    * no perteneciente al juzgado = out-of-court.
    * no pestañear = not bat an eyelid, not bat an eyelash.
    * no pillar Algo = go (way) over + Posesivo + head.
    * no pillar la idea = miss + the point.
    * no planificado = unplanned.
    * no poder = be unable to, cannot, can't [cannot].
    * no poder aguantar a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder conciliar el sueño = have + trouble sleeping, have + trouble sleeping.
    * no poder darse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder dejar de mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder dejar de recalcar la importancia de Algo = cannot + give + too much emphasis + to the importance of, the importance of + Nombre + cannot be stressed too strongly.
    * no poder dormir = sleeplessness.
    * no poder estarse quieto = have + the fidgets, fidget.
    * no poder evitar + Infinitivo = cannot help + Gerundio, cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder evitar mencionar = cannot but notice.
    * no poder hacer más que = do + little more than.
    * no poder permitirse = ill afford.
    * no poder permitirse el lujo de = ill afford.
    * no poder quitarse Algo de la cabeza = can't get it out of my mind.
    * no poderse buscar = be unsearchable.
    * no poderse negar que = there + be + no denying that.
    * no poder sino + Infinitivo = cannot help but + Verbo.
    * no poder ver a Alguien = have + it in for + Nombre.
    * no poder ver Algo o Alguien = can't stand + sight.
    * no polémico = non-controversial [noncontroversial], non-contentious.
    * no poner en duda = be unquestioned.
    * ¡No, por lo que más quieras! = Not on your life!.
    * no precipitarse = keep + a cool head, play it + cool.
    * no predisponer a Alguien en contra = keep on + the right side of.
    * no preguntes porque no te puedo decir la verdad = ask no questions and hear no lies.
    * no preocuparse que = rest + assured that.
    * no preparado = uninformed, unready, unprepared.
    * no presentado a examen = absent from exam.
    * no prestar atención = disregard, overlook, close + the door on, go + unheeded, fly in + the face of.
    * no prestar atención al hecho de que = overlook + the fact that.
    * no prestar la suficiente atención = give + short shrift.
    * no pretender ser = make + no claim to.
    * no probado = untested.
    * no procesado = unprocessed.
    * no profesional = non-professional [nonprofessional].
    * no programador = non-programmer.
    * no prolongado = unsustained.
    * no pronunciado = undelivered.
    * no prosperar = fall by + the wayside.
    * no provocado = unprovoked.
    * no publicado = unpublished.
    * no público = non-public.
    * no pude evitar notar que = couldn't help but notice (that).
    * no puedo aguantarlo = can't take it.
    * no puedo comprender = I can't get over.
    * no puedo entender cómo = can't get over how.
    * no quebrar = stay in + business.
    * no quedarse ahí = there + be + more to it than that.
    * no querer saber más nada de = drop + Nombre + like a hot potato, drop + Nombre + like a hot brick.
    * no querer saber nada de = want + nothing to do with.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con Algo = would not touch + Nombre + with a barge pole.
    * no querer tener nada que ver con = want + nothing to do with.
    * no racial = colour-blind.
    * no racista = race-neutral.
    * no realizado = unfulfilled, unrealised [unrealized, -USA].
    * no recargado = uncluttered.
    * no reciclable = non-recyclable.
    * no recogido = uncollected.
    * no recompensado = unrewarded.
    * no reconocido = unacknowledged, unrecognised [unrecognized, -USA].
    * no recopilado = uncollected.
    * no redimido = unredeemed.
    * no reembolsable = non-repayable, non-refundable.
    * no registrado = unlisted, unaffiliated.
    * no reglamentado = unregulated.
    * no regulado = unregulated.
    * no relacionado = unrelated, nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relacionados entre sí = unrelated.
    * no relativo = nonrelative [non-relative].
    * no relevante = non-relevant.
    * no remunerado = unpaid, unsalaried, non-paying, unremunerated, non-remunerated.
    * no renovable = non-renewable.
    * no renovado = unrenewed.
    * no rentable = uneconomic, unprofitable.
    * no reparar en gastos = go to + town on, lash out (on).
    * no repartido = undelivered.
    * no representativo = unrepresentative.
    * no restrictivo = non-restrictive.
    * no restringido = non-restrictive, unconfined.
    * no resuelto = unresolved.
    * no resultar fácil = not be easy.
    * no retirado = uncollected.

    * * *
    (= noroeste) [ Vocabulary notes (Spanish) ] NW
    * * *


    Multiple Entries:
    NO (
    noroeste) NW

    no adverbio
    a) ( como respuesta) no;

    (modificando adverbios, oraciones, verbos) not la negación de la mayoría de los verbos ingleses requiere el uso del auxiliar `do'
    ¿te gustó? — no did you like it? — no, I didn't;

    ¿vienes o no? are you coming or not?;
    no te preocupes don't worry;
    ¿por qué no quieres ir? — porque no why don't you want to go?I just don't

    no veo nada I can't see a thing o anything;

    no viene nunca she never comes

    está mejor ¿no? she's better, isn't she?;

    ha dimitido ¿no? he has resigned, hasn't he?

    se ganó la lotería — ¡no! he won the lottery — he didn't! o no!

    ¿te gustó? a mí no did you like it? I didn't
    f) (delante de n, adj, pp):

    la no violencia non-violence;
    un hijo no deseado an unwanted child
    ■ sustantivo masculino (pl
    noes) no

    I adverbio
    1 (como respuesta) no: ¿quieres un poco?, - no, gracias, would you like a bit?, - no, thanks
    2 (en frases negativas) not: aún no está dormido, he isn't asleep yet
    hoy no es jueves, today isn't Thursday
    no, no iré, no, I will not go
    no tengo hambre, I am not hungry
    ¿por qué no?, why not?
    ya no fuma, she doesn't smoke any more
    3 (antepuesto a un nombre) la no colaboración se penalizará, non-collaboration will be penalized
    4 (con otros negativos) no diré nada, I won't say a single word
    no lo haré jamás, I'll never do it
    no sin antes..., not without first...
    5 (en advertencia, cartel) no fumar, no smoking
    6 (en preguntas retóricas o de confirmación) está enfadado, ¿no es así?, he is angry, isn't he?
    estoy guapa, ¿o no?, I'm smart, aren't I?
    firmarás el contrato, ¿no?, you'll sign the contract, won't you?
    ¿no nos presentaron el otro día?, weren't we introduced the other day?
    7 (para expresar un temor) llévate el paraguas, no sea que llueva, take your umbrella in case it rains
    II sustantivo masculino no: ¿es un no definitivo?, is that a definite no?

    'no' also found in these entries:
    - abandonar
    - abandonada
    - abandonado
    - abandonarse
    - abarcar
    - abarrotada
    - abarrotado
    - abasto
    - abatir
    - abatimiento
    - abonarse
    - abortar
    - abrir
    - abreviar
    - abrigar
    - absoluta
    - absolutamente
    - absoluto
    - abstraerse
    - abuela
    - abundar
    - aburrida
    - aburrido
    - abusar
    - acabar
    - acallar
    - acalorarse
    - acariciar
    - acaso
    - accesoria
    - accesorio
    - aceptar
    - acertada
    - acertado
    - achacar
    - achantarse
    - aclararse
    - aconsejar
    - actuación
    - actual
    - acudir
    - adelantar
    - adelante
    - adentro
    - adivinar
    - admitir
    - adónde
    - adorno
    - advertir
    - ablaze
    - able
    - about
    - absence
    - absent
    - accepted
    - accommodate
    - account
    - accountable
    - accustom
    - act on
    - action
    - actual
    - actually
    - add up
    - adequately
    - adjust
    - admit
    - admittance
    - advertise
    - advise
    - affair
    - afford
    - afraid
    - agree
    - agreement
    - albeit
    - alike
    - alive
    - all
    - alone
    - aloud
    - also
    - alternative
    - altogether
    - always
    - ambit
    - amiss
    - amusing
    - anathema
    - and
    - answer
    - answer back
    - antisexist
    - any
    - anybody
    - anything
    - anywhere
    - apart
    * * *
    NO (abrev de Noroeste)
    * * *
    abr (= noroeste) NW, Northwest
    * * *
    no adv
    1) : no
    ¿quieres ir al mercado? no, voy más tarde: do you want to go shopping? no, I'm going later
    2) : not
    ¡no hagas eso!: don't do that!
    creo que no: I don't think so
    3) : non-
    no fumador: non-smoker
    ¡como no! : of course!
    no bien : as soon as, no sooner
    * * *
    no adv
    ¿vienes? No are you coming? No
    ¡no a los accidentes! no more accidents!
    no toques eso don't touch that que no con verbos como creer, pensar, etc se puede traducir por un verbo negativo y so
    La doble negación en inglés equivale a una afirmación, así que con un solo negativo basta
    Si se emplea ¿no? para hacer una pregunta, en inglés se emplea una tag question
    fuiste al médico, ¿no? you went to the doctor's, didn't you?
    el martes es fiesta, ¿no? Tuesday is a holiday, isn't it?
    puedo ir, ¿no? I can go, can't I?

    Spanish-English dictionary > no

  • 14 rendere

    restituire give back, return
    fruttare yield
    senso, idea render
    rendere un servizio a qualcuno do someone a favo(u)r
    rendere conto a qualcuno di qualcosa account to someone for something
    rendere felice make happy
    * * *
    rendere v.tr.
    1 to give* back, to return; to restore: glielo resi ieri, I gave it back to him yesterday; ho reso il cappello che avevo preso per sbaglio, I have given back the hat I took by mistake; non mi ha ancora reso il libro, he has not yet returned the book to me; rendimi i soldi che ti ho prestato, give me back the money I lent you; rendere la libertà a qlcu., to set s.o. free (o to restore s.o. to liberty); rendere la vista ai ciechi, to make the blind see // rendere l'anima a Dio, to breathe one's last (o to give up the ghost) // (comm.): a rendere, returnable (o non-disposable); vuoto a rendere, returnable container (o empties to be returned)
    2 ( contraccambiare) to render, to return, to repay: all'occasione ti renderò il servizio, when the opportunity arises I'll repay your kindness; rendere il saluto a qlcu., to return s.o.'s greeting; rendere una visita, to return a visit // a buon rendere, my turn next time // Dio te ne renda merito, God bless you for it; Dio te ne renderà merito, God will reward you for it // quello che è fatto è reso, tit for tat // rendere bene per male, to render good for evil
    3 ( produrre) to return; to produce; ( fruttare) to yield, to bear*, to pay*: il burro rende più della margarina, butter goes farther (o further) than margarine; il lavoro non mi rende, my work is not very remunerative; quell'affare non rese molto, that business did not pay very well (o was not very profitable); quell'investimento non ha reso profitti, that investment has returned no profit; un'attività che rende, a profitable activity; questo impiegato non rende, this employee is not efficient (o gets very little done); questo terreno non rende, this land produces nothing; (fin.) questi titoli rendono il 10% di interesse, these securities yield (o bear) 10% interest
    4 ( dare, offrire) to render, to give*, to pay: rendere un servizio, to render a service; con tutti i servizi che ti ho reso..., with all the favours I have done you...; rendere le estreme onoranze a qlcu., to pay the last honours to s.o.; rendere giustizia a qlcu., to do s.o. justice (o to give s.o. his due); rendere lode, to praise (o to give praise); rendere omaggio a qlcu., to pay homage to s.o.; rendere gli onori militari, to present arms; rendere testimonianza, to bear witness // rendere le armi, to surrender (o to lay down one's arms), (fig.) to acknowledge oneself beaten // rendere conto di qlco., to give account of (o to account for) sthg.: devo rendere conto, ragione di tutto ciò che spendo, I must account (o give reasons) for all that I spend // rendere grazie, to give (o to render) thanks
    5 ( far diventare) to render, to make*: lo ha reso padre di un bellissimo bambino, she made him the father of a lovely baby boy; l'amore rende felici, love makes one happy; ciò rese inutili i nostri sforzi, this made our efforts useless; l'incremento dell'industria rese necessaria la costruzione di nuove fabbriche, the development of industry made the construction of new factories necessary; la notizia la rese felice, the news made her happy; rendere di pubblica ragione, to make public (o known) // (inform.): rendere attivo, to activate; rendere inutilizzabile, to disable // (fis. nucleare) rendere radioattivo, to activate
    6 ( esprimere, riprodurre) to render, to reproduce, to express: gli attori resero tutti i personaggi molto bene, the actors rendered all the characters very well; il pittore ha reso bene i tuoi lineamenti, the painter has portrayed (o reproduced o rendered) your features very well; questo romanzo rende molto vividamente i problemi del nostro tempo, this novel is a vivid picture of the problems of our times; rendere un'immagine, to represent (o to reproduce) an image; rendere pensieri, sentimenti, to express (o to convey) thoughts, feelings; hai reso perfettamente l'idea, you have made yourself perfectly clear (o you have conveyed the idea perfectly); rendo l'idea?, do you see what I mean?
    7 ( tradurre) to render, to translate: è molto difficile rendere la poesia in una lingua straniera, it is very difficult to render poetry in a foreign language.
    rendersi v.rifl.
    1 to make* oneself; to become*: non bisogna rendere schiavi delle abitudini, one must not become a slave to one's habits; se lo fai ti renderai odioso a tutti, if you do it you'll make yourself hateful to everybody; rendere ridicolo, to make oneself ridiculous // rendere conto, to realize: mi resi conto che studiavo da dieci ore, I realized I had been studying ten hours; non si rende conto di quanto sia sciocco, he does not realize how silly he is; non so rendermi conto di come l'ho fatto, I cannot explain how I have done it
    2 (letter.) ( arrendersi) to surrender; to give* in, to yield
    3 (rar.) ( recarsi) to go; to proceed.
    * * *
    1. ['rɛndere]
    vb irreg vt
    1) (ridare) to give back, return

    "vuoto a rendere" — (bottiglia) "please return empties"


    (dare) rendere grazie a qn — to thank sb

    3) (fruttare) to yield, bring in, (uso assoluto: sogg: ditta) to be profitable, (investimento, campo) to yield, be productive

    rendere il 10% — to yield 10%

    4) (esprimere, tradurre) to render
    5) (+ agg: far diventare) to make
    (+ agg: apparire) to make o.s. + adj

    rendersi antipatico/ridicolo/utile — to make o.s. unpleasant/ridiculous/useful

    * * *
    ['rɛndere] 1.
    verbo transitivo
    1) (restituire) to give* back, to return [ oggetto prestato]; to give* back, to restore [ vista]; to give* back [ libertà]
    2) (ricambiare) to return [saluto, invito]
    3) (dare, tributare)

    rendere conto di qcs. a qcn. — to account for sth. to sb., to answer to sb. for sth.

    rendere omaggio a qcn. — to pay homage o tribute to sb.

    rendere giustizia a qcn. — to do sb. justice o justice to sb.

    4) (fruttare) [ investimento] to yield [ denaro]

    le azioni rendono il 10% — the shares yield o return 10%

    5) (esprimere) to render, to convey [sentimento, idea, atmosfera]
    6) (fare diventare) to make*, to render

    rendere qcn. felice, celebre — to make sb. happy, famous

    rendere qcs. possibile, difficile — to make sth. possible, difficult

    rendere pubblico — to make [sth.] public [relazione, vita privata]; to make [sth.] known [verità, notizia]

    verbo intransitivo (aus. avere)

    rendere (bene) — [ terra] to be productive; [ coltura] to do well; [attività, commercio] to be profitable

    verbo pronominale rendersi
    1) (diventare) to make* oneself

    - rsi conto di — to appreciate, to realize

    - rsi conto cheto be o become aware that, to realize that

    sì, me ne rendo conto — yes, I can appreciate that

    * * *
    /'rεndere/ [10]
     1 (restituire) to give* back, to return [ oggetto prestato]; to give* back, to restore [ vista]; to give* back [ libertà]
     2 (ricambiare) to return [saluto, invito]; a buon rendere! I owe you one!
     3 (dare, tributare) rendere conto di qcs. a qcn. to account for sth. to sb., to answer to sb. for sth.; rendere omaggio a qcn. to pay homage o tribute to sb.; rendere giustizia a qcn. to do sb. justice o justice to sb.; rendere grazie a Dio to say grace
     4 (fruttare) [ investimento] to yield [ denaro]; le azioni rendono il 10% the shares yield o return 10%; non rende niente it doesn't pay
     5 (esprimere) to render, to convey [sentimento, idea, atmosfera]; rendo l'idea? have I got it across?
     6 (fare diventare) to make*, to render; rendere qcn. felice, celebre to make sb. happy, famous; rendere qcs. possibile, difficile to make sth. possible, difficult; rendere pubblico to make [sth.] public [relazione, vita privata]; to make [sth.] known [verità, notizia]
     (aus. avere)
     1 (fruttare) rendere (bene) [ terra] to be productive; [ coltura] to do well; [attività, commercio] to be profitable
     2 (dare un rendimento) a scuola non rende he's not getting on at school; rende meglio a colori it comes out better in colour
    III rendersi verbo pronominale
     1 (diventare) to make* oneself; - rsi indispensabile to make oneself indispensable
     2 - rsi conto di to appreciate, to realize; - rsi conto che to be o become aware that, to realize that; sì, me ne rendo conto yes, I can appreciate that; ti rendi conto di quanto costa? do you realize how expensive that is?

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > rendere

  • 15 ALL-

    may be prefixed to almost every adjective and adverb in an intensive sense, very, extremely.
    * * *
    may in old writers be prefixed to almost every adjective and adverb in an intensive sense, like Engl. very, Lat. per-, Gr. οια-, ζα-. In common talk and modern writings it is rare (except after a negative), and denotes something below the average, viz. tolerably, pretty well, not very well; but in the Sagas, something capital, exceeding. In high style it may perhaps be used in the old sense, e. g. allfagrt ljós oss birtist brátt, a transl. of the Ambrosian hymn, Aurora lucis rutilat. The instances in old writers are nearly endless, e. g. all-annt, n. adj. very eager, Fms. ii. 41; ironically, 150. all-apr, adj. very sore, very harsh, v. apr. all-auðsóttligt, n. adj. very easy, Fs. 40. all-auðveldliga, adv. very easily, Fms. iv. 129. all-auðveldligr, adj. very easy, Fms. v. 331. all-auðveldr, adj. id., Fbr. 158: neut. as adv., Hkr. ii. 76. all-ágætr, adj. very famous, Fms. ii. 76. all-áhyggjusamliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very careful, Fms. vi. 184. all-ákafliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very hot, impetuous, Hkr. i. 234, ii. 32. all-ákaft, adj. very fast, Nj. 196. all-áræðiliga, adv. very likely, Fær. 183. all-áræðislítill, adj. very timid, Fms. vi. 217. all-ástúðligt, n. adj. very hearty, intimate, Fms. ii. 20. all-banvænn, adj. very likely to prove mortal, Orkn. 148. all-beinn, adj. very hospitable, Fms. ii. 84, Eb. 286: neut. as adv., Fær. 259. all-beiskr, adj. very harsh, bitter, Sturl. iii. 167. all-bert, n. adj. very manifest, Lex. Poët. all-bitr, adj. very biting, sharp, Sks. 548. all-bitrligr, adj. of a very sharp appearance, Vígl. 20. all-bjartr, adj. very bright, Fms. viii. 361. all-bjúgr, adj. very much bent, curved, Ölkofr. 39. all-blár, adj. very blue, Glúm. 394. all-blíðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very blithely, kindly, Fær. 132. all-blíðr, adj. very mild, amiable, Sd. 158, Fms. i. 202. all-bráðgörr, adj. very soon mature, Eb. 16. all-bráðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very hastily, Orkn. 72. all-bráðr, adj. very hot-headed, Njarð. 370: neut. as adv. very soon, Fms. xi. 51: dat. pl. all-bráðum, as adv. very suddenly, 139. all-bros-ligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very funny, laughable, Fms. iii. 113. all-dasigr, adj. very sluggish, Lex. Poët. all-digr, adj. very big, stout; metaph. puffed up, Nj. 236. all-djarfliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very boldly, Fms. ii. 313, Orkn. 102. all-djúpsettr, adj. very deep, thoughtful, Bret. 158. all-drengiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very bold, gallant, Lv. 110. all-dræmt, n. adj. very boastfully, from dramb, superbia, (the modern word is dræmt = slowly, sluggishly); þeir létu a. yfir sér, boasted, Sturl. ii. 56. MS. Mus. Brit. 1127; Cod. A. M. has allvænt, prob. wrongly. all-dyggr, adj. very doughty, Lex. Poët. all-dýrr, adj. very dear, Fms. iii. 159. all-eiguligr, adj. very worth having, Sd. 146. all-eina (theol.), á Guð alleina (a hymn), alone: Hkr. iii. 339 (in a spurious chapter). all-einarðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very sincere, candid, open, Ld. 334. all-eldiligr and -elliligr, adj. of a very aged appearance, Fms. iii. 125. all-fagr, adj. very bright, fair, Orkn. 296 old Ed.: neut. as adv. very fairly, Sturl. i. 72. all-fast, n. adj. very firmly, steadfastly, Eb. 290, Fær. 259. all-fastorðr, adj. very ‘wordfast,’ very true to his word, Fms. vii. 120. all-fálátr, adj. very taciturn, close, Fas. iii. 408. all-fáliga, adv. on very cold terms, Sturl. iii. 298. all-fámáligr, adj. very close, of very few words, Fms. iii. 85, iv. 366. all-fámennr, adj. followed by very few people, Sturl. ii. 122, Magn. 386. all-far, adj. very few, Eg. 512, Ld. 272, Ísl. ii. 356: neut. on very cold terms, Fms. xi. 55. all-fáræðinn, adj. of very few words, Fms. iv. 312. all-feginn, adj. very ‘fain,’ glad, Eg. 240, Ld. 330. all-feginsamliga, adv. very ‘fain,’ gladly, Eg. 27. all-feigligr, adj. having the mark of death very plain on one’s face, v. feigr, Sturl. iii. 234. all-feitr, adj. very fat, Fms. x. 303. all-ferliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very rudely, Fms. iv. 263. all-fémikill, adj. very costly, Ld. 298. all-fjarri, adv. very far, far from, metaph., Hkr. ii. 246; eigi a., not improper, Fbr. 15. all-fjartekit, part. very far-fetched, Skálda 166. all-fjölgan, adj. acc. very numerous (does not exist in nom.), Sks. 138 A. all-fjölkunnigr, adj. very deeply versed in sorcery, Fms. ii. 175, Fas. i. 412. all-fjölmeðr and -mennr, adj. followed, attended by very many people, much frequented, Eg. 724, 188, Hkr. i. 215: n. sing. in very great numbers, Fms. i. 36. all-fjölrætt, n. adj. very heedful, much talked of, Nj. 109. all-forsjáll, adj. very prudent, Hom. 115. all-framr, adj. very famous, Lex. Poët.; very far forward, Grett. 161 A. all-frekliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very daringly, impudently, Fas. i. 24. all-frekr, adj. too eager, too daring, Fms. vii. 164. all-friðliga, adv. in very great peace, Lex. Poët. all-fríðr, adj. very beautiful, Eg. 23, Hkr. i. 225, ii. 354, Fms. i. 2. all-frjáls, adj. very free, independent, v. alfrjáls. all-fróðligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very wise, learned, Sks. 306 B. all-fróðr, adj. very learned, Sks. 30. all-frægr, adj. very famous, Fms. ii. 324, Hkr. i. 232, ii. 187, Ld. 122. all-frækiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj., and all-frækn, adj. and -liga, adv. very bold, boldly, Ísl. ii. 267, Hkr. i. 239, Fms. i. 121. all-fúss, adj. and -liga, adv. very eager, eagerly, Eg. 488, Fms. xi. 89. all-fýsiligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very desirable, Eg. 19, 468. all-fölr, adj. very pale, Lex. Poët. all-gagnsamr, adj. very profitable, gainful, Ísl. ii. 56. all-gamall, adj. very old, Hkr. i. 34. all-gegniliga and -gegnliga, adv. very fittingly, Sturl. ii. 63. all-gemsmikill, adj. very wanton, frolicsome, Sturl. ii. 57. all-gerla and -görviligr, v. -görla, -görviligr. all-gestrisinn, adj. very hospitable, Háv. 40. all-geysilegr, adj. and -liga, adv. very impetuous, Fms. x. 81. all-gildliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. with a very grand air, Grett. 121. all-gildr, adj. very grand, Lex. Poët. all-giptusam-liga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very lucky, Fms. x. 53. all-glaðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very joyfully, joyful, Fms. iii. 143, Lv. 55. all-glaðr, adj. very joyful, Eg. 163, Ld. 176. all-gleymr, adj. very gleeful, mirthful, in high spirits, [glaumr], verða a. við e-t, Sturl. iii. 152, Eb. 36. all-glæsiliga, adj. and -ligr, adv. very shiny, Eb. 34, Fas. iii. 626, Fms. ix. 430. all-glöggsær, adj. very transparent, dearly visible, metaph., þorf. Karl. 380. all-glöggt, n. adj. very exactly, Hkr. iii. 253, Fas. iii. 13. all-góðmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very kindly, kind, Mag. 6. all-góðr, adj. very good, Nj. 222, Eg. 36, 198. all-greiðliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very easy, easily, Eb. 268: neut. as adv., Eb. l. c. all-grimmliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very grimly, fiercely, Fas. iii. 414. all-grimmr, adj. very cruel, fierce, Hkr. iii. 167. all-grun-samliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very suspiciously, Ísl. ii. 364. all-göfugr, adj. very distinguished, Eg. 598, Bs. i. 60. all-görla, adv. very clearly, precisely, Hkr. iii. 133, Fms. xi. 15. all-görviligr, adj. very stout, manly, Fms. ii. 28. all-hagstæðr, adj. with a very fair wind, Sturl. iii. 109. all-harðligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very hard, stern, Fas. i. 382. all-harðr, adj. very hard, stern, Fms. i. 177: n. sing. severely, Nj. 165, Grág. i. 261. all-háskasamligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very hazardous, Fms. v. 135. all-heiðinn, adj. quite heathen, Fs. 89 (in a verse). all-heilagr, adj. very sacred, Lex. Poët. all-heimskliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very foolish, frantic, Hkr. ii. 190, Fas. iii. 293. all-heimskr, adj. very silly, stupid, Eg. 376, Grett. 159. all-heppinn, adj. very lucky, happy, Lex. Poët. all-herðimikill, adj. very broad-shouldered, Eg. 305. all-hermannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very martial, Fms. xi. 233. all-hjaldrjúgr, adj. very gossipping, chattering, Lv. 57: neut. as adv., Vápn. 10. all-hógliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very gently, Fms. xi. 240, vi. 274. all-hóleitr and -háleitr, adj. very sublime, Hom. 23. all-hór and -hár, adj. very high, tall, v. -hár. all-hratt, n. adj. in all speed, Lex. Poët. all-hraustliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very bravely, Fms. viii. 289, Eb. 34. all-hraustr, adj. very valiant, Fms. viii. 267. all-hreystimannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very valiantly, Fms. xi. 95. all-hrumliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very infirmly from age, Fas. ii. 91. all-hræddr, adj. very much afraid, Fbr. 94. all-hræðinn, adj. very timid, Fms. vi. 155. all-huml;mgsjúkr, adj. very grieved, heart-sick, Hkr. i. 243, Fms. vi. 133. all-hvass, adj. of the wind, blowing very sharp, Fms. ix. 20, Lex. Poët. all-hyggi-ligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very carefully, Fas. iii. 610. all-hýrliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very blandly, with a very bright face, Fas. iii. 636. all-hæðiligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very ridiculous, Finnb. 312. all-hældreginn, adj. walking very much on one’s heels, dragging the heels very much in walking, of an aged or beggarly person, Band. 9. all-hœgliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very softly, meekly, Fms. xi. 389. all-hœlinn, adj. very bragging, Lex. Poët. all-iðinn, adj. very diligent, laborious, Bs. i. 278. all-illa, adv. and -illr, adj. very badly, bad, wicked, Nj. 242, cp. ilia; ill-willed, Eg. 542: compar., vera allver um, to be worse off, Nj. 221 (Ed. allvant); angry, Lv. 145; disgraceful, Eg. 237; unfortunate, Sturl. ii. 47. all-jafnlyndr, adj. very calm, even-tempered, Fms. vi. 287. all-kaldr, adj. very cold, Vápn. 21. all-kappsamliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. with very much zeal, liberally, Hkr. i. 271; veita a., of hospitality, Ld. 292; mæla a., frankly, peremptorily, 296. all-kappsamr, adj. very eager, vehement, Eg. 187. all-karlmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very manfully, Fms. x. 141. all-kaupmannliga, adv. in a very businesslike, tradesmanlike way, Fms. v.255. all-kátligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very funny, Grett. 112. all-kátr, adj. very joyful, Nj. 18, Eg. 44, 332. all-keppinn, adj. very snappish, Lex. Poët. all-kerskiligr and -keskiligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very sarcastic, biting, Sturl. ii. 196. all-klókr, adj. very shrewd, Hkr. iii. 317. all-knáliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very stoutly, vigorously, Rd. 312. all-kostgæflliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very earnestly, in a very painstaking way, Stj. all-kostigr, adj. very excellent, Lex. Poët. all-kviklatr, adj. very quick, lively, Ld. 270. all-kynliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very strangely, strange, Ísl. ii. 58, Fms. ii. 227, Grett. 160. all-kyrrligr, adj. very quiet, tranquil, Háv. 49. all-kærr, adj. very dear, beloved, Eg. 139, Fms. i. 48; very fond of, Hkr. i. 194: neut., Eg. 116, of mutual love. all-langr, adj. very long, Háv. 49. all-laust, n. adj. very loosely, Fms. xi. 103. all-lágr, adj. very low, short of stature, Fbr. 68. all-lengi, adv. very long, K. Þ. K. 158. all-léttbrúnn, adj. of very brightened, cheerful countenance, Ld. 94. all-léttiliga, adv. very lightly, Fas. iii. 612. all-léttmælt, n. adj., vera a. um e-t, to speak in a very lively way, Fms. iv. 261. all-léttr, adj. very light (in weight), Fas. iii. 487. all-líkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. in very agreeable, courteous terms, Fas. i. 84. all-likligr, adj. very likely, Fas. ii. 247, Sks. 669. all-líkr, adj. very like, Fas. iii. 579, Sd. 160, Korm. 142. all-lítilfjörligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very puny, prop. having little life in one, Háv. 54. all-lítill, adj. very little, Fær. 268: n. sing. all-lítt, as adv. very little, Nj. 108, 130, Korm. 172; poorly, Grett. 116. all-lyginn, adj. very given to lying, Fbr. 157. all-makligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very deserving, fitting, Sturl. iii. 127, Bjarn. 22. all-mann-fátt, n. adj. with very few people, Gísl. 31. all-mannhættr, adj. very dangerous, Fas. iii. 34. all-mannskæðr, adj. very full of manskathe, very murderous, Fms. ii. 512. all-mannæenligr, adj. a very promising man, Fms. iv. 254. all-mannvænn, adj. a man of very great promise, Hkr. ii. 182. all-margliga, adv. very affably, Sturl. iii. 27. all-margmæltr, part. very talkative, Sturl. ii. 179. all-margr, adj. very numerous, pl. very many, Nj. 32, Grág. ii. 176, Sks. 328, Gþl. 329. all-margrætt, n. adj. part. very much spoken of, Fms. viii. 275. all-málugr, adj. very loquacious, Hkr. iii. 152, 655 xi. 2. all-máttfarinn, adj. very much worn out, with very little strength left, Fas. ii. 356. all-máttlítill, adj. very weak, Fms. i. 159. all-meginlauss, adj. very void of strength, Fms. xi. 103. all-mikilfengligr, adj. very high and mighty, very imposing, Fs. all-mikill, adj. very great, Ísl. ii. 269, Nj. 193, Eg. 29, 39: neut. as adv. greatly, Fms. i. 24, vii. 110. all-mikilmannliga, adv. very nobly, Sturl. i. 33. all-misjafn, adj. very variously, unfavourably, in such phrases as, mæla a. um e-t, there were very different stories about the matter, leggja a. til, ganga a. undir, taka a. á, Eg. 242, Hkr. ii. 123, Fms. i. 86, vii. no, Ld. 166. all-mjór, adj. very slim, slender, narrow, Hkr. iii. 117, Gþl. 173. all-mjök, adv. very much, Nj. 134, Ld. 196, Eg. 19; féllu þá a. menn, in very great numbers, Fms. i. 173. all-myrkr, adj. very dark, Fms. ix. 23. all-mæðiliga, adv. with very great effort, heavily, Fms. ix. 16. all-nauðigr, adj. and -liga, adv. very reluctant, unwilling, Grett. 153; a. staddr, dangerously, Fms. v. 212. all-náinn, adj. very near, nearly related, Sks. 330. all-náttförull, adj. very much given to wandering by night, Lex. Poët. all-níðskárr, adj. of a poet, given to mocking, satirical verse, [níð and skáld (?)], Fms. ii. 7. all-nóg, adv. very abundantly, Sd. 182. all-nær, adv. very near, Fms. vii. 289; metaph., lagði a. at, pretty nearly, well-nigh, Fs., Sks. 684 B. all-nærri, adv. very near, Ld. 202, Fas. iii. 339. all-opt, adv. very often, Anecd. 38, Gþl. 169. all-orðfátt, n. adj. in the phrase, göra a. urn, to be very short of words as to, Bjarn. 31. all-ógurligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very frightful, Edda 41. all-ólmliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very furiously, Fas. iii. 546, Bárð. 177. áll-óttalaust, n. adj. with very little to fear, Eg. 371, v. l. all-ramskipaðr, adj. part. very strongly manned, Fms. iii. 13. all-rauðr, adj. very red, Ld. 182. all-ráðligr, adj. very expedient, advisable, Grett. 145. all-reiðiligr, adj. looking very wrathful, Fms. iv. 161. all-reiðr, adj. very wroth, angry, Edda 57, Nj. 135, Eg. 139. all-ríkmarmligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very grand, pompous, magnificent, Fms. i. 213. all-ríkr, adj. very powerful, Fms. i. 115. all-rýrliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very feebly, puny, Fbr. 28. all-röskliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very smart, brisk, Fms. viii. 317. all-sannligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very likely, ‘soothlike,’ Fms. iv. 270. all-sáttgjarnliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very placable, of mild disposition, Sturl. iii. 288. all-seinn, adj. very slow, Bs. i. 192: neut. as adv. slowly, Grett. 151 A. all-sigrsæll, adj. very victorious, having very good luck in war, Hkr. i. 28. all-skammr, adj. very short, very scant, Nj. 264: neut. substantively, a very short way, Finnb. 324; short distance, Fms. iv. 329. all-skapliga, adv. very fittingly, properly, Grett. 120. all-skapværr, adj. of a very gentle, meek disposition, Sturl. all-skapþungt, n. adj., vera a., to be in a very gloomy, depressed state of mind, Fms. iv. 26. all-skarpr, adj. very sharp, Lex. Poët. all-skeinuhættr, adj. very dangerous, vulnerable, Sturl. ii. 139. all-skemtiligr, adj. very amusing, Sturl. ii. 77. all-skillítill, adj. very slow-witted, dull, Sturl. j. 89. all-skjallkænliga, adv. [skjalla, to flatter], very coaxingly, Grett. 131 A. all-skjótt, n. adj. as adv. very soon, Nj. 236. all-skrautligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very smart, splendid, Fas. ii. 366, Mag. 11. all-skygn, adj. very sharp-sighted, Hrafn. 33. all-skyldr, adj. bound to, very obligatory; neut. = bounden duty, Sks. 484; deserved, Gþl. 61:
    β. nearly related, near akin, Fms. xi. 75. all-skyndiliga, adv. very quickly, Blas. 40. all-skynsamliga, adv. very judiciously, Sturl. iii. 161. all-skyrugr, adj. all curd-besprent, Grett. 107 A. all-sköruliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very frankly, boldly, dignified, Sturl. iii. 39, Fms. ix. 5, Ld. 94 C, 226, Bs. i. all-sljáliga, adv. very slowly, sluggishly, Grett. 101 A. all-smár, adj. very small, Fms. v. 55, xi. 61. all-snarpliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very sharply, smartly, Fms. viii. 346. all-snarpr, adj. very sharp, Fms. i. 38, Nj. 246. all-snemma, adv. very early, Fms. ii. 223. all-snjallr, adj. very shrewd, clever, Fms. viii. 367. all-snúðula, adv. very quickly, Lex. Poët. all-snæfr, adj. very brisk, id. all-snöfurmannligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very brisk and energetic looking, of a man, Fms. xi. 79. all-spakliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very mildly, moderately, wisely, Hkr. ii. 41. all-spakr, adj. very gentle, wise, Fms. vi. 298. all-starsýnn, adj. who stares very hard at a thing, looking fixedly upon, Fms. vi. 203. all-sterkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very briskly, strongly, Ld. 158, Fas. iii. 612. all-sterkr, adj. very strong, Hkr. i. 238, Eg. 285; Ísl. ii. 461 ( very vehement); as a pr. name, Fms. iii. 183. all-stilliliga, adv. very calmly, in a very composed manner, Ld. 318. all-stirðr, adj. very stiff, Háv. 46. all-stórhöggr, adj. dealing very hard blows, Fms. i. 171. all-stórliga, adv. very haughtily, Hkr. ii. 63, Ld. 168. all-stórmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very munificently, nobly, Fas. iii. 45; haughtily, Sd. 146. all-stórorðr, adj. using very big words, Eg. 340, Ld. 38 ( very boisterous). all-stórr, adj. very great, metaph. big, puffed up, Ld. 318; dat. all-stórum, as adv. very largely, Edda 32. all-strangr, adj. very rapid, Lex. Poët. all-styggr, adj. very ill-humoured, cross, Grett. 103 A. all-styrkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very stoutly, Stj. 402. all-styrkr, adj. very strong, Fms. i. 177. all-svangr, adj. very hungry, Lex. Poët. all-svinnliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very wisely, prudently, wise, Fas. i. 95, ii. 266. all-sættfúss, adj. very placable, peace-loving, very willing to accept an atonement, Sturl. iii. 19. all-sœmiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very seemly, decorous, honourable, Hkr. i. 215, Ísl. ii. 163. all-tiginn, adj. very princely, Lex. Poët. all-tillátsamr, adj. very indulgent, lenient, Þórð. 12. all-tíðrætt, n. adj. very much talked of, much spoken of, Eg. 99, Sturl. i. 199. all-tíðvirkr, adj. very quick at work, Fms. xi. 377. all-torfyndr, adj. very hard to find, Fms. vii. 356. all-torfært, n. adj. very hard to pass, cross, Eg. 546. all-torsótt, n. adj. part. very difficult to reach, Eg. 546. all-tortryggiliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very suspiciously, Sturl. ii. 47. all-torveldligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very difficult, Str. all-trauðr, adj. very slow, unwilling, Fms. xi. 39. all-tregr, adj. very tardy, Fær. 114, Bárð. 178. all-trúr, adj. very true. Fms. vi. 377. all-tryggr, adj. very trusty, Hkr. iii. 167. all-tvítugr, false reading, instead of eigi alls t., not quite twenty, Sturl. i. 181. all-undarligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very odd, wonderful, Fms. ii. 150. all-ungr, adj. very young, Eg. 268, Fms. i. 14, Ld. 274. all-úbeinskeyttr, adj. shooting very badly, Fms. ii. 103. all-úblíðr, adj. very harsh, unkind, Fas. ii. all-úbragðligr, adj. very ill-looking, Sturl. iii. 234. all-údæll, adj. very spiteful, untractable, Sturl. i. 99. all-úfagr, adj. very ugly, metaph., Fms. iii. 154. all-úfimliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very awkwardly, Fas. ii. 543. all-úframliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very backward, shy, timid, Fbr. 38 C. all-úfríðr, adj. very ugly, Fms. xi. 227. all-úfrýnn, adj. very sullen, ‘frowning,’ sour, Eg. 525. all-úfrægr, adj. very inglorious, Fms. iv. 259. all-úglaðr, adj. very gloomy, sad, Hkr. iii. 379. all-úhægr, adj. very difficult, Eg. 227. all-úhöfðingligr, adj. very low-looking, very plebeian, Finnb. 222. all-úkátr, adj. very sorrowful, Edda 35, Eg. 223, Fms. i. 37. all-úknár, adj. very weak of frame, Grett. 119 A, very badly knit; Bs. i. 461 (of boys). all-úkonungligr, adj. very unkingly, Fms. viii. 158. all-úkunnigr, adj. quite unknown, Ísl. ii. 412. all-úlífligr, adj. very unlikely to live, Hkr. ii. 200. all-úlíkliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very unlikely, Gísl. 24, Sd. 123, Finnb. 310. all-úlíkr, adj. very unlike, Glúm. 364. all-úlyginn, adj. not at all given to lie, truthful, Fbr. 157. all-úmáttuliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. weakly, very weak, tender, Fms. iv. 318. all-úráðinn, adj. part. very ‘unready’ (cp. Ethelred the ‘unready’), undecided, Lv. 9. all-úráðliga, adv. very unadvisedly, rashly, Odd. 12 old Ed. all-úsannligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very untruthful, unjust; also, unlikely, Fms. vii. 141. all-úsáttfúss, adj. very implacable, unwilling to come to terms, Sturl. iii. 275. all-úskyldr, adj. very strange to, not at all bound to…, Eg. 10. all-úspakr, adj. very unruly, Sturl. ii. 61. all-úsváss, adj. very uncomfortable, of weather, cold and rainy, Bs. i. 509. all-úsýnn, adj. very uncertain, doubtful, Glúm. 358, Sturl. i. 105. all-úsæligr, adj. of very poor, wretched appearance, Niðrst. 109. all-úvinsæll, adj. very unpopular, Fms. iv. 369, Fas. iii. 520. all-úvísliga, adv. very unwisely, Niðrst. 6. all-úvænliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. of very unfavourable prospect, Fas. ii. 266; n. adj. very unpromising, Grett. 148 A. all-úvænn, adi. very ugly, Fas. i. 234; very unpromising, unfavourable, Ísl. ii. 225: neut. as adv. unfavourably, Fms. xi. 134. all-úþarfr, adj. very unthrifty, very unprofitable, something that had better be prevented, Eg. 576, Hkr. ii. 245. all-vandlátr, adj. very difficult, hard to please, Fms. vi. 387. all-vandliga, adv. with very great pains, exactly, carefully, Sks. 658 B. all-vant, n. adj., vera a. um e-t, to be in a very great strait, Nj. 221. all-varfærr, adj. very careful, solicitous, Eg. 63. all-vaskligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very brisk, smart, gallant, Hkr. i. 104; compar. v. alvaskligr. all-vaskr, adj. very brisk, gallant, Fms. viii. 226. all-vandr, adj. very bad, of clothes, much worn, Pm. 11. all-vápndjarfr, adj. very bold, daring in arms, Hkr. iii. 63. all-veðrlítið, n. adj. very calm, with little wind, Fms. vi. 360. all-vegliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very grand, princely, nobly, Fms. i. 20, Eg. 332, Hkr. i. 15. all-vel, adv. very well, Nj. 12, Eg. 78, 198; compar. albetr, v. alvel. all-vesall, adj. very puny, wretched, Nj. 97. all-vesalliga, adv. very wretchedly, Ölk. 35. all-vesalmannliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. id., Ísl. ii. 416. all-vesæll, adj. very miserable, base, vile, Nj. 97. all-vingjarnliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very friendly, amicable, Sturl. ii. 168. all-vingott, n. adj. on very friendly terms, Fbr. 129. all-vinsæll, adj. very popular, used of a man blessed with many friends, Fms. i. 184, ii. 44, Orkn. 104 old Ed. all-virðuligr, adj. and -liga, adv. very worthy, dignified, Fms. x. 84, Bs. i. 83. all-vitr, adj. very wise, Sks. 29 B (superl.) all-vitrliga, adv. very wisely, Fas. ii. 66. all-víða and all-vítt, n. adj. very widely, Hkr. iii. 141, Lex. Poët. all-vígliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. in a very warlike manner, Fms. ix. 488, Fas. ii. 112. all-vígmannliga, adv. very martially, Fas. iii. 150. all-vígmóðr, adj. quite wearied out with fighting, Introd. to Helgakviða (Sæm.) all-víss, adj. very wise, sure, Sks. 520, Lex. Poët.: neut. to a dead certainty, Lex. Poët. all-vænliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very promising, handsome, Glúm. 349, Fms. v. 260, Fbr. 114. all-vænn, adj. id., Clem. 24, Bs. i. 340: neut., þykja a. um, to be in high spirits, Ísl. ii. 361; make much of, Fms. ii. 76; as adv. favourably, Fms. iv. 192. all-vörpuligr, adj. of a very stout, stately frame, Hkr. ii. 254. all-vöxtuligr, adj. very tall, of large growth, Fas. iii. 627. all-þakkligr, adj. very pretty, = þekkiligr, Lex. Poët. all-þakksamliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very thankfully, Fms. i. 120, Ld. 298. all-þarfliga, adv. very thriftily, very pressingly; biðja a., to beg very hard, Edda 45. all-þarfr, adj. very thrifty, Lex. Poët. all-þéttr, adj. very crowded, cp. Lex. Poët. all-þrekligr, adj. of a very robust frame, Hkr. ii. 2. all-þröngr, adj. as neut. in a very great crowd, Edda 24. all-þungliga, adv. and -ligr, adj. very hard, unwilling, reluctant, Sturl. ii. 120; taka a. á e-m, to be very hard upon, Mag. 1. all-þungr, adj. very unfavourable, Hkr. ii. 358; hostile, badly disposed towards, Eb. 108, Eg. 332; þykja a., to dislike, Fms. viii. 441; a. orð, to blame, Sturl. ii. 62. all-þykkr, adj. very thick, Fas. i. 339: n. sing. as adv. thickly, Fms. vii. 70 (of great numbers slain on the battle-field). all-æfr, adj. very furious, wrath, Ísl. ii. 258, Lv. 60, Fas. i. 404. all-ægiligr, adj. very terrible, Dropl. 18. all-æstr, adj. very incited, vehement, Nj. 231. all-örorðr, adj. very quick-tongued, frank, outspoken, Eg. 340. all-öruggliga, adv. very steadfastly, very firmly, Grett. 153 A. all-öruggr, adj. very unflinching, Bs. i. 624.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ALL-

  • 16 Agriculture

       Historically, Portugal's agricultural efficiency, measured in terms of crop yields and animal productivity, has been well below that of other European countries. Agricultural inefficiency is a consequence of Portugal's topography and climate, which varies considerably from north to south and has influenced farm size and farming methods. There are three major agricultural zones: the north, center, and south. The north (the area between the Douro and Minho Rivers, including the district of Trás-os-Montes) is mountainous with a wet (180-249 cm of rainfall/year), moderately cool climate. It contains about 2 million hectares of cultivated land excessively fragmented into tiny (3-5 hectares) family-owned farms, or minifúndios, a consequence of ancient settlement patterns, a strong attachment to the land, and the tradition of subdividing land equally among family members. The farms in the north produce the potatoes and kale that are used to make caldo verde soup, a staple of the Portuguese diet, and the grapes that are used to make vinho verde (green wine), a light sparkling white wine said to aid the digestion of oily and greasy food. Northern farms are too small to benefit from mechanization and their owners too poor to invest in irrigation, chemical fertilizers, or better seeds; hence, agriculture in the north has remained labor intensive, despite efforts to regroup minifúndios to increase farm size and efficiency.
       The center (roughly between the Douro and the Tagus River) is bisected by the Mondego River, the land to either side of which is some of the most fertile in Portugal and produces irrigated rice, corn, grapes, and forest goods on medium-sized (about 100 hectares) farms under a mixture of owner-cultivation and sharecropping. Portugal's center contains the Estrela Mountains, where sheep raising is common and wool, milk, and cheese are produced, especially mountain cheese ( Queijo da Serra), similar to French brie. In the valley of the Dão River, a full-bodied, fruity wine much like Burgundy is produced. In the southern part of the center, where the climate is dry and soils are poor, stock raising mixes with cereal crop cultivation. In Estremadura, the area north of Lisbon, better soils and even rainfall support intensive agriculture. The small farms of this area produce lemons, strawberries, pears, quinces, peaches, and vegetables. Estremadura also produces red wine at Colares and white wine at Buçelas.
       The south (Alentejo and Algarve) is a vast rolling plain with a hot arid climate. It contains about 2.6 million hectares of arable land and produces the bulk of Portugal's wheat and barley. It also produces one of Portugal's chief exports, cork, which is made from bark cut from cork oaks at nine-year intervals. There are vast groves of olive trees around the towns of Elvas, Serpa, and Estremoz that provide Portugal's olives. The warm climate of the Algarve (the most southern region of Portugal) is favorable for the growing of oranges, pomegranates, figs, and carobs. Almonds are also produced. Farms in the south, except for the Algarve, are large estates (typically 1,000 hectares or more in size) known as latifúndios, worked by a landless, wage-earning rural work force. After the Revolution of 25 April 1974, these large estates were taken over by the state and turned into collective farms. During the 1990s, as the radicalism of the Revolution moderated, collectivized agriculture was seen as counterproductive, and the nationalized estates were gradually returned to their original owners in exchange for cash payments or small parcels of land for the collective farm workers.
       Portugal adopted the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) when it joined the European Union (EU) in 1986. The CAP, which is based on the principles of common pricing, EU preferences, and joint financing, has shifted much of Portugal's agricultural decision making to the EU. Under the CAP, cereals and dairy products have experienced declines in prices because these are in chronic surplus within the EU. Alentejo wheat production has become unprofitable because of poor soils. However, rice, tomatoes, sunflower, and safflower seed and potatoes, as well as Portuguese wines, have competed well under the CAP system.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Agriculture

  • 17 aufgeben

    (unreg., trennb., hat -ge-)
    I vt/i (Kampf, Widerstand) give up ( oder in), abandon; SPORT, als Läufer, Teilnehmer: auch drop out, concede (defeat); Schach resign; Boxen und fig.: throw in the towel; aufgeben müssen be forced to give up ( oder admit defeat); sie gibt nicht so leicht auf she doesn’t give up that easily; du wirst doch nicht aufgeben! you’re surely not going to give up (are you)?; siehe II 3
    II v/t
    1. (Brief) post, Am. mail; (Gepäck) register, Am. check; (Luftgepäck) check in, baggage check; (Telegramm) send; (Bestellung) place; (Anzeige) place (an ad in the newspaper)
    2. (Aufgabe) set, assign; (Frage, Problem) pose, ask; (Rätsel) ask ( oder pose); sie gibt immer sehr viel auf she always sets (Am. gives) a lot of homework; er gab ihnen auf, das Gedicht zu lernen he asked ( oder told) them to learn the poem (off) by heart ( oder by rote); Rätsel
    3. (verzichten auf) allg. give up; (Amt) resign; (Beruf) retire; (Stelle) leave; (Geschäft) give up ( oder retire from); (Gewohnheit) give up; (das Rauchen, Trinken) stop; (Hoffnung, Plan) abandon, relinquish; (Anspruch, Recht) relinquish; es aufgeben zu (+ Inf.) give up (+ Ger.) ich geb’s auf I give up
    4. jemanden (Kranken, Vermissten) give up (hope for); (Schüler, Kind) give up on ( oder with)
    III v/refl: du darfst dich nicht aufgeben! you must not give up ( oder resign)
    IV v/i Ballspiele: serve
    * * *
    (Brief) to mail; to post; to dispatch;
    (Gepäck) to register; to check;
    (Hoffnung) to give up; to surrender; to abandon;
    (Tätigkeit) to give up; to dismiss; to quit; to forsake; to abdicate; to give in; to renounce
    * * *
    auf|ge|ben sep
    1. vt
    1) Hausaufgaben to give, to set; schwierige Frage, Problem to pose (jdm for sb)

    jdm viel/nichts áúfgeben (Sch)to give or set sb a lot of/no homework

    2) (= übergeben, abgeben) Koffer, Gepäck to register, to check in; Fluggepäck to check in; Brief, Paket to post (Brit), to mail (esp US); Anzeige to put in, to place; Bestellung to place
    3) Kampf, Hoffnung, Arbeitsstelle, Freund etc to give up
    4) (= verloren geben) Patienten to give up; (fig) Sohn, Schüler to give up (with or on)
    5) (inf) Essen to serve

    jdm etw áúfgeben — to give sb sth

    2. vi
    1) (= sich geschlagen geben) to give up or in; (MIL) to surrender
    2) (inf bei Tisch) to serve (jdm sb)

    kann ich dir noch mal áúfgeben? — can I give you some more?

    * * *
    1) (to give up: The dictator was forced to relinquish control of the country.) relinquish
    2) ((of a business) to close permanently: High levels of taxation have caused many firms to close down.) close down
    3) (to decide to spend no more money, effort etc on something which is proving unprofitable.) cut one's losses
    4) (to stop: I've cut out smoking.) cut out
    5) (abandoned and left to fall to pieces: a derelict airfield.) derelict
    6) (to give up (a friend, a habit etc): I think she's dropped the idea of going to London.) drop
    7) (to stop fighting and admit defeat; to yield: The soldiers were outnumbered and gave in to the enemy.) give in
    8) (to stop, abandon: I must give up smoking; They gave up the search.) give up
    9) (to stop using etc: You'll have to give up cigarettes; I won't give up all my hobbies for you.) give up
    10) (to hand over (eg oneself or something that one has) to someone else.) give up
    11) ((often with as or for) to consider (a person, thing etc) to be: You took so long to arrive that we had almost given you up (for lost).) give up
    12) leave
    13) (to cancel: We planned to go but had to scrub the idea.) scrub
    14) (to give up; to surrender: He yielded to the other man's arguments; He yielded all his possessions to the state.) yield
    15) (to leave, stop, or resign from etc: I'm going to quit teaching; They have been ordered to quit the house by next week.) quit
    16) (to leave a job etc: If he criticizes my work again I'll resign; He resigned (from) his post.) resign
    * * *
    1. (zu lösen geben)
    jdm etw \aufgeben to pose sth for sb
    2. SCH (die Anfertigung von etw anordnen)
    [jdm] etw \aufgeben to give [or set] [sb] sth
    3. (zu befördern geben)
    Gepäck \aufgeben to register luggage; LUFT to check in luggage
    4. (zur Aufbewahrung geben) to put in [the] left luggage [or baggage room
    5. (im Postamt abgeben)
    etw \aufgeben to post [or mail] sth
    6. (in Auftrag geben)
    etw \aufgeben to place [or sep put in] sth
    7. DIAL (Essen zuteilen)
    jdm etw \aufgeben to serve sb sth
    kann ich dir noch Kartoffeln \aufgeben? can serve you [any] more potatoes?
    I. vt
    etw \aufgeben to give up sth sep
    den Widerstand \aufgeben to give up one's resistance
    2. (etw sein lassen)
    jdn/etw \aufgeben to give up sb/sth sep
    eine Stellung \aufgeben to resign [or sep give up] a post
    3. (mit etw aufhören)
    etw \aufgeben to give up sth sep
    eine Gewohnheit \aufgeben to break with [or sep give up] a habit
    das Rauchen \aufgeben to give up smoking
    eine Sucht \aufgeben to come away from an addiction
    gib's auf! (fam) why don't you give up?
    etw \aufgeben to drop sth
    die Hoffnung \aufgeben to give up [or lose] hope
    einen Plan \aufgeben to drop [or throw over] a plan
    5. (verloren geben)
    jdn \aufgeben to give up with [or on] sb, to give up sb sep for lost
    etw \aufgeben to give up [or close down] sth sep
    7. (vorzeitig beenden)
    etw \aufgeben to drop [or abandon] sth
    II. vi (sich geschlagen geben) to give up [or in]; MIL to surrender
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) give up; give up, stop <smoking, drinking>

    gib's auf!(ugs.) you might as well give up!; why don't you give up!

    2) (sich trennen von) give up <habit, job, flat, business, practice, etc.>; give up, abandon, drop <plans, demand>; give up, abandon < profession, attempt>
    3) (verloren geben) give up < patient>; give up hope on or with <wayward son, daughter, etc.>; give up, abandon < chessman>
    4) (nicht länger zu gewinnen versuchen) give up < struggle>; retire from <race, competition>
    5) (übergeben, übermitteln) post (Brit.), mail < letter, parcel>; hand in, (telefonisch) phone in < telegram>; place <advertisement, order>; check <luggage, baggage> in
    6) (Schulw.): (als Hausaufgabe) set (Brit.); assign (Amer.)
    7) (zur Lösung vorlegen)

    jemandem ein Rätsel/eine Frage aufgeben — set (Brit.) or (Amer.) assign somebody a puzzle/pose somebody a question

    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb give up; (im Sport) retire; (Schach) resign
    * * *
    aufgeben (irr, trennb, hat -ge-)
    A. v/t & v/i (Kampf, Widerstand) give up ( oder in), abandon; SPORT, als Läufer, Teilnehmer: auch drop out, concede (defeat); Schach resign; Boxen und fig: throw in the towel;
    aufgeben müssen be forced to give up ( oder admit defeat);
    sie gibt nicht so leicht auf she doesn’t give up that easily;
    du wirst doch nicht aufgeben! you’re surely not going to give up (are you)?; B 3
    B. v/t
    1. (Brief) post, US mail; (Gepäck) register, US check; (Luftgepäck) check in, baggage check; (Telegramm) send; (Bestellung) place; (Anzeige) place (an ad in the newspaper)
    2. (Aufgabe) set, assign; (Frage, Problem) pose, ask; (Rätsel) ask ( oder pose);
    sie gibt immer sehr viel auf she always sets (US gives) a lot of homework;
    er gab ihnen auf, das Gedicht zu lernen he asked ( oder told) them to learn the poem (off) by heart ( oder by rote); Rätsel
    3. (verzichten auf) allg give up; (Amt) resign; (Beruf) retire; (Stelle) leave; (Geschäft) give up ( oder retire from); (Gewohnheit) give up; (das Rauchen, Trinken) stop; (Hoffnung, Plan) abandon, relinquish; (Anspruch, Recht) relinquish;
    es aufgeben zu (+inf) give up (+ger)
    ich geb’s auf I give up
    4. jemanden (Kranken, Vermissten) give up (hope for); (Schüler, Kind) give up on ( oder with)
    C. v/r:
    du darfst dich nicht aufgeben! you must not give up ( oder resign)
    D. v/i Ballspiele: serve
    * * *
    unregelmäßiges transitives Verb
    1) give up; give up, stop <smoking, drinking>

    gib's auf!(ugs.) you might as well give up!; why don't you give up!

    2) (sich trennen von) give up <habit, job, flat, business, practice, etc.>; give up, abandon, drop <plans, demand>; give up, abandon <profession, attempt>
    3) (verloren geben) give up < patient>; give up hope on or with <wayward son, daughter, etc.>; give up, abandon < chessman>
    4) (nicht länger zu gewinnen versuchen) give up < struggle>; retire from <race, competition>
    5) (übergeben, übermitteln) post (Brit.), mail <letter, parcel>; hand in, (telefonisch) phone in < telegram>; place <advertisement, order>; check <luggage, baggage> in
    6) (Schulw.): (als Hausaufgabe) set (Brit.); assign (Amer.)

    jemandem ein Rätsel/eine Frage aufgeben — set (Brit.) or (Amer.) assign somebody a puzzle/pose somebody a question

    unregelmäßiges intransitives Verb give up; (im Sport) retire; (Schach) resign
    * * *
    to abandon v.
    to abdicate v.
    to capitulate v.
    to dismiss v.
    to forsake v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: forsook, forsaken)
    to give up v.
    to quit v.
    (§ p.,p.p.: quit)
    to relinquish v.
    to resign v.
    to surrender v.

    Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch > aufgeben

  • 18 निर् _nir

    निर् ind. A substitute for निस् before vowels and soft consonants conveying the senses of 'out of', 'away from'. 'without', 'free from', and be frequently expressed by 'less', 'un', used with the noun; see the compounds given below; see निस् and cf. अ also.
    -Comp. -अंश a.
    1 whole, entire.
    -2 not entitled to any share of the ancestral property.
    -अक्षः the place of no latitute; i. e. the terrestrial equator (in astronomy). ˚देशः
    1 a first meridian, as Laṅkā.
    -2 a place where the sun is always vertical and the days and nights are equal.
    -3 the equatorial region.
    -अक्षर a. Not knowing the letters, illiterate.
    -अग्नि a. having lost or neg- lected the consecrated fire; स संन्यासी च योगी च न निरग्निर्न चाक्रियः Bg.6.1.
    -अग्र (क) a. divisible without remain- der.
    -अङ्कुश a. 'not curbed by a hook', unchecked, uncontrolled; unruly, independent, completely free, unfettered; निरङ्कुश इव द्विपः Bhāg.; कामो निकामनिरङ्कुशः Gīt.7; निरङ्कुशाः कवयः Sk.; Bh.3.15; Mv.3.39; विनयरुचयः सदैव निरङ्कुशाः Mu.3.6. ˚ता self-will, indepen- dence.
    -अघ a. sinless, blameless.
    -अङ्ग a.
    1 having no parts.
    -2 deprived of expedients or resources.
    -अजिन a. skinless.
    -अञ्जन a.
    1 without collyrium; निरञ्जने साचिविलोलिकं दृशौ Ki.8.52.
    -2 unstained, untinged.
    -3 free from falsehood; तदा विद्वान् पुण्यपापे विधूय निरञ्जनं परमं साम्यमुपैति Munda 3.1.3.
    -4 simple, artless.
    (-नः) 1 an epithet of Śiva.
    -2 N. of the Supreme Being.
    (-ना) 1 the day of full moon.
    -2 an epithet of Durgā.
    -अतिशय a. unsurpassed, matchless, un- rivalled; निरतिशयं गरिमाणं तेन जनन्याः स्मरन्ति विद्वांसः Pt.1.3. (
    -यः) the Supreme Being.
    -अत्यय a.
    1 free from danger, secure, safe; तद्भवान् वृत्तसंपन्नः स्थितः पथि निरत्यये Rām.4.29.12; R.17.53.
    -2 free from fault, unblamable, faultless, disinterested; Ki.1.12, शक्तिरर्थपतिषु स्वयंग्रहं प्रेम कारयति वा निरत्ययम् 13.61.
    -3 com- pletely successful.
    -अधिष्ठान a.
    1 supportless.
    -2 in- dependent.
    -अध्व a. one who has lost one's way.
    -अनुक्रोश a. pitiless, merciless, hard-hearted. (
    -शः) mercilessness, hard-heartedness.
    -अनुग a. having no followers.
    -अनुग्रह a. Ungracious, unkind; Bhāg.5. 12.7.
    -अनुनासिक a. not nasal.
    -अनुमान a. not bound to conclusions or consequences.
    -अनुयोज्य a. unblamable, faultless.
    -अनुरोध a.
    1 unfavourable, unfriendly.
    -2 unkind, unamiable; Māl.1.
    -अन्तर a.
    -1 constant, perpetual, uninterrupted, incessant; निरन्त- राधिपटलैः Bv.1.16; निरन्तरास्वन्तरवातवृष्टिषु Ku.5.25.
    -2 having no intervening or intermediate space, having no interval, close, closely contiguous, in close contact; मूढे निरन्तरपयोधरया मयैव Mk.5.15; हृदयं निरन्तरबृहत्कठिनस्तन- मण्डलावरणमप्यभिदन् Śi.9.66.
    -3 compact, dense; परितो रुद्धनिरन्तराम्बराः Śi.16.76.
    -4 coarse, gross.
    -5 faithful, true (as a friend).
    -6 not hidden from view.
    -7 not different, similar, identical.
    -8 sincere, sympathetic; सुहृदि निरन्तरचित्ते (निवेद्य दुःखं सुखीभवति) Pt.1.341.
    -9 abounding in, full of; निपात्यमानैर्ददृशे निरन्तरम् Rām.7.7. 54; गुणैश्च निरन्तराणि Mv.4.12. (
    -रम्) ind.
    1 without interruption, constantly, continually, incessantly.
    -2 without intervening space or interval.
    -3 closely, tightly, firmly; (परिष्वजस्व) कान्तैरिदं मम निरन्तरमङ्गमङ्गैः Ve.3.27; परिष्वजेते शयने निरन्तरम् Ṛs.2.11.
    -4 immedia- tely. ˚अभ्यासः constant study, diligent exercise or pra- ctice.
    -अन्तराल a.
    1 without an intervening space, close.
    -2 narrow.
    -अन्धस् a. foodless, hungry.
    -अन्वय a.
    1 having no progeny, childless.
    -2 unconnected, unrelated; Ms.8.198.
    -3 not agreeing with the con- text (as a word in a sentence).
    -4 without logical connection or regular sequence, unmethodical.
    -5 without being seen, out of sight; निरन्वयं भवेत् स्तेयम् Ms.8. 332.
    -6 without retinue, unaccompanied, see अन्वय.
    -7 sudden, unexpected; U.7.
    -8 exterminatory, without leaving any species or trace; प्रागाधारनिरन्वयप्रमथनादुच्छेदमे- वाकरोः... Mv.3.13; (com. नाशो द्विविधः--स्वान्वयविनाशः, निरन्वयविनाशश्चेति......निर्वापणादिना सजातीयज्वालोदयानर्हविनाशस्तु निरन्वयविनाशः ।).
    -अपत्रप a.
    1 shameless, impudent.
    -2 bold.
    -अपराध a. guiltless, innocent, faultless, blame- less. (
    -धः) innocence.
    -अपवर्त a.
    1 not turning back.
    -2 (in arith.) leaving no common divisor, reduced to the lowest terms.
    -अपवाद a.
    1 blameless.
    -2 not admitting of any exception.
    -अपाय a.
    1 free from harm or evil.
    -2 free from decay, imperishable.
    -3 infallible; उपायो निरपायो$यमस्माभिरभिचिन्तितः Rām.1.1.2.
    -अपेक्ष a.
    1 not depending on, irrespective or independent of, having no need of (with loc.); न्यायनिर्णीतसारत्वा- न्निरपेक्षमिवागमे Ki.11.39.
    -2 disregarding, taking no notice of.
    -3 free from desire, secure; निरपेक्षो न कर्तव्यो भृत्यैः स्वामी कदाचन H.2.82.
    -4 careless, negligent, indifferent
    -5 indifferent to worldly attachments or pursuits; समुपोढेषु कामेषु निरपेक्षः परिव्रजेत् Ms.6.41.
    -6 disinterested, not expecting any reward from another; दिशि दिशि निरपेक्ष- स्तावकीनं विवृण्वन् Bv.1.5.
    -7 without purpose. (
    -क्षा) indifference, disregard.
    -अपेक्षित a.
    1 disregarded.
    -2 regardless.
    -अपेक्षिन् a. disregarding, indifferent.
    -अभिभव a.
    1 not subject to humiliation or disgrace.
    -2 not to be surpassed, unrivalled.
    -अभिमान a.
    1 free from self-conceit, devoid of pride or egotism.
    -2 void of self-respect.
    -3 unconscious.
    -अभिलाष a. not caring for, indifferent to; स्वसुखनिरभिलाषः खिद्यसे लोकहेतोः Ś.5.7.
    -अभिसंधानम् absence of design.
    -अभ्र a. cloudless.
    -अमर्ष a.
    1 void of anger, patient.
    -2 apa- thetic.
    -अम्बर a. naked.
    -अम्बु a.
    1 abstaining from water.
    -2 waterless, destitute of water.
    -अर्गल a. without a bolt, unbarred, unobstructed, unrestrained, unimpeded, completely free; M.5; मरणसमये त्यक्त्वा शङ्कां प्रलापनिरर्गलम् Māl.5.26. (
    -लम्) ind. freely.
    -अर्थ a.
    1 void of wealth, poor, indigent; स्त्रियः कृतार्थाः पुरुषं निरर्थं निष्पीडितालक्तकवत्त्यजन्ति Pt.1.194.
    -2 meaningless, un- meaning (as a word or sentence).
    -3 non-sensical.
    -4 vain, useless, purposeless.
    (-र्थः) 1 loss, detriment.
    -2 nonsense.
    -अर्थक a.
    1 useless, vain, unprofitable.
    -2 unmeaning, nonsensical, conveying no reasonable meaning; इत्थं जन्म निरर्थकं क्षितितले$रण्ये यथा मालती S. D.
    -3 (a consonant) not followed by a vowel. (
    -कम्) an expletive; निरर्थकं तु हीत्यादि पूरणैकप्रयोजनम् Chandr.2.6.
    -अलंकृतिः (in Rhet.) want of ornament, simplicity.
    -अवकाश a.
    1 without free space.
    -2 without leisure.
    -अवग्रह a.
    1 'free from restraint', unrestrained, un- checked, uncontrolled, irresistible.
    -2 free, indepen- dent.
    -3 self-willed, head-strong. (
    -हम्) ind.
    1 un- interruptedly.
    -2 intensely, strongly.
    -अवद्य a.
    1 blameless, faultless, unblameable, unobjectionable; हृद्य- निरवद्यरूपो भूपो बभूव Dk.1.
    -2 an epithet of the Supreme Being (having no passions).
    -अवधि a. having no end, unlimited; कथं तूष्णीं सह्यो निरवधिरयं त्वप्रतिविधः U. 3.44;6.3; Māl.1.6.
    -2 continuous; महानाधिव्याधि- र्निरवधिरिदानीं प्रसरतु Māl.4.3.
    1 without parts.
    -2 indivisible.
    -3 without limbs.
    -अवलम्ब a.
    1 unsupported, without support; Ś.6.
    -2 not affording support.
    -3 not depending or relying on.
    -अवशेष a. whole, complete, entire, (निरवशेषेण ind. completely, entirely, fully, totally).
    -अवसाद a. cheerful; Gīt.
    -अव्यय a. eternal, immutable.
    - अशन a. abstaining from food. (
    -नम्) fasting.
    -अश्रि a. even; Kau. A.2.11.
    -अष्ट a. Ved. driven away, scattered. (
    -ष्टः) a horse twentyfour years old.
    -अस्त्र a. weaponless, unarmed.
    -अस्थि a. boneless.
    -अहंकार, -अहंकृति a. free from egotism or pride, humble, lowly; Bg.12.13.
    -अहंकृत a.
    1 having no egotism or self-consciousness.
    -2 without individuality.
    -3 unselfish.
    -अहम् a. free from egotism or self-conceit; ह्यनामरूपं निरहं प्रपद्ये Bhāg. 5.19.4.
    -आकाङ्क्ष a.
    1 wishing nothing, free from desire.
    -2 wanting nothing to fill up or complete (as the sense of a word or sentence).
    -आकार a.
    1 devoid of form, formless, without form.
    -2 ugly, deformed.
    -3 disguised.
    -4 unassuming, modest.
    (-रः) 1 the universal spirit, Almighty.
    -2 an epithet of Śiva.
    -3 of Viṣṇu. ˚ज्ञानवादः the doctrine that the perception of the outer world does not arise from images impres- sed on the mind; Sarva. S.
    -आकृति a.
    1 formless, shapeless.
    -2 deformed.
    (-तिः) 1 a religious student who has not duly gone through a course of study, or who has not properly read the Vedas.
    -2 especially, a Brāhmaṇa who has neglected the duties of his caste by not going through a regular course of study; a fool; ग्रामधान्यं यथा शून्यं यथा कूपश्च निर्जलः । यथा हुतमनग्नौ च तथैव स्यान्निराकृतौ ॥ Mb.12.36.48.
    -3 one who neglects the five great religious duties or yajñas; Ms.3.154.
    -आकाश a. leaving no free space, completely filled or occupied,
    -आकुल a.
    1 unconfused, unperplexed, un- bewildered; Ki.11.38.
    -2 steady, calm; सुपात्रनिक्षेपनिरा- कुलात्मना (प्रजासृजा) Śi.1.28.
    -3 clear.
    -4 perspicuous; अलिकुलसङ्कुलकुसुमसमूहनिराकुलबकुलकलापे Gīt.1.
    (-लम्) 1 calmness serenity.
    -2 perspicuity, clearness.
    -आक्रन्द a. not crying or complaining. (
    -दः) a place where no sound can be heard.
    -आक्रोश a. unaccused, unreviled.
    - आगम a. not founded on revelation or scripture, not derived from the Vedas.
    -आगस् a. faultless, innocent, sinless; कथमेकपदे निरागसं जनमाभाष्यमिमं न मन्यसे R.8.48.
    -आचार a. without approved customs or usages, lawless, barbarian.
    -आडम्बर a.
    1 without drums.
    -2 without show, unostentatious.
    -आतङ्क a.
    1 free from fear; R.1.63; निरातङ्को रङ्को विहरति चिरं कोटिकनकैः Śaṅkara (देव्यपराधक्षमापनस्तोत्रम् 6).
    -2 without ailment, comfort- able, healthy.
    -3 not causing pain.
    -4 unchecked, unhampered; निरातङ्कः पङ्केष्विव पिशितपिण्डेषु विलसन् Māl. 5.34. (
    -कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    - आतप a. sheltered from heat, shady, not penetrated by the sun's rays. (
    -पा) the night.
    - आदर a. disrespectful.
    -आदान a.
    1 taking or receiving nothing; Mb.3.
    -2 an epithet of Buddha.
    -आधार a.
    1 without a receptacle.
    -2 without support, supportless (fig. also); निराधारो हा रोदिमि कथय केषामिह पुरः G. L.4.39.
    -आधि a. secure, free from anxiety.
    -आनन्द a. cheerless, sad, sorrowful.
    -आन्त्र a.
    1 disembowelled.
    -2 having the entrails hanging out.
    -आपद् a. free from misfortune or calamity. (-f.) prosperity.
    -आबाध a.
    1 unvexed, unmolested, undis- turbed, free from disturbance.
    -2 unobstructed.
    -3 not molesting or disturbing.
    -4 (in law) frivolously vexatious (as a suit or cause of complaint); e. g. अस्मद्- गृहप्रदीपप्रकाशेनायं स्वगृहे व्यवहरति Mitā.
    1 free from disease or illness, sound, healthy, hale.
    -2 untainted, pure.
    -3 guileless.
    -4 free from defects or blemishes.
    -5 full, complete.
    -6 infallible.
    -7 not liable to failure or miscarriage. (
    -यः, यम्) freedom from disease or illness, health, well-being, welfare, happiness; कुरूणां पाण्डवानां च प्रतिपत्स्व निरामयम् Mb.5.78.8.
    (-यः) 1 a wild goat.
    -2 a hog or boar.
    -आमिष a.
    1 fleshless; निरुपमरसप्रीत्या खादन्नरास्थि निरामिषम् Bh.
    -2 having no sensual desires or covetousness; Ms.6.49.
    -3 receiving no wages or remuneration.
    -आय a. yielding no income or revenue, profitless.
    -यः an idler living from hand to mouth.
    1 full-stretched or extended; निरायतपूर्वकायाः Ś.1.8.
    -2 contracted, compact.
    -आय- -तत्वम् shortness, compactness; निरायतत्वादुदरेण ताम्यता Ki.8.17.
    -आयति a. one whose end is at hand; नियता लघुता निरायतेः Ki.2.14.
    -आयास a. not fatiguing, easy.
    -आयुध a. unarmed, weaponless.
    -आरम्भ a. abstaining from all work (in good sense); Mb.3.82.11.
    -आलम्ब a.
    1 having no prop or support (fig. also); ऊर्ध्वबाहुं निरालम्बं तं राजा प्रत्यभाषत Rām.7.89.1; निरालम्बो लोकः कुलमयशसा नः परिवृतम् Mv.4.53.
    -2 not depending on another, independent.
    -3 self-supported, friendless, alone; निरालम्बो लम्बोदरजननि कं यामि शरणम् Jag. (
    -म्बा) spikenard. (
    -म्बम्) Brahman.
    -आलोक a.
    1 not looking about or seeing.
    -2 deprived of sight.
    -3 deprived of light, dark; निरालोकं लोकम् Māl.5.3; Bhāg.8.24.35.
    -5 invisible. (
    -कः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -आवर्ण a. manifest, evident.
    -आश a.
    1 devoid of hope, despairing or despondent of; मनो बभूवेन्दुमतीनिराशम् R.6.2.
    -2 depriving (one) of all hope.
    -आशक, -आशिन् a. hopeless; अद्य दुर्योधनो राज्याज्जीविताच्च निराशकः (भविष्यति) Mb.8.74.13.
    -आशङ्क a. fearless.
    -आशा hopeless- ness, despair.
    -आशिस् a.
    1 without a boon or blessing, without virtues; आश्रमा विहिताः सर्वे वर्जयित्वा निराशिषम् Mb.12.63.13.
    -2 without any desire, wish or hope, indifferent; निराशीर्यतचित्तात्मा Bg.4.21; जगच्छ- रण्यस्य निराशिषः सतः Ku.5.76.
    -आश्रय a.
    1 without a prop or support, supportless, unsupported; न तिष्ठति निराश्रयं लिङ्गम् Sāṅ. K.41.
    -2 friendless, destitute, alone, without shelter or refuge; निराश्रयाधुना वत्सलता.
    -3 not deep (as a wound).
    -आस्वाद a. tasteless, insipid, un- savoury.
    -आहार a. 'foodless', fasting, abstaining from food. (
    -रः) fasting; कालो$ग्निः कर्म मृद् वायुर्मनो ज्ञानं तपो जलम् । पश्चात्तापो निराहारः सर्वे$मी शुद्धिहेतवः ॥ Y.3.31.
    -इङ्ग a. immovable, stationary; यथा दीपो निवातस्थो निरिङ्गो ज्वलते पुनः Mb.12.46.6.
    -इच्छ a. without wish or desire, indifferent.
    -इन्द्रिय a.
    1 having lost a limb or the use of it.
    -2 mutilated, maimed.
    -3 weak, infirm, frail; Kaṭh.1.1.3.
    -4 barren.
    -5 without प्रमाण or means of certain knowledge; निरिन्द्रिया ह्यमन्त्राश्च स्त्रियो$नृत- मिति स्थितिः Ms.9.18.
    -6 destitute of manly vigour, impotent (Ved.).
    -इन्धन a. destitute of fuel.
    -ईति a. free from the calamities of the season; निरातङ्का निरीतयः R.1.63; see ईति.
    -ईश्वर a. godless, atheistic. -˚वाद atheistic doctrine.
    -ईषम् the body of a plough.
    -ईह a.
    1 desireless, indifferent; निरीहाणामीशस्तृणमिव तिरस्कारविषयः Mu.3.16.
    -2 inactive; निरीहस्य हतद्विषः R.1.24.
    (-हा), -निरीहता, -त्वम् 1 inactivity.
    -2 indifference.
    -उच्छ्वास a.
    1 breathless, without breathing; निरुच्छ्वासं हरिं चक्रुः Rām.7.7.6.
    -2 narrow, contracted; उपेयुषो वर्त्म निरन्तराभिरसौ निरुच्छ्वासमनीकिनीभिः Śi.3.32.
    -3 dead; निरुच्छ्वासाः पुनः केचित् पतिता जगतीतले Rām.6.58.13. (
    -सः) absence of breath; लोका निरुच्छ्वासनिपीडिता भृशम् Bhāg.4. 8.8.
    -उत्तर a.
    1 answerless, without a reply.
    -2 un- able to answer, silenced.
    -3 having no superior.
    -उत्थ a. irrecoverable.
    -उद्धति a. not jolting (a chariot); अभूतल- स्पर्शतया निरुद्धतिः Ś.7.1. (v. l.)
    -उत्सव a. without festivi- ties; विरतं गेयमृतुर्निरुत्सवः R.8.66.
    -उत्साह a.
    1 inactive, indolent.
    -2 devoid of energy.
    (-हः) 1 absence of energy.
    -2 indolence.
    -उत्सुक a.
    1 indifferent.
    -2 calm, tranquil.
    - उदक a. waterless.
    1 having no belly or trunk.
    -2 thin (अतुन्दिल); श्रीमान्निरुदरो महान् Rām.3.16.31.
    -उद्यम, -उद्योग a. effortless, inactive, lazy, idle.
    उद्विग्न, -उद्वेग a. free from excitement or perturbation, sedate, calm.
    -उपक्रम a.
    1 without a commencement.
    -2 incurable.
    -उपद्रव a.
    1 free from calamity or affliction, not visited by danger or adver- sity, lucky, happy, undisturbed, unmolested, free from hostile attacks.
    -2 free from national distress or tyranny.
    -3 causing no affliction.
    -4 auspicious (as a star).
    -5 secure, peaceful.
    -उपधि a. guileless, honest; U.2.2. ˚जीवन a. leading an honest life. (v. l.).
    -उपपत्ति a. unsuitable.
    1 without any title or designation; अरे आर्यचारुदत्तं निरुपपदेन नाम्नालपसि Mk.1.18/19.
    -2 unconnected with a subordinate word.
    -उपप्लव a.
    1 free from disturbance, obstacle or calamity, unharmed; निरुपप्लवानि नः कर्माणि संवृत्तानि Ś3.
    -2 not causing any affliction or misery.
    -3 an epithet of Śiva.
    -उपभोग a. without enjoyment; संसरति निरुपभोगं भावैरधिवासितं लिङ्गम् Sāṅ. K.4.
    - उपम a. peerless, matchless, incomparable.
    -उपसर्ग free from portents.
    -उपस्कृत a. not corrupted, pure; of self-denying temperament; शमेन तपसा चैव भक्त्या च निरुपस्कृतः । शुद्धात्मा ब्राह्मणो रात्रौ निदर्शनमपश्यत ॥ Mb.12.271.14.
    1 not injured, unhurt.
    -2 auspicious, lucky.
    -उपाख्य a.
    1 unreal, false, non-existent (as वन्ध्यापुत्र).
    -2 immaterial.
    -3 invisible. (
    -ख्यम्) the supreme Brahman.
    -उपाधि (क) a. without qualities, absolute.
    -उपाय a.
    1 without expedients, helpless.
    -2 unsuc- cessful.
    -उपेक्ष a.
    1 free from trick or fraud.
    -2 not neglectful.
    -उष्मन् a. devoid of heat, cold.
    -गन्ध a. void of smell, scentless, unfragrant, inodorous; निर्गन्धा इव किंशुकाः. ˚पुष्पी f. the Śālmali tree.
    -गर्व a. free from pride.
    -गवाक्ष a. windowless.
    -गुण a.
    1 stringless (as a bow).
    -2 devoid of all properties.
    -3 devoid of good qualities, bad, worthless; निर्गुणः शोभते नैव विपुलाड- म्बरो$पि ना Bv.1.115.
    -4 without attributes; साकारं च निराकारं सगुणं निर्गुणं विभुम् Brahmavai. P.
    -5 having no epithet. (
    -णः) the Supreme Spirit. ˚आत्मक a. having no qualities.
    -गृहः a. houseless, homeless; सुगृही निर्गृही- कृता Pt.39.
    -गौरव a.
    1 without dignity, undignified.
    -2 devoid of respect.
    -ग्रन्थ a.
    1 freed from all ties or hindrances; आत्मारामाश्च मुनयो निर्ग्रन्था अप्युरुक्रमे । कुर्वन्त्यहैतुकीं भक्तिम् Bhāg.1.7.1.
    -2 poor, possessionless, beggarly.
    -3 alone, unassisted.
    (-न्थः) 1 an idiot, a fool.
    -2 a gambler.
    -3 a saint or devotee who has renounced all worldly attachments and wanders about naked and lives as a hermit.
    -4 A Buddha Muni.
    -ग्रन्थक a.
    1 clever, expert.
    -2 unaccompanied, alone.
    -3 deserted, abandoned.
    -4 fruitless. (
    -कः 1 a religious mendicant.
    -2 a naked devotee.
    -3 a gam- bler.
    -ग्रन्थिक a. clever. (
    -कः) a naked mendicant, a Jaina mendicant of the Digambara class.
    -घटम् 1 a free market.
    -2 a crowded market.
    -घण्टः See निघण्टः.
    -घृण a.
    1 cruel, merciless, pitiless.
    -2 shame- less, immodest.
    -घृणा cruelty.
    -घोष a. noiseless, still, calm.
    -जन a.
    1 tenantless, uninhabited, unfrequented, lonely, desolate.
    -2 without any retinue or attendants; भूयश्चैवाभिरक्षन्तु निर्धनान्निर्जना इव Mb.12.151.7. (
    -नम्) a desert, solitude, lonely place.
    -जन्तु a. free from living germs; H. Yoga.
    -जर a.
    1 young, fresh.
    -2 imperishable, immortal. (
    -रः) a deity, god; (nom. pl. निर्जराः -निर्जरसः) (
    -रम्) ambrosia, nectar.
    -जरायु a. Ved. skinless.
    -जल a.
    1 waterless, desert, destitute of water.
    -2 not mixed with water. (
    -लः) a waste, desert. ˚एकादशी N. of the eleventh day in the bright half of Jyeṣṭha.
    -जाड्य free from coldness.
    -जिह्वः a frog.
    -जीव a.
    1 lifeless.
    -2 dead; चिता दहति निर्जीवं चिन्ता दहति जीवितम्.
    -ज्ञाति a. having no kinsmen, alone.
    -ज्वर a. feverless, healthy.
    -दण्डः a Śūdra.
    -दय a.
    1 merci- less, cruel, pitiless, unmerciful, unkind.
    -2 passion- ate.
    -3 very close, firm or fast, strong, excessive, violent; मुग्धे विधेहि मयि निर्दयदन्तदंशम् Gīt.1; निर्दयरति- श्रमालसाः R.19.32; निर्दयाश्लेषहेतोः Me.18.
    -4 unpitied by any; निर्दया निर्नमस्कारास्तन्मनोरनुशासनम् Ms.9.239.
    -दयम् ind.
    1 unmercifully, cruelly.
    -2 violently, excessively; न प्रहर्तुमलमस्मि निर्दयम् R.11.84.
    -दश a. more than ten days old; यदा पशुर्निर्दशः स्यादथ मेध्यो भवे- दिति Bhāg.9.7.11.
    - दशन a. toothless.
    -दाक्षिण्य a. uncourteous.
    -दुःख a.
    1 free from pain, painless.
    -2 not causing pain.
    -दैन्य a. happy, comfortable.
    -दोष a.
    1 faultless, defectless; न निर्दोषं न निर्गुणम्
    -2 guiltless, innocent.
    -द्रव्य a.
    1 immaterial.
    -2 without property, poor.
    -द्रोह a. not hostile, friendly, well-disposed, not malicious.
    -द्वन्द्व a.
    1 indifferent in regard to opposite pairs of feelings (pleasure or pain), neither glad nor sorry; निर्द्वन्द्वो निर्ममो भूत्वा चरिष्यामि मृगैः सह Mb.1.85.16; निर्द्वन्द्वो नित्यसत्त्वस्थो निर्योगक्षेम आत्मवान् Bg.2.45.
    -2 not dependent upon another, independent.
    -3 free from jealousy or envy.
    -4 not double.
    -5 not contested, un- disputed.
    -6 not acknowledging two principles.
    -धन a. without property, poor, indigent; शशिनस्तुल्यवंशो$पि निर्धनः परिभूयते Chāṇ.82. (
    -नः) an old ox. ˚ता, ˚त्वम् poverty, indigence.
    -धर्म a. unrighteous, impious, unholy.
    -धूम a. smokeless.
    -धौत a. cleansed, rendered clean; निर्धौत- दानामलगण्डभित्तिर्वन्यः सरित्तो गज उन्ममज्ज R.5.43.
    -नमस्कार a.
    1 not courteous or civil, not respecting any one.
    -2 disrespected, despised.
    -नर a. abandoned by men, deserted.
    -नाणक a. coinless, penniless; Mk.2.
    -नाथ a. without a guardian or master. ˚ता
    1 want of protection.
    -2 widowhood.
    -3 orphanage.
    -नाभि a. going or reaching beyond the navel; निर्नाभि कौशेयमुपात्तबाणम् Ku.7.7.
    -नायक a. having no leader or ruler, anarchic.
    -नाशन, -नाशिन् a. expelling, banishing.
    -निद्र a. sleepless, wakeful.
    -निमित्त a.
    1 causeless.
    -2 disinterested.
    -निमेष a. not twinkling.
    -बन्धु a. without kindred or relation, friendless.
    -बल n. powerless, weak, feeble.
    -बाध a.
    1 unobstructed.
    -2 unfrequented, lonely, solitary.
    -3 unmolested.
    (-धः) 1 a part of the marrow.
    -2 a knob.
    -बीज a. seedless, impotent. (
    -जा) a sort of grape (Mar. बेदाणा).
    -बुद्धि a. stupid, ignorant, foolish.
    -बुष, -बुस a. unhusked, freed from chaff.
    -भक्त a. taken without eating (as a medicine).
    -भय a.
    1 fearless, undaunted.
    -2 free from danger, safe, secure; निर्भयं तु भवेद्यस्य राष्ट्रं बाहुबलाश्रितम् Ms.9.255.
    -भर a.
    1 excessive, vehement, violent, much, strong; त्रपाभरनिर्भर- स्मरशर &c. Gīt.12; तन्व्यास्तिष्ठतु निर्भरप्रणयिता मानो$पि रम्यो- दयः Amaru.47.
    -2 ardent.
    -3 fast, close (as embrace); कुचकुम्भनिर्भरपरीरम्भामृतं वाञ्छति Gīt.; परिरभ्य निर्भरम् Gīt.1.
    -4 sound, deep (as sleep).
    -5 full of, filled with (at the end of comp.); आनन्द˚, गर्व˚ &c. (
    -रः) a servant receiving no wages. (
    -रम्) excess. (
    -रम् ind.)
    1 ex- cessively, exceedingly, intensely.
    -2 soundly.
    -भाग्य a. unfortunate, unlucky.
    -भाज्य a. to be separated; स निर्भाज्यः स्वकादंशात् किंचिद्दत्वोपजीवनम् Ms.9.27.
    -भृतिः a. without wages, hireless.
    -भोगः a. not fond of plea- sures.
    -मक्षिक a. 'free from flies', undisturbed, private, lonely. (
    -कम्) ind. without flies, i. e. lonely, private; कृतं भवतेदानीं निर्मक्षिकम् Ś.2,6.
    -मज्ज a. fatless, meagre.
    -मत्सर a. free from envy, unenvious; निर्मत्सरे मत्समे वत्स... वसुन्धराभारमारोप्य Rāmāyaṇachampū.
    -मत्स्य a. fishless.
    -मद a.
    1 not intoxicated, sober, quiet.
    -2 not proud, humble.
    -3 sad, sorry.
    -4 not in rut (as an elephant).
    -मनुज, -मनुष्य a. tenantless, uninhabited, deserted by men.
    -मन्तु a. faultless, innocent.
    -मन्त्र a.
    1 a ceremony, unaccompanied by holy texts.
    -2 not familiar with holy texts; Mb.12.36.43.
    -मन्यु, -मन्युक a. free from anger; Mb.5.133.4.
    -मम a.
    1 free from all connections with the outer world, who has renounced all worldly ties; संसारमिव निर्ममः (ततार) R.12.6; Bg.2.71; निराशीर्निर्ममो भूत्वा युध्यस्व विगतज्वरः 3.3.
    -2 unselfish, disinterested.
    -3 indifferent to (with loc.); निर्ममे निर्ममो$र्थेषु मथुरां मधुराकृतिः R.15.28; प्राप्तेष्वर्थेषु निर्ममाः Mb.
    -4 an epithet of Śiva.
    -मर्याद a.
    1 boundless, immeasurable.
    -2 transgressing the limits of right or propriety, unrestrained, unruly, sinful, criminal; मनुजपशुभिर्निर्मर्यादैर्भवद्भिरुदायुधैः Ve.3.22.
    -3 confused.
    -4 insolent, immodest. (
    -दम्) ind. confusedly, topsy- turvy. (
    -दम्) confusion, disorder.
    -मल a.
    1 free from dirt or impurities, clear, pure, stainless, unsullied (fig. also); नीरान्निर्मलतो जनिः Bv.1.63.
    -2 resplendent, bright; Bh.1.56.
    -3 sinless, virtuous; निर्मलाः स्वर्गमायान्ति सन्तः सुकृतिनो यथा Ms.8.318.
    (-लम्) 1 talc.
    -2 the remainings of an offering made to a deity. ˚उपलः a crystal.
    - मशक a. free from gnats.
    -मांस a. fleshless; स्वल्प- स्नायुवसावशेषमलिनं निर्मांसमप्यस्थिकम् Bh.2.3.
    -मान a.
    1 without self-confidence.
    -2 free from pride.
    -मानुष a. uninhabited, desolate.
    -मार्ग a. roadless, pathless.
    -मिथ्य a. not false, true; H. Yoga.
    -मुटः 1 a tree bearing large blossoms.
    -2 the sun.
    -3 a rogue. (
    -टम्) a large free market or fair.
    -मूल a.
    1 rootless (as a tree).
    -2 baseless, unfounded (statement, charge &c.).
    -3 eradicated.
    -मेघ a. cloudless.
    -मेध a. without un- derstanding, stupid, foolish, dull.
    -मोह a. free from illusion. (
    -हः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -यत्न a. inactive, lazy, dull.
    -यन्त्रण a.
    1 unrestrained, unobstructed, uncontrolled, unrestricted.
    -2 unruly, self-willed, in- dependent.
    (-णम्) 1 squeezing out.
    -2 absence of restraint, independence.
    -यशस्क a. without fame, dis- creditable, inglorious.
    -युक्त a.
    1 constructed, built.
    -2 directed.
    -3 (in music) limited to metre and mea- sure.
    -युक्ति f.
    1 disunion.
    -2 absence of connection or government.
    -3 unfitness, impropriety.
    -युक्तिक a.
    1 disjoined, unconnected.
    -2 illogical, unmeaning.
    -3 unfit, improper.
    -यूथ a. separated from the herd, strayed from the flock (as an elephant).
    -यूष = निर्यास.
    -योगक्षेम a. free from care (about acquisition); Bg.2. 45.
    -रक्त a. (
    -नीरक्त) colourless, faded.
    -रज, -रजस्क a.
    (-नीरज, नीरजस्क) 1 free from dust.
    -2 devoid of passion or darkness. (
    -जः) an epithet of Śiva.
    -रजस् (नरिजस्) a. see
    नीरज. (-f.) a woman not men- struating. ˚तमसा absence of passion or darkness.
    -रत (नीरत) a. not attached to, indifferent.
    -रन्ध्र a.
    (नीरन्ध्र) 1 without holes or interstices, very close or contiguous, thickly situated; नीरन्ध्रनीरनिचुलानि सरित्तटानि U.2.23.
    -2 thick, dense.
    -3 coarse, gross.
    -रव a. (
    -नीरव) not making any noise, noiseless; गतिविभ्रमसाद- नीरवा (रसना) R.8.58.
    -रस a.
    (नीरस) 1 tasteless, unsavoury, flavourless.
    -2 (fig.) insipid, without any poetic charm; नीरसानां पद्मानाम् S. D.1.
    -3 sapless, without juice, withered or dried up; Ś. Til.9.
    -4 vain, use- less, fruitless; अलब्धफलनीरसान् मम विधाय तस्मिन् जने V.2.11.
    -5 disagreeable.
    -6 cruel, merciless. (
    -सः) the pomegranate.
    - रसन a. (
    नीरसन) having no girdle (रसना); Ki.5.11.
    -रुच् a. (
    नीरुच्) without lustre, faded, dim; परिमलरुचिराभिर्न्यक्कृतास्तु प्रभाते युवतिभिरुप- भोगान्नीरुचः पुष्पमालाः Śi.11.27.
    -रुज्, -रुज a. (नीरुज्, नीरुज) free from sickness, healthy, sound; नीरुजस्य किमौषधैः H.1.
    -रूप a. (नीरूप) formless, shapeless.
    (-पः) 1 air, wind.
    -2 a god. (
    -पम्) ether.
    -रोग a. (नीरोग) free from sickness or disease, healthy, sound; यथा नेच्छति नीरोगः कदाचित् सुचिकित्सकम् Pt.1.118.
    -लक्षण a.
    1 having no auspicious marks, ill-featured.
    -2 undisting- uished.
    -3 unimportant, insignificant.
    -4 unspotted.
    -5 having a white back.
    -लक्ष्य a. invisible.
    -लज्ज a. shameless, impudent.
    -लाञ्छनम् the marking of dome- stic animals (by perforating the nose &c.).
    -लिङ्ग a. having no distinguishing or characteristic marks.
    -लिप्त a.
    1 unanointed.
    -2 undefiled, unsullied.
    -3 indifferent to.
    (-प्तः) 1 N. of Kṛiṣṇa.
    -2 a sage.
    -लून a. cut through or off.
    -लेप a.
    1 unsmeared, unanointed; निर्लेपं काञ्चनं भाण्डमद्भिरेव विशुध्यति Ms.5.112.
    -2 stainless, sinless. (
    -पः) a sage.
    -लोभ a. free from desire or avarice, unavaricious.
    -लोमन् a. devoid of hair, hairless.
    -वंश a. without posterity, childless.
    1 not speaking, silent.
    -2 unobjectionable, blameless; (for other senses see the word separately).
    -नम् ind. silently; माल्येन तां निर्वचनं जघान Ku.7.19.
    -वण, -वन a.
    1 being out of a wood.
    -2 free from woods.
    -3 bare, open.
    -वत्सल a. not loving or fondling (esp. children); निर्वत्सले सुतशतस्य विपत्तिमेतां त्वं नानुचिन्तयसि Ve.5.3.
    -वर = निर्दरम् q. v.
    -वसु a. destitute of wealth, poor.
    -वाच्य a.
    1 not fit to be said.
    -2 blameless, unobjectionable; सखीषु निर्वाच्य- मधार्ष्ट्यदूषितं प्रियाङ्गसंश्लेषमवाप मानिनी Ki.8.48.
    -वात a. free or sheltered from wind, calm, still; हिमनिष्यन्दिनी प्रातर्निर्वातेव वनस्थली R.15.66. (
    -तः) a place sheltered from or not exposed to wind; निर्वाते व्यजनम् H.2.124.
    -वानर a. free from monkeys.
    -वायस a. free from crows.
    -वार्य a.
    1 irresistible.
    -2 acting fearlessly or boldly.
    -विकल्प, -विकल्पक a.
    1 not admitting an alternative.
    -2 being without determination or resolu- tion.
    -3 not capable of mutual relation.
    -4 conditioned.
    -5 undeliberative.
    -6 recognizing no such distinction as that of subject and object, or of the knower and the known; as applied to समाधि or contemplation, it is 'an exclusive concentration upon the one entity without distinct and separate consciousness of the knower, the known, and the knowing, and without even self-consciousness'; निर्विकल्पकः ज्ञातृज्ञानादिविकल्पभेद- लयापेक्षः; नो चेत् चेतः प्रविश सहसा निर्विकल्पे समाधौ Bh.3.61; आत्मारामा विहितरतयो निर्विकल्पे समाधौ Ve.1.23.
    -7 (in phil.) not arising from the relation of the qualifier and the qualified, (विशेषणविशेष्यसंबन्धानवगाहि प्रत्यक्षं ज्ञानम्) said of knowledge not derived from the senses, as घटत्व. (
    -ल्पम्) ind. without hesitation or wavering.
    -विकार a.
    1 unchanged, unchangeable, immutable.
    -2 not dispos- ed; तौ स्थास्यतस्ते नृपती निदेशे परस्परावग्रहनिर्विकारौ M.5.14.
    -3 disinterested; तरुविटपलतानां बान्धवो निर्विकारः Ṛs.2.28. (
    -रः) the Supreme deity.
    -विकास a. unblown.
    -विघ्न a. uninterrupted, unobstructed, free from impediments; निर्विघ्नं कुरु मे देव सर्वकार्येषु सर्वदा. (
    -घ्नम्) absence of impedi- ment.
    -विचार a. not reflecting, thoughtless, incon- siderate; रे रे स्वैरिणि निर्विचारकविते मास्मत्प्रकाशीभव Chandr. 1.2. (
    -रम्) ind. thoughtlessly, unhesitatingly.
    -वि- चिकित्स a. free from doubt or reflection.
    -विचेष्ट a. motionless, insensible; यो हि दिष्टमुपासीनो निर्विचेष्टः सुखं शयेत् Mb.3.32.14.
    -वितर्क a. unreflecting.
    -विनोद a. without amusement, void of pastime, diversion or solace; शङ्के रात्रौ गुरुतरशुचं निर्विनोदां सखीं ते Me.9.
    -विन्ध्या N. of a river in the Vindhya hills; निर्विन्ध्यायाः पथि भव रसाभ्यन्तरः सन्निपत्य Me.28.
    -विमर्श a.
    1 void of reflec- tion, thoughtless.
    -2 not having विमर्श Sandhi.
    -विवर a.
    1 having no opening or cavity.
    2 without interstices or interval, close, compact; घटते हि संहततया जनितामिदमेव निर्विवरतां दधतोः Śi.9.44.
    -विवाद a.
    1 not contending or disagreeing.
    -2 undisputed, not contra- dicted or disputed, universally acknowledged.
    -विवेक a. indiscreet, void of judgment, wanting in discrimination, foolish.
    -विशङ्क a. fearless, undaunted, confident; Ms.7.176; यस्मिन्कृत्यं समावेश्य निर्विशङ्केन चेतसा । आस्यते सेवकः स स्यात् कलत्रमिव चापरम् ॥ Pt.1.85.
    -विशेष a. showing or making no difference, indiscriminating, without dis- tinction; निर्विशेषा वयं त्वयि Mb.; निर्विशेषो विशेषः Bh.3.5. 'a difference without distinction'.
    -2 having no difference, same, like, not differing from (oft. in comp.); निर्विशेषाकृति 'having the same form'; प्रवातनीलो- त्पलनिर्विशेषम् Ku.1.46; स निर्विशेषप्रतिपत्तिरासीत् R.14.22.
    -3 indiscriminate, promiscuous. (
    -षः) absence of difference. (निर्विशेषम् and निर्विशेषेण are used adverbially in the sense of 'without difference', 'equally', indiscrimi- nately'; क्रुद्धेन विप्रमुक्तो$यं निर्विशेषं प्रियाप्रिये Rām.7.22.41. स्वगृहनिर्विशेषमत्र स्थीयताम् H.1; R.5.6.).
    -विशेषण a. without attributes.
    -विष a. poisonless (as a snake); निर्विषा डुण्डुभाः स्मृताः.
    -विषङ्ग a. not attached, indifferent.
    -विषय a.
    1 expelled or driven away from one's home, residence or proper place; मनोनिर्विषयार्थकामया Ku.5.38; R.9.32; also
    -निर्विषयीकृत; वने प्राक्कलनं तीर्थं ये ते निर्विषयी- कृताः Rām.2.14.4.
    -2 having no scope or sphere of action; किंच एवं काव्यं प्रविरलविषयं निर्विषयं वा स्यात् S. D.1.
    -3 not attached to sensual objects (as mind).
    -विषाण a. destitute of horns.
    -विहार a. having no pleasure.
    -वीज, -बीज a.
    1 seedless.
    -2 impotent.
    -3 causeless.
    -वीर a.
    1 deprived of heroes; निर्वीरमुर्वीतलम् P. R.1.31.
    -2 cowardly.
    -वीरा a woman whose husband and children are dead.
    -वीर्य a. powerless, feeble, unmanly, impotent; निर्वीर्यं गुरुशापभाषितवशात् किं मे तवेवायुधम् Ve.3.34.
    -वीरुध, -वृक्ष a. treeless.
    -वृत्ति f. accomplishment, achievement; अत आसां निर्वृत्त्या अपवर्गः स्यात् । आतण्डुलनिर्वृत्तेः आ च पिष्टनिर्वृत्तेरभ्यास इति ॥ ŚB. on MS.11.1.27. -a. having no occupation, destitute. See निर्वृति.
    -वृष a. depriv- ed of bulls.
    -वेग a. not moving, quiet, calm.
    -वेतन a honorary, unsalaried.
    -वेद a. not acknowledging the Vedas, an atheist, infidel.
    -वेष्टनम् a. a weaver's shuttle.
    -वैर a. free from enmity, amicable, peaceable. (
    -रम्) absence of enmity.
    -वैलक्ष्य a. shameless.
    -व्यञ्जन a.
    1 straight-forward.
    -2 without condiment. (
    -नम् ind.) plainly, in a straight-forward or honest manner.
    -व्यथ, -न a.
    1 free from pain.
    -2 quiet, calm.
    -व्यथनम् a hole; छिद्रं निर्व्यथनम् Ak.
    -व्यपेक्ष a. indifferent to, regardless of; मृग्यश्च दर्भाङ्कुरनिर्व्यपेक्षास्तवागतिज्ञं समबोधयन् माम् R.13.25;14.39.
    -व्यलीक a.
    1 not hurting or offending.
    -2 without pain.
    -3 pleased, doing anything willingly.
    -4 sincere, genuine, undissembling.
    -व्यवधान a. (ground) uncovered, bare.
    -व्यवश्थ a. moving hither and thither.
    -व्यसन a. free from bad inclination.
    -व्याकुल a. calm.
    -व्याघ्र a. not haunted or infested by tigers.
    -व्याज a.
    1 candid, upright, honest, plain.
    -2 without fraud, true, genuine.
    -3 got by heroism or daring deeds (not by fraud or cowardly conduct); अशस्त्रपूतनिर्व्याजम् (महामांसम्) Māl.5.12. (v. l.)
    -4 not hypocritical; धर्मस्य निर्व्याजता (विभूषणम्) Bh.2.82. (
    -जम् ind.) plainly, honestly, candidly; निर्व्याजमालिङ्गितः Amaru.85.
    -व्याजीकृत a. made plain, freed from deceit.
    -व्यापार a.
    1 without employment or business, free from occupation; तं दधन्मैथिलीकण्ठनिर्व्यापारेण बाहुना R.15.56.
    -2 motionless; U.6.
    -व्यावृत्ति a. not invol- ving any return (to worldly existence).
    -व्रण a.
    1 un- hurt, without wounds.
    -2 without rents.
    -व्रत a. not observing vows.
    -व्रीड a. shameless, impudent.
    -हिमम् cessation of winter.
    -हेति a. weaponless.
    -हेतु a. cause- less, having no cause or reason.
    -ह्रीक a.
    1 shameless, impudent.
    -2 bold, daring.

    Sanskrit-English dictionary > निर् _nir

  • 19 ab

    ăb, ā, abs, prep. with abl. This IndoEuropean particle (Sanscr. apa or ava, Etr. av, Gr. upo, Goth. af, Old Germ. aba, New Germ. ab, Engl. of, off) has in Latin the following forms: ap, af, ab (av), au-, a, a; aps, abs, as-. The existence of the oldest form, ap, is proved by the oldest and best MSS. analogous to the prep. apud, the Sanscr. api, and Gr. epi, and by the weakened form af, which, by the rule of historical grammar and the nature of the Latin letter f, can be derived only from ap, not from ab. The form af, weakened from ap, also very soon became obsolete. There are but five examples of it in inscriptions, at the end of the sixth and in the course of the seventh century B. C., viz.:


    Inscr. Orell. 3114;

    AF MVRO,

    ib. 6601;


    ib. 3308;

    AF SOLO,

    ib. 589;

    AF LYCO,

    ib. 3036 ( afuolunt =avolant, Paul. ex Fest. p. 26 Mull., is only a conjecture). In the time of Cicero this form was regarded as archaic, and only here and there used in account-books; v. Cic. Or. 47, 158 (where the correct reading is af, not abs or ab), and cf. Ritschl, Monum. Epigr. p. 7 sq.—The second form of this preposition, changed from ap, was ab, which has become the principal form and the one most generally used through all periods—and indeed the only oue used before all vowels and h; here and there also before some consonants, particularly l, n, r, and s; rarely before c, j, d, t; and almost never before the labials p, b, f, v, or before m, such examples as ab Massiliensibus, Caes. B. C. 1, 35, being of the most rare occurrence.—By changing the b of ab through v into u, the form au originated, which was in use only in the two compounds aufero and aufugio for abfero, ab-fugio; aufuisse for afuisse, in Cod. Medic. of Tac. A. 12, 17, is altogether unusual. Finally, by dropping the b of ab, and lengthening the a, ab was changed into a, which form, together with ab, predominated through all periods of the Latin language, and took its place before all consonants in the later years of Cicero, and after him almoet exclusively.—By dropping the b without lengthening the a, ab occurs in the form a- in the two compounds a-bio and a-perio, q. v.—On the other hand, instead of reducing ap to a and a, a strengthened collateral form, aps, was made by adding to ap the letter s (also used in particles, as in ex, mox, vix). From the first, aps was used only before the letters c, q, t, and was very soon changed into abs (as ap into ab):

    abs chorago,

    Plaut. Pers. 1, 3, 79 (159 Ritschl):

    abs quivis,

    Ter. Ad. 2, 3, 1:

    abs terra,

    Cato, R. R. 51;

    and in compounds: aps-cessero,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 1, 24 (625 R.); id. ib. 3, 2, 84 (710 R): abs-condo, abs-que, abs-tineo, etc. The use of abs was confined almost exclusively to the combination abs te during the whole ante-classic period, and with Cicero till about the year 700 A. U. C. (=B. C. 54). After that time Cicero evidently hesitates between abs te and a te, but during the last five or six years of his life a te became predominant in all his writings, even in his letters; consequently abs te appears but rarely in later authors, as in Liv. 10, 19, 8; 26, 15, 12;

    and who, perhaps, also used abs conscendentibus,

    id. 28, 37, 2; v. Drakenb. ad. h. l. (Weissenb. ab).—Finally abs, in consequence of the following p, lost its b, and became ds- in the three compounds aspello, as-porto, and as-pernor (for asspernor); v. these words.—The late Lat. verb abbrevio may stand for adbrevio, the d of ad being assimilated to the following b.The fundamental signification of ab is departure from some fixed point (opp. to ad. which denotes motion to a point).
    In space, and,
    Fig., in time and other relations, in which the idea of departure from some point, as from source and origin, is included; Engl. from, away from, out of; down from; since, after; by, at, in, on, etc.
    Lit., in space: ab classe ad urbem tendunt, Att. ap. Non. 495, 22 (Trag. Rel. p. 177 Rib.):

    Caesar maturat ab urbe proficisci,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 7:

    fuga ab urbe turpissima,

    Cic. Att. 7, 21:

    ducite ab urbe domum, ducite Daphnim,

    Verg. E. 8, 68. Cicero himself gives the difference between ab and ex thus: si qui mihi praesto fuerit cum armatis hominibus extra meum fundum et me introire prohibuerit, non ex eo, sed ab ( from, away from) eo loco me dejecerit....Unde dejecti Galli? A Capitolio. Unde, qui cum Graccho fucrunt? Ex Capitolio, etc., Cic. Caecin. 30, 87; cf. Diom. p. 408 P., and a similar distinction between ad and in under ad.—Ellipt.: Diogenes Alexandro roganti, ut diceret, si quid opus esset: Nunc quidem paululum, inquit, a sole, a little out of the sun, Cic. Tusc. 5, 32, 92. —Often joined with usque:

    illam (mulierem) usque a mari supero Romam proficisci,

    all the way from, Cic. Clu. 68, 192; v. usque, I.—And with ad, to denote the space passed over: siderum genus ab ortu ad occasum commeant, from... to, Cic. N. D. 2, 19 init.; cf. ab... in:

    venti a laevo latere in dextrum, ut sol, ambiunt,

    Plin. 2, 47, 48, § 128.
    Sometimes with names of cities and small islands, or with domus (instead of the usual abl.), partie., in militnry and nautieal language, to denote the marching of soldiers, the setting out of a flcet, or the departure of the inhabitants from some place:

    oppidum ab Aenea fugiente a Troja conditum,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 4, 33:

    quemadmodum (Caesar) a Gergovia discederet,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 43 fin.; so id. ib. 7, 80 fin.; Sall. J. 61; 82; 91; Liv. 2, 33, 6 al.; cf.:

    ab Arimino M. Antonium cum cohortibus quinque Arretium mittit,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 11 fin.; and:

    protinus a Corfinio in Siciliam miserat,

    id. ib. 1, 25, 2:

    profecti a domo,

    Liv. 40, 33, 2;

    of setting sail: cum exercitus vestri numquam a Brundisio nisi hieme summa transmiserint,

    Cic. Imp. Pomp. 12, 32; so id. Fam. 15, 3, 2; Caes. B. C. 3, 23; 3, 24 fin.:

    classe qua advecti ab domo fuerant,

    Liv. 8, 22, 6;

    of citizens: interim ab Roma legatos venisse nuntiatum est,

    Liv. 21, 9, 3; cf.:

    legati ab Orico ad M. Valerium praetorem venerunt,

    id. 24, 40, 2.
    Sometimes with names of persons or with pronouns: pestem abige a me, Enn. ap. Cic. Ac. 2, 28, 89 (Trag. v. 50 Vahl.):

    Quasi ad adulescentem a patre ex Seleucia veniat,

    Plaut. Trin. 3, 3, 41; cf.:

    libertus a Fuflis cum litteris ad Hermippum venit,

    Cic. Fl. 20, 47:

    Nigidium a Domitio Capuam venisse,

    id. Att. 7, 24:

    cum a vobis discessero,

    id. Sen. 22:

    multa merces tibi defluat ab Jove Neptunoque,

    Hor. C. 1, 28, 29 al. So often of a person instead of his house, lodging, etc.: videat forte hic te a patre aliquis exiens, from the father, i. e. from his house, Ter. Heaut. 2, 2, 6:

    so a fratre,

    id. Phorm. 5, 1, 5:

    a Pontio,

    Cic. Att. 5, 3 fin.:

    ab ea,

    Ter. And. 1, 3, 21; and so often: a me, a nobis, a se, etc., from my, our, his house, etc., Plaut. Stich. 5, 1, 7; Ter. Heaut. 3, 2, 50; Cic. Att. 4, 9, 1 al.
    Transf., without the idea of motion. To designate separation or distance, with the verbs abesse, distare, etc., and with the particles longe, procul, prope, etc.
    Of separation:

    ego te afuisse tam diu a nobis dolui,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 1, 2:

    abesse a domo paulisper maluit,

    id. Verr. 2, 4, 18, § 39:

    tum Brutus ab Roma aberat,

    Sall. C. 40, 5:

    absint lacerti ab stabulis,

    Verg. G. 4, 14.—
    Of distance:

    quot milia fundus suus abesset ab urbe,

    Cic. Caecin. 10, 28; cf.:

    nos in castra properabamus, quae aberant bidui,

    id. Att. 5, 16 fin.; and:

    hic locus aequo fere spatio ab castris Ariovisti et Caesaris aberat,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 43, 1:

    terrae ab hujusce terrae, quam nos incolimus, continuatione distantes,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 66, 164:

    non amplius pedum milibus duobus ab castris castra distabant,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 82, 3; cf. id. lb. 1, 3, 103.—With adverbs: annos multos longinque ab domo bellum gerentes, Enn. ap. Non. 402, 3 (Trag. v. 103 Vahl.):

    cum domus patris a foro longe abesset,

    Cic. Cael. 7, 18 fin.; cf.:

    qui fontes a quibusdam praesidiis aberant longius,

    Caes. B. C. 3, 49, 5:

    quae procul erant a conspectu imperii,

    Cic. Agr. 2, 32, 87; cf.:

    procul a castris hostes in collibus constiterunt,

    Caes. B. G. 5, 17, 1; and:

    tu procul a patria Alpinas nives vides,

    Verg. E. 10, 46 (procul often also with simple abl.;

    v. procul): cum esset in Italia bellum tam prope a Sicilia, tamen in Sicilia non fuit,

    Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 2, § 6; cf.:

    tu apud socrum tuam prope a meis aedibus sedebas,

    id. Pis. 11, 26; and:

    tam prope ab domo detineri,

    id. Verr. 2, 2, 3, § 6.—So in Caesar and Livy, with numerals to designate the measure of the distance:

    onerariae naves, quae ex eo loco ab milibus passuum octo vento tenebatur,

    eight miles distant, Caes. B. G. 4, 22, 4; and without mentioning the terminus a quo: ad castra contenderunt, et ab milibus passunm minus duobus castra posuerunt, less than two miles off or distant, id. ib. 2, 7, 3; so id. ib. 2, 5, 32; 6, 7, 3; id. B. C. 1, 65; Liv. 38, 20, 2 (for which:

    duo milia fere et quingentos passus ab hoste posuerunt castra,

    id. 37, 38, 5). —
    To denote the side or direction from which an object is viewed in its local relations,=a parte, at, on, in: utrum hacin feriam an ab laeva latus? Enn. ap. Plaut. Cist. 3, 10 (Trag. v. 38 Vahl.); cf.:

    picus et cornix ab laeva, corvos, parra ab dextera consuadent,

    Plaut. As. 2, 1, 12: clamore ab ea parte audito. on this side, Caes. B. G. 3, 26, 4: Gallia Celtica attingit ab Sequanis et Helvetiis flumen Rhenum, on the side of the Sequani, i. e. their country, id. ib. 1, 1, 5:

    pleraque Alpium ab Italia sicut breviora ita arrectiora sunt,

    on the Italian side, Liv. 21, 35, 11:

    non eadem diligentia ab decumuna porta castra munita,

    at the main entrance, Caes. B. G. 3, 25 fin.:

    erat a septentrionibus collis,

    on the north, id. ib. 7, 83, 2; so, ab oriente, a meridie, ab occasu; a fronte, a latere, a tergo, etc. (v. these words).
    In time.
    From a [p. 3] point of time, without reference to the period subsequently elapsed. After:

    Exul ab octava Marius bibit,

    Juv. 1,40:

    mulieres jam ab re divin[adot ] adparebunt domi,

    immediately after the sucrifice, Plaut. Poen. 3, 3, 4:

    Caesar ab decimae legionis cohortatione ad dextrum cornu profectus,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 25, 1:

    ab hac contione legati missi sunt,

    immediately after, Liv. 24, 22, 6; cf. id. 28, 33, 1; 40, 47, 8; 40, 49, 1 al.:

    ab eo magistratu,

    after this office, Sall. J. 63, 5:

    a summa spe novissima exspectabat,

    after the greatest hope, Tac. A. 6, 50 fin. —Strengthened by the adverbs primum, confestim, statim, protinus, or the adj. recens, immediately after, soon after:

    ut primum a tuo digressu Romam veni,

    Cic. Att. 1, 5, 4; so Suet. Tib. 68:

    confestim a proelio expugnatis hostium castris,

    Liv. 30, 36, 1:

    statim a funere,

    Suet. Caes. 85;

    and followed by statim: ab itinere statim,

    id. ib. 60:

    protinus ab adoptione,

    Vell. 2, 104, 3:

    Homerus qui recens ab illorum actate fuit,

    soon after their time, Cic. N. D. 3, 5; so Varr. R. R. 2, 8, 2; Verg. A. 6, 450 al. (v. also primum, confestim, etc.).—

    Sometimes with the name of a person or place, instead of an action: ibi mihi tuae litterae binae redditae sunt tertio abs te die,

    i. e. after their departure from you, Cic. Att. 5, 3, 1: in Italiam perventum est quinto mense a Carthagine Nov[adot ], i. e. after leaving (=postquam a Carthagine profecti sunt), Liv. 21, 38, 1:

    secundo Punico (bello) Scipionis classis XL. die a securi navigavit,

    i. e. after its having been built, Plin. 16, 39, 74, § 192. —Hence the poct. expression: ab his, after this (cf. ek toutôn), i. e. after these words, hereupon, Ov. M. 3, 273; 4, 329; 8, 612; 9, 764.
    With reference to a subsequent period. From, since, after:

    ab hora tertia bibebatur,

    from the third hour, Cic. Phil. 2, 41:

    infinito ex tempore, non ut antea, ab Sulla et Pompeio consulibus,

    since the consulship of, id. Agr. 2, 21, 56:

    vixit ab omni aeternitate,

    from all eternity, id. Div. 1, 51, 115:

    cum quo a condiscipulatu vivebat conjunctissime,

    Nep. Att. 5, 3:

    in Lycia semper a terrae motu XL. dies serenos esse,

    after an earthquake, Plin. 2, 96, 98, § 211 al.:

    centesima lux est haec ab interitu P. Clodii,

    since the death of, Cic. Mil. 35, 98; cf.:

    cujus a morte quintus hic et tricesimus annus est,

    id. Sen. 6, 19; and:

    ab incenso Capitolio illum esse vigesumiun annum,

    since, Sall. C. 47, 2:

    diebus triginta, a qua die materia caesa est,

    Caes. B. C. 1, 36.—Sometimes joined with usque and inde:

    quod augures omnes usque ab Romulo decreverunt,

    since the time of, Cic. Vat. 8, 20:

    jam inde ab infelici pugna ceciderant animi,

    from the very beginning of, Liv. 2, 65 fin. —Hence the adverbial expressions ab initio, a principio, a primo, at, in, or from the beginning, at first; v. initium, principium, primus. Likewise ab integro, anew, afresh; v. integer.—Ab... ad, from (a time)... to:

    ab hora octava ad vesperum secreto collocuti sumus,

    Cic. Att. 7, 8, 4; cf.:

    cum ab hora septima ad vesperum pugnatum sit,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 26, 2; and:

    a quo tempore ad vos consules anni sunt septingenti octoginta unus,

    Vell. 1, 8, 4; and so in Plautus strengthened by usque:

    pugnata pugnast usque a mane ad vesperum,

    from morning to evening, Plaut. Am. 1, 1, 97; id. Most. 3, 1, 3; 3, 2, 80.—Rarely ab... in: Romani ab sole orto in multum diei stetere in acie, from... till late in the day, Liv. 27, 2, 9; so Col. 2, 10, 17; Plin. 2, 31, 31, § 99; 2, 103, 106, § 229; 4, 12, 26, § 89.
    Particularly with nouns denoting a time of life:

    qui homo cum animo inde ab ineunte aetate depugnat suo,

    from an early age, from early youth, Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 24; so Cic. Off. 2, 13, 44 al.:

    mihi magna cum co jam inde a pueritia fuit semper famillaritas,

    Ter. Heaut. 1, 2, 9; so,

    a pueritia,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 11, 27 fin.; id. Fam. 5, 8, 4:

    jam inde ab adulescentia,

    Ter. Ad. 1, 1, 16:

    ab adulescentia,

    Cic. Rep. 2, 1:

    jam a prima adulescentia,

    id. Fam. 1, 9, 23:

    ab ineunte adulescentia,

    id. ib. 13, 21, 1; cf.

    followed by ad: usque ad hanc aetatem ab incunte adulescentia,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 20:

    a primis temporibus aetatis,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 3, 3:

    a teneris unguiculis,

    from childhood, id. ib. 1, 6, 2:

    usque a toga pura,

    id. Att. 7, 8, 5:

    jam inde ab incunabulis,

    Liv. 4, 36, 5:

    a prima lanugine,

    Suet. Oth. 12:

    viridi ab aevo,

    Ov. Tr. 4, 10, 17 al.;

    rarely of animals: ab infantia,

    Plin. 10, 63, 83, § 182.—Instead of the nom. abstr. very often (like the Greek ek paioôn, etc.) with concrete substantives: a pucro, ab adulescente, a parvis, etc., from childhood, etc.:

    qui olim a puero parvulo mihi paedagogus fuerat,

    Plaut. Merc. 1, 1, 90; so,

    a pausillo puero,

    id. Stich. 1, 3, 21:

    a puero,

    Cic. Ac. 2, 36, 115; id. Fam. 13, 16, 4 (twice) al.:

    a pueris,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 24, 57; id. de Or. 1, 1, 2 al.:

    ab adulescente,

    id. Quint. 3, 12:

    ab infante,

    Col. 1, 8, 2:

    a parva virgine,

    Cat. 66, 26 al. —Likewise and in the same sense with adject.: a parvo, from a little child, or childhood, Liv. 1, 39, 6 fin.; cf.:

    a parvis,

    Ter. And. 3, 3, 7; Cic. Leg. 2, 4, 9:

    a parvulo,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 8; id. Ad. 1, 1, 23; cf.:

    ab parvulis,

    Caes. B. G. 6, 21, 3:

    ab tenero,

    Col. 5, 6, 20;

    and rarely of animals: (vacca) a bima aut trima fructum ferre incipit,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 1, 13.
    In other relations in which the idea of going forth, proceeding, from something is included.
    In gen. to denote departure, separation, deterring, avoiding, intermitting, etc., or distance, difference, etc., of inanimate or abstract things. From: jus atque aecum se a malis spernit procul, Enn. ap. Non. 399, 10 (Trag. v. 224 Vahl.):

    suspitionem et culpam ut ab se segregent,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 42:

    qui discessum animi a corpore putent esse mortem,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 9, 18:

    hic ab artificio suo non recessit,

    id. ib. 1, 10, 20 al.:

    quod si exquiratur usque ab stirpe auctoritas,

    Plaut. Trin. 1, 2, 180:

    condicionem quam ab te peto,

    id. ib. 2, 4, 87; cf.:

    mercedem gloriae flagitas ab iis, quorum, etc.,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 15, 34:

    si quid ab illo acceperis,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 2, 90:

    quae (i. e. antiquitas) quo propius aberat ab ortu et divina progenie,

    Cic. Tusc. 1, 12, 26:

    ab defensione desistere,

    Caes. B. C. 2, 12, 4:

    ne quod tempus ab opere intermitteretur,

    id. B. G. 7, 24, 2:

    ut homines adulescentis a dicendi studio deterream,

    Cic. de Or. 1, 25, 117, etc.—Of distance (in order, rank, mind, or feeling):

    qui quartus ab Arcesila fuit,

    the fourth in succession from, Cic. Ac. 1, 12, 46:

    tu nunc eris alter ab illo,

    next after him, Verg. E. 5, 49; cf.:

    Aiax, heros ab Achille secundus,

    next in rank to, Hor. S. 2, 3, 193:

    quid hoc ab illo differt,

    from, Cic. Caecin. 14, 39; cf.:

    hominum vita tantum distat a victu et cultu bestiarum,

    id. Off. 2, 4, 15; and:

    discrepare ab aequitate sapientiam,

    id. Rep. 3, 9 fin. (v. the verbs differo, disto, discrepo, dissideo, dissentio, etc.):

    quae non aliena esse ducerem a dignitate,

    Cic. Fam. 4, 7:

    alieno a te animo fuit,

    id. Deiot. 9, 24 (v. alienus). —So the expression ab re (qs. aside from the matter, profit; cf. the opposite, in rem), contrary to one's profit, to a loss, disadvantageous (so in the affirmative very rare and only ante-class.):

    subdole ab re consulit,

    Plaut. Trin. 2, 1, 12; cf. id. Capt. 2, 2, 88; more frequently and class. (but not with Cicero) in the negative, non, haud, ab re, not without advantage or profit, not useless or unprofitable, adcantageous:

    haut est ab re aucupis,

    Plaut. As. 1, 3, 71:

    non ab re esse Quinctii visum est,

    Liv. 35, 32, 6; so Plin. 27, 8, 35; 31, 3, 26; Suet. Aug. 94; id. Dom. 11; Gell. 18, 14 fin.; App. Dogm. Plat. 3, p. 31, 22 al. (but in Ter. Ad. 5, 3, 44, ab re means with respect to the money matter).
    In partic.
    To denote an agent from whom an action proceeds, or by whom a thing is done or takes place. By, and in archaic and solemn style, of. So most frequently with pass. or intrans. verbs with pass. signif., when the active object is or is considered as a living being: Laudari me abs te, a laudato viro, Naev. ap. Cic. Tusc. 4, 31, 67: injuria abs te afficior, Enn. ap. Auct. Her. 2, 24, 38:

    a patre deductus ad Scaevolam,

    Cic. Lael. 1, 1:

    ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur,

    id. ib. 1, 3:

    disputata ab eo,

    id. ib. 1, 4 al.:

    illa (i. e. numerorum ac vocum vis) maxime a Graecia vetere celebrata,

    id. de Or. 3, 51, 197:

    ita generati a natura sumus,

    id. Off. 1, 29, 103; cf.:

    pars mundi damnata a rerum natura,

    Plin. 4, 12, 26, § 88:

    niagna adhibita cura est a providentia deorum,

    Cic. N. D. 2, 51 al. —With intrans. verbs:

    quae (i. e. anima) calescit ab eo spiritu,

    is warmed by this breath, Cic. N. D. 2, 55, 138; cf. Ov. M. 1, 417: (mare) qua a sole collucet, Cic. Ac. 2, 105:

    salvebis a meo Cicerone,

    i. e. young Cicero sends his compliments to you, id. Att. 6, 2 fin.:

    a quibus (Atheniensibus) erat profectus,

    i. e. by whose command, Nep. Milt. 2, 3:

    ne vir ab hoste cadat,

    Ov. H. 9, 36 al. —A substantive or adjective often takes the place of the verb (so with de, q. v.):

    levior est plaga ab amico quam a debitore,

    Cic. Fam. 9, 16, 7; cf.:

    a bestiis ictus, morsus, impetus,

    id. Off. 2, 6, 19:

    si calor est a sole,

    id. N. D. 2, 52:

    ex iis a te verbis (for a te scriptis),

    id. Att. 16, 7, 5:

    metu poenae a Romanis,

    Liv. 32, 23, 9:

    bellum ingens a Volscis et Aequis,

    id. 3, 22, 2:

    ad exsolvendam fldem a consule,

    id. 27, 5, 6.—With an adj.:

    lassus ab equo indomito,

    Hor. S. 2, 2, 10:

    Murus ab ingenic notior ille tuo,

    Prop. 5, 1, 126:

    tempus a nostris triste malis,

    time made sad by our misfortunes, Ov. Tr. 4, 3, 36.—Different from per:

    vulgo occidebantur: per quos et a quibus?

    by whom and upon whose orders? Cic. Rosc. Am. 29, 80 (cf. id. ib. 34, 97: cujus consilio occisus sit, invenio; cujus manu sit percussus, non laboro); so,

    ab hoc destitutus per Thrasybulum (i. e. Thrasybulo auctore),

    Nep. Alc. 5, 4.—Ambiguity sometimes arises from the fact that the verb in the pass. would require ab if used in the active:

    si postulatur a populo,

    if the people demand it, Cic. Off. 2, 17, 58, might also mean, if it is required of the people; on the contrary: quod ab eo (Lucullo) laus imperatoria non admodum exspectabatur, not since he did not expect military renown, but since they did not expect military renown from him, Cic. Ac. 2, 1, 2, and so often; cf. Rudd. II. p. 213. (The use of the active dative, or dative of the agent, instead of ab with the pass., is well known, Zumpt, § 419. It is very seldom found in prose writers of the golden age of Roman liter.; with Cic. sometimes joined with the participles auditus, cognitus, constitutus, perspectus, provisus, susceptus; cf. Halm ad Cic. Imp. Pomp. 24, 71, and ad ejusdem, Cat. 1, 7 fin.; but freq. at a later period; e. g. in Pliny, in Books 2-4 of H. N., more than twenty times; and likewise in Tacitus seventeen times. Vid. the passages in Nipperd. ad Tac. A. 2, 49.) Far more unusual is the simple abl. in the designation of persons:

    deseror conjuge,

    Ov. H. 12, 161; so id. ib. 5, 75; id. M. 1, 747; Verg. A. 1, 274; Hor. C. 2, 4, 9; 1, 6, 2;

    and in prose,

    Quint. 3, 4, 2; Sen. Contr. 2, 1; Curt. 6, 7, 8; cf. Rudd. II. p. 212; Zumpt ad Quint. V. p. 122 Spalding.—Hence the adverbial phrase a se=uph heautou, sua sponte, of one's own uccord, spontaneously:

    ipsum a se oritur et sua sponte nascitur,

    Cic. Fin. 2, 24, 78:

    (urna) ab se cantat quoja sit,

    Plaut. Rud. 2, 5, 21 (al. eapse; cf. id. Men. 1, 2, 66); so Col. 11, 1, 5; Liv. 44, 33, 6.
    With names of towns to denote origin, extraction, instead of gentile adjectives. From, of:

    pastores a Pergamide,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 2, 1:

    Turnus ab Aricia,

    Liv. 1, 50, 3 (for which Aricinus, id. 1, 51, 1):

    obsides dant trecentos principum a Cora atque Pometia liberos,

    Liv. 2, 22, 2; and poet.: O longa mundi servator ab Alba, Auguste, thou who art descended from the old Alban race of kings (=oriundus, or ortus regibus Albanis), Prop. 5, 6, 37.
    In giving the etymology of a name: eam rem (sc. legem, Gr. nomon) illi Graeco putant nomine a suum cuique tribuendo appellatam, ego nostro a legendo, Cic. Leg. 1, 6, 19: annum intervallum regni fuit: id ab re... interregnum appellatum, Liv. 1, 17, 6:

    (sinus maris) ab nomine propinquae urbis Ambracius appellatus,

    id. 38, 4, 3; and so Varro in his Ling. Lat., and Pliny, in Books 1-5 of H. N., on almost every page. (Cf. also the arts. ex and de.)
    With verbs of beginning and repeating: a summo bibere, in Plaut. to drink in succession from the one at the head of the table:

    da, puere, ab summo,

    Plaut. As. 5, 2, 41; so,

    da ab Delphio cantharum circum, id Most. 1, 4, 33: ab eo nobis causa ordienda est potissimum,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 7, 21:

    coepere a fame mala,

    Liv. 4, 12, 7:

    cornicem a cauda de ovo exire,

    tail-foremost, Plin. 10, 16, 18:

    a capite repetis, quod quaerimus,

    Cic. Leg. 1, 6, 18 al.
    With verbs of freeing from, defending, or protecting against any thing:

    a foliis et stercore purgato,

    Cato, R. R. 65 (66), 1:

    tantumne ab re tuast oti tibi?

    Ter. Heaut. 1, [p. 4] 1, 23; cf.:

    Saguntini ut a proeliis quietem habuerant,

    Liv. 21, 11, 5:

    expiandum forum ab illis nefarii sceleris vestigiis,

    Cic. Rab. Perd. 4, 11:

    haec provincia non modo a calamitate, sed etiam a metu calamitatis est defendenda,

    id. Imp. Pomp. 6, 14 (v. defendo):

    ab incendio urbem vigiliis munitam intellegebat,

    Sall. C. 32:

    ut neque sustinere se a lapsu possent,

    Liv. 21, 35, 12:

    ut meam domum metueret atque a me ipso caveret,

    Cic. Sest. 64, 133.
    With verbs of expecting, fearing, hoping, and the like, ab =a parte, as, Cic. Att. 9, 7, 4: cum eadem metuam ab hac parte, since I fear the same from this side; hence, timere, metuere ab aliquo, not, to be afraid of any one, but, to fear something (proceeding from) from him:

    el metul a Chryside,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 79; cf.:

    ab Hannibale metuens,

    Liv. 23, 36; and:

    metus a praetore,

    id. 23, 15, 7;

    v. Weissenb. ad h. l.: a quo quidem genere, judices, ego numquam timui,

    Cic. Sull. 20, 59:

    postquam nec ab Romanis robis ulla est spes,

    you can expect nothing from the Romans, Liv. 21, 13, 4.
    With verbs of fastening and holding:

    funiculus a puppi religatus,

    Cic. Inv. 2, 51, 154:

    cum sinistra capillum ejus a vertice teneret,

    Q. Cic. Pet. Cons. 3.
    Ulcisci se ab aliquo, to take vengeance on one:

    a ferro sanguis humanus se ulciscitur,

    Plin. 34, 14, 41 fin.
    Cognoscere ab aliqua re to knoio or learn by means of something (different from ab aliquo, to learn from some one):

    id se a Gallicis armis atque insignibus cognovisse,

    Caes. B. G. 1, 22.
    Dolere, laborare, valere ab, instead of the simple abl.:

    doleo ab animo, doleo ab oculis, doleo ab aegritudine,

    Plaut. Cist. 1, 1, 62:

    a morbo valui, ab animo aeger fui,

    id. Ep. 1, 2, 26; cf. id. Aul. 2, 2, 9:

    a frigore et aestu ne quid laborent,

    Varr. R. R. 2, 2, 17; so,

    a frigore laborantibus,

    Plin. 32, 10, 46, § 133; cf.:

    laborare ab re frumentaria,

    Caes. B. G. 7, 10, 1; id. B. C. 3, 9; v. laboro.
    Where verbs and adjectives are joined with ab, instead of the simple abl., ab defines more exactly the respect in which that which is expressed by the verb or adj. is to be understood, in relation to, with regard to, in respect to, on the part of:

    ab ingenio improbus,

    Plaut. Truc. 4, 3, 59:

    a me pudica'st,

    id. Curc. 1, 1, 51:

    orba ab optimatibus contio,

    Cic. Fl. 23, 54; ro Ov. H. 6,156: securos vos ab hac parte reddemus, Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 24 fin. (v. securus):

    locus copiosus a frumento,

    Cic. Att. 5, 18, 2; cf.:

    sumus imparati cum a militibas tum a pecunia,

    id. ib. 7, 15 fin.:

    ille Graecus ab omni laude felicior,

    id. Brut. 16, 63:

    ab una parte haud satis prosperuin,

    Liv. 1, 32, 2 al.;

    so often in poets ab arte=arte,

    artfully, Tib. 1, 5, 4; 1, 9, 66; Ov. Am. 2, 4, 30.
    In the statement of the motive instead of ex, propter, or the simple abl. causae, from, out of, on account of, in consequence of: ab singulari amore scribo, Balb. ap. Cic. Att. 9, 7, B fin.:

    linguam ab irrisu exserentem,

    thrusting out the tongue in derision, Liv. 7, 10, 5:

    ab honore,

    id. 1, 8; so, ab ira, a spe, ab odio, v. Drak. ad Liv. 24, 30, 1: 26, 1, 3; cf. also Kritz and Fabri ad Sall. J. 31, 3, and Fabri ad Liv. 21, 36, 7.
    Especially in the poets instead of the gen.:

    ab illo injuria,

    Ter. And. 1, 1, 129:

    fulgor ab auro,

    Lucr. 2, 5:

    dulces a fontibus undae,

    Verg. G. 2, 243.
    In indicating a part of the whole, for the more usual ex, of, out of:

    scuto ab novissimis uni militi detracto,

    Caes. B. G. 2, 25, 1:

    nonnuill ab novissimis,

    id. ib.; Cic. Sest. 65, 137; cf. id. ib. 59 fin.: a quibus (captivis) ad Senatum missus (Regulus).
    In marking that from which any thing proceeds, and to which it belongs:

    qui sunt ab ea disciplina,

    Cic. Tusc. 2, 3, 7:

    ab eo qui sunt,

    id. Fin. 4, 3, 7:

    nostri illi a Platone et Aristotele aiunt,

    id. Mur. 30, 63 (in imitation of oi upo tinos).
    To designate an office or dignity (with or without servus; so not freq. till after the Aug. period;

    in Cic. only once): Pollex, servus a pedibus meus,

    one of my couriers, Cic. Att. 8, 5, 1; so,

    a manu servus,

    a secretary, Suet. Caes. 74: Narcissum ab eplstulis ( secretary) et Pallantem a rationibus ( accountant), id. Claud. 28; and so, ab actis, ab admissione, ab aegris, ab apotheca, ab argento, a balneis, a bibliotheca, a codicillis, a jumentis, a potione, etc. (v. these words and Inscr. Orell. vol. 3, Ind. xi. p. 181 sq.).
    The use of ab before adverbs is for the most part peculiar to later Latinity:

    a peregre,

    Vitr. 5, 7 (6), 8:

    a foris,

    Plin. 17, 24, 37; Vulg. Gen, 7, 16; ib. Matt. 23, 27:

    ab intus,

    ib. ib. 7, 15:

    ab invicem,

    App. Herb. 112; Vulg. Matt. 25, 32; Cypr. Ep. 63, 9: Hier. Ep. 18:

    a longe,

    Hyg. Fab. 257; Vulg. Gen. 22, 4; ib. Matt. 26, 58:

    a modo,

    ib. ib. 23, 39;

    Hier. Vit. Hilar.: a nune,

    Vulg. Luc. 1, 48:

    a sursum,

    ib. Marc. 15, 38.
    Ab is not repeated like most other prepositions (v. ad, ex, in, etc.) with pron. interrog. or relat. after subst. and pron. demonstr. with ab:

    Arsinoen, Stratum, Naupactum...fateris ab hostibus esse captas. Quibus autem hostibus? Nempe iis, quos, etc.,

    Cic. Pis. 37, 91:

    a rebus gerendis senectus abstrahit. Quibus? An iis, quae in juventute geruntur et viribus?

    id. Sen. 6:

    a Jove incipiendum putat. Quo Jove?

    id. Rep. 1, 36, 56:

    res publica, quascumque vires habebit, ab iis ipsis, quibus tenetur, de te propediem impetrabit,

    id. Fam. 4, 13, 5.—
    Ab in Plantus is once put after the word which it governs: quo ab, As. 1, 1, 106.—
    It is in various ways separated from the word which it governs:

    a vitae periculo,

    Cic. Brut. 91, 313:

    a nullius umquam me tempore aut commodo,

    id. Arch. 6, 12:

    a minus bono,

    Sall. C. 2, 6:

    a satis miti principio,

    Liv. 1, 6, 4:

    damnis dives ab ipsa suis,

    Ov. H. 9, 96; so id. ib. 12, 18; 13, 116.—
    The poets join a and que, making aque; but in good prose que is annexed to the following abl. (a meque, abs teque, etc.):

    aque Chao,

    Verg. G. 4, 347:

    aque mero,

    Ov. M. 3, 631:

    aque viro,

    id. H. 6, 156:

    aque suis,

    id. Tr. 5, 2, 74 al. But:

    a meque,

    Cic. Fam. 2, 16, 1:

    abs teque,

    id. Att. 3, 15, 4:

    a teque,

    id. ib. 8, 11, §

    7: a primaque adulescentia,

    id. Brut. 91, 315 al. —
    A Greek noun joined with ab stands in the dat.: a parte negotiati, hoc est pragmatikê, removisse, Quint. 3, 7, 1.
    In composition ab,
    Retains its original signif.: abducere, to take or carry away from some place: abstrahere, to draw auay; also, downward: abicere, to throw down; and denoting a departure from the idea of the simple word, it has an effect apparently privative: absimilis, departing from the similar, unlike: abnormis, departing from the rule, unusual (different from dissimilis, enormis); and so also in amens=a mente remotus, alienus ( out of one's senses, without self-control, insane): absurdus, missounding, then incongruous, irrational: abutor (in one of its senses), to misuse: aborior, abortus, to miscarry: abludo; for the privative force the Latin regularly employs in-, v. 2. in.—
    It more rarely designates completeness, as in absorbere, abutor ( to use up). (The designation of the fourth generation in the ascending or descending line by ab belongs here only in appearance; as abavus for quartus pater, great-great-grandfather, although the Greeks introduced upopappos; for the immutability of the syllable ab in abpatrnus and abmatertera, as well as the signif. Of the word abavus, grandfather's grandfather, imitated in abnepos, grandchild's grandchild, seems to point to a derivation from avi avus, as Festus, p. 13 Mull., explains atavus, by atta avi, or, rather, attae avus.)

    Lewis & Short latin dictionary > ab

  • 20 production

    1) изготовление; производство

    to cut (back) production — свертывать / сокращать производство

    to diversify production — диверсифицировать / разнообразить продукцию

    to limit production — ограничивать / сокращать производство

    to put smth into mass production — начинать серийное производство чего-л., запускать что-л. в серию

    to reduce production — свертывать / сокращать производство

    - anarchy of production
    - animal production
    - annual production
    - arms production
    - atomic power and energy production
    - automation of production
    - batch production
    - coal production
    - commercial production
    - commodity production
    - comprehensive mechanization of production
    - continuous production
    - costs of production
    - crop production
    - current production
    - curtailment ofproduction
    - cutback of production
    - cuts in production
    - daily production
    - decline in production
    - domestic production
    - drop in production
    - economically effective production
    - effectiveness of production
    - end production
    - energy production
    - fertilizer production
    - fishing production
    - flexible production
    - flow production
    - food production
    - full-scale production of the neutron bomb
    - global production
    - high production
    - high-cost production
    - highly organized production
    - highly remunerative production
    - improvement of effectiveness of production
    - improvement of production
    - individual production
    - industrial production
    - joint production
    - labor-intensive production
    - lagging industrial production
    - large-scale production
    - line production
    - machine mode of production
    - mass production
    - material production
    - means of production
    - mechanized production
    - mode of production
    - nonspecialized production
    - nonwaste production
    - per capita production
    - per head production
    - pilot production
    - planned production
    - power production
    - production advances rapidly
    - production declines
    - production decreases
    - production falls
    - production increases
    - production of consumer goods
    - production of illicit alcohol
    - production of means of production
    - production outstrips demand
    - production rises
    - profitable production
    - public production
    - rate of production
    - runaway production
    - scale of production
    - self-reliance in production
    - self-sufficiency in production
    - serial production
    - short-run production
    - small-scale production
    - social character of production
    - social production
    - sphere of material production
    - stagnant production
    - steel production
    - structure of industrial production
    - subsidiary production
    - subsistence production
    - switchover from military to civilian production
    - technical reequipment of production
    - total world production
    - unequally distributed food production
    - uninterrupted development of production
    - unprofitable production
    - war production
    - waste-free production
    - wasteful production
    - wasteless production
    - well organized production
    - world production

    Politics english-russian dictionary > production

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